Withhold example sentences

Related (2): retain, suppress

"Withhold" Example Sentences

1. The government should not withhold vital information from its citizens.
2. She decided to withhold her opinion to avoid offending him.
3. The manager refuses to withhold any funds until the work is completed.
4. The prisoner refused to withhold information from investigators.
5. The doctor will not withhold treatment because the patient cannot pay.
6. The scientist withheld crucial data from his peers.
7. The United Nations threatened to withhold aid to the war-torn nation.
8. He tried to withhold his anger but couldn't hide his resentment.
9. The tax authorities threatened to withhold the refund until receiving more paperwork.
10. The child threw a temper tantrum when told he could not withhold from going to bed.
11. The judge withheld sentencing until reviewing additional evidence.
12. The king decided to withhold his troops from the battle.
13. The teacher warned that she would withhold grades for late assignments.
14. The starving man could not withhold his emotions any longer and began to cry.
15. The IRS threatened to withhold his tax refund for failure to file past returns.
16. Her parents withheld permission for her to attend the party.
17. The employees voted to withhold labor until receiving higher wages.
18. The guard decided to withhold passing judgment until hearing both sides of the story.
19. Parents often withhold punishment when children are very young.
20. Officials withheld comment on the possible new legislation.
21. The father withheld affection as punishment for his son's misbehavior.
22. The company threatened to withhold the bonus unless production goals were met.
23. The soldiers withheld fire until given the order to attack.
24. The security team decided to withhold information about the assassination plot to avoid panic.
25. I withheld his final paycheck until he returned the company property.
26. The doctor decided to withhold the terminal diagnosis from the elderly patient.
27. The court ordered child support payments be withheld directly from the father's wages.
28. The prisoner decided to withhold names to protect his cohorts.
29. Management decided to withhold the new benefits package pending further review.
30. The government withheld food aid to pressure the rebels to negotiate.
31. She withheld her forgiveness despite his numerous apologies.
32. They planned to withhold vaccinations from areas that opposed the government's policies.
33. The police decided to withhold releasing the suspect's name until notifying the family.
34. The co-workers voted to withhold working overtime until received the promised raise.
35. I decided to withhold judgment until hearing both sides of the story.
36. The whistleblower decided to withhold names in order to remain anonymous.
37. Officials withheld crucial information that could have prevented the disaster.
38. The agency threatened to withhold funding if certain standards were not met.
39. The teacher withheld permission for the field trip due to too many unexcused absences.
40. The government threatened to withhold federal funding for schools that did not comply.
41. The jurors decided to withhold a verdict until hearing more testimony.
42. The defense attorney advised his client to withhold details that were not pertinent.
43. His mother decided to withhold dessert until he finished his dinner.
44. The embittered spouse decided to withhold affection as punishment.
45. The judge decided to withhold ruling until considering additional testimony.
46. Workers voted to withhold labor in order to pressure management for better conditions.
47. They planned to withhold election results until all votes were counted.
48. The prison guards decided to withhold lunch after the riot.
49. The landlord threatened to withhold fixing the tenants' issues until they paid past due rent.
50. Officials decided to withhold release of the emails to avoid political embarrassment.
51. The woman decided to withhold forgiving her cheating spouse.
52. The army withheld artillery fire to avoid civilian casualties.
53. He decided to withhold comment until consulting his lawyer.
54. The new father decided to withhold holding his baby until being taught how to properly support its head and neck.
55. The neighbors decided to withhold reporting the crime until speaking with police first.
56. I decided to withhold sharing my opinion since I was unsure if it was wanted.
57. The editor withheld publishing the story to avoid potential libel issues.
58. The CEO decided to withhold making an official announcement until gathering more data.
59. The captain decided to withhold informing crew members about upcoming layoffs.
60. The president decided to withhold signing the controversial executive order.

Common Phases

Withhold judgment - Refrain from forming an opinion until having sufficient information or evidence.
Withhold information - Fail or refuse to provide facts or details.
Withhold approval - Refuse to give permission or consent.
Withhold funding - Fail or refuse to provide financial support.
Withhold forgiveness - Refuse to pardon or exonerate someone.
Withhold labor - Refuse to work as a form of protest.
Withhold comment - Decline to make a statement.
Withhold taxes - Retain part of an employee's earnings for income tax purposes.
Withhold punishment - Fail to impose discipline, especially on a child.
Withhold treatment - Refuse to administer medical care.
Withhold release - Fail to make something publicly available.

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