Woebegonenesses example sentences

Related (5): woefulness, melancholy, despondency, gloom, despair

"Woebegonenesses" Example Sentences

1. His constant complaining about his job is a reflection of his woebegonenesses.
2. Her face was etched with deep woebegonenesses.
3. The book delves into the woebegonenesses of the human condition.
4. He tried to hide his woebegonenesses behind a cheerful demeanor.
5. The old man's eyes were full of woebegonenesses as he recounted his past.
6. She wore her woebegonenesses like a cloak, always visible to those around her.
7. The song's haunting melody captured the woebegonenesses of a lost love.
8. The character's woebegonenesses were relatable to many viewers.
9. He couldn't help but feel the woebegonenesses of the situation.
10. The artist's work was full of melancholy and woebegonenesses.
11. The play explored the woebegonenesses of grief.
12. She carried the woebegonenesses of her childhood into her adult life.
13. The novel's protagonist was weighed down by her woebegonenesses.
14. He couldn't shake the woebegonenesses that had settled in his heart.
15. The rainy weather matched the woebegonenesses he felt inside.
16. The character's woebegonenesses made her all the more sympathetic to the audience.
17. He tried to hide his woebegonenesses from his coworkers, but they always seemed to know.
18. The city's abandoned buildings only added to its feeling of woebegonenesses.
19. She felt the woebegonenesses of the world on her shoulders.
20. The movie's ending left a lingering sense of woebegonenesses in the air.
21. He wore his woebegonenesses like a badge of honor, a sign of his struggles and perseverance.
22. The painting depicted the woebegonenesses of poverty in vivid detail.
23. She couldn't shake the woebegonenesses that had settled in her heart.
24. The sadness of the song captured the woebegonenesses of lost love.
25. The character's woebegonenesses were a stark contrast to his once happy life.
26. The rain only added to the woebegonenesses of the funeral procession.
27. She was overwhelmed by the woebegonenesses of the world, but still managed to find hope.
28. The city's abandoned factories were a symbol of its woebegonenesses and decline.
29. His face was a mask of woebegonenesses, even in the midst of celebration.
30. The novel explored the woebegonenesses of loss and regret.
31. The character's stoic facade couldn't hide his inner woebegonenesses.
32. The movie's somber tone matched the woebegonenesses of its protagonists.
33. The character's woebegonenesses were a reminder that not all is well in the world.
34. The artist's work captured the woebegonenesses of the human experience.
35. She tried to keep her woebegonenesses hidden, but they always seemed to surface.
36. His sigh carried the weight of all his woebegonenesses.
37. The play's ending left a sense of unresolved woebegonenesses in the air.
38. The character's woebegonenesses were the result of years of hardship and struggle.
39. The book delved into the woebegonenesses of a life lived in poverty.
40. She couldn't escape the woebegonenesses that followed her everywhere.

Common Phases

1. I felt a deep sense of woebegoneness; as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders.
2. His expression was one of woebegoneness; it seemed as if he had lost all hope.
3. The atmosphere was heavy with woebegoneness; as if everyone in the room was carrying their own personal burden.
4. Despite her attempts to hide it, the sadness in her eyes betrayed her woebegoneness.
5. The constant setbacks had left him with a persistent sense of woebegoneness; as if his efforts were all in vain.

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