Woken example sentences

Related (5): Woke, awaken, rouse, stir, arise

"Woken" Example Sentences

1. I was woken from my sleep by the sound of the alarm clock.
2. The noise of the construction work next door had woken me up early.
3. The baby's crying had woken us up in the middle of the night.
4. I was rudely woken from my nap by the doorbell ringing.
5. The sunlight streaming through the window had woken me.
6. The smell of breakfast cooking had woken me up and reminded me how hungry I was.
7. My phone ringing had woken me from a deep sleep.
8. He had woken up feeling tired and run down.
9. The bad dream had woken me up in a cold sweat.
10. I woken up late feeling groggy and unrested.
11. The thunderstorm had woken all the children up during the night.
12. The shrieking car alarm outside had woken the whole neighborhood.
13. The shouting match between my parents had woken me from a sound sleep.
14. Her crying had woken me from an otherwise peaceful nap.
15. The police sirens wailing down the street had woken me from a dead sleep.
16. The cat jumping on my bed had woken me up every morning.
17. I had woken up still feeling exhausted.
18. The pawing at my door had woken me up to find the puppy needing to go out.
19. She had woken up to find her whole life had changed.
20. The sudden noise had woken me with a start.
21. My eyes had woken up slowly, weary from lack of sleep.
22. I had woken up late and missed the bus.
23. She had woken up sobbing from the nightmare.
24. I had woken up early and seen the sunrise.
25. The baby had woken us up crying in the night once again.
26. The excited squeals of children playing outside had woken me from my afternoon nap.
27. The news had woken me up to the reality of the situation.
28. The sudden commotion outside had woken me from my daydreaming.
29. I had woken her from the nightmare, holding her until she fell back asleep.
30. I had woken up with a mild headache and runny nose.
31. The sounds of the beach had woken me up early in the morning.
32. The blaring siren had woken the entire household with a start.
33. I had woken up late and the day had already started without me.
34. The aide had woken me up gently for physical therapy the following morning.
35. The sound of the birds chirping had woken me to a new day.
36. I had woken up feeling nauseous and sick to my stomach.
37. The persistent knocking on the door had woken me up.
38. He had woken up coughing violently from a chest cold.
39. The puppy had woken me up by licking my face every morning.
40. The thunder had woken the whole family up during the storm.
41. The bright sunshine had woken me up earlier than usual.
42. I had woken feeling groggy and out of sorts.
43. The smell of bacon had woken me up and drawn me out of my room.
44. I had woken up lying in an unfamiliar place with no memory of how I got there.
45. The baby had woken crying during the night and refused to go back to sleep.
46. The tiny whimpers of her newborn puppy had woken the mother dog from her sleep.
47. She had woken up from her nightmare in a cold sweat, heart pounding.
48. The slamming of the screen door had woken me with a start.
49. A sudden loud noise had woken me from a deep sleep.
50. It had felt like ages since I had last woken up feeling well rested.
51. The sensation of falling had woken me up from my sleep.
52. I had woken up coughing and gasping for breath.
53. The cat kneading my legs had woken me from my nap.
54. The kissing at the door had woken my interest.
55. I had woken up with red, itchy eyes.
56. The slamming of the car door outside had woken me from my nap.
57. The scent of fresh mud and grass had woken memories from my childhood.
58. I had woken up feeling nauseous and dizzy.
59. The scent of bacon frying had woken me from a deep sleep.
60. The puppy had woken me up every morning at dawn, eager to play.

Common Phases

1. I was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock.
2. The baby woken up crying in the middle of the night.
3. The loud noise outside woken everyone up.
4. I had just woken up when the phone rang.
5. The smell of breakfast cooking had woken him up.
6. Suddenly the dog barked loudly, and it woken me from my sleep.
7. My sister woken me early on my day off.
8. The thunderstorm last night had woken the children.
9. The siren outside had woken me from my nap.
10. She was suddenly woken by the sound of shattering glass.
11. The firefighter's shouting had woken us all up.
12. They had woken him after only two hours of sleep.
13. I woken up coughing and realized I had caught a cold.
14. My roommate's loud music had woken me from my nap.
15. The sunlight streaming through the curtains had woken me.
16. The nightmare I had woken me in a cold sweat.
17. The phone alarm I had set had woken me at 5 am.
18. The church bells ringing had woken me on a Sunday.
19. The cat jumping on my face had woken me up this morning.
20. The rain hitting the window had woken me during the night.
21. My headache woken me before the alarm rang.
22. I had woken from a deep sleep, feeling disoriented.
23. The toddler's crying woken up the whole house.
24. The dog barking next door had woken me from a deep sleep.
25. I had woken up feeling anxious and unable to get back to sleep.
26. The doorbell ringing had woken me from my afternoon nap.
27. The smell of smoke had woken everyone in the house.
28. I had woken with a horrible sore throat and congestion.
29. The sound of my parents arguing had woken me up as a child.
30. The fire alarm woken me up just before dawn.
31. The heat woken me up in the middle of the night.
32. His coughing had woken me from a deep sleep.
33. The power going out suddenly woken me from my slumber.
34. My sore back had woken me early in the morning.
35. The sunlight woken me up earlier than I had wanted.
36. I was woken up by the loud bass from the party next door.
37. The wailing siren had woken me from a sound sleep.
38. The bad dream I'd had had woken me in the middle of the night.
39. Construction noise outside had woken me every morning.
40. The motorbike revving outside had woken me up angrily.
41. The tap dripping had woken me up in the night.
42. His snoring had woken me up several times that night.
43. I had woken with a headache and sore muscles.
44. My puppy's persistent whining had woken me up.
45. The karaoke from the bar had woken me up at 3 am.
46. The cat suddenly jumping on my chest had woken me up.
47. A loud bang outside had woken everyone in the house.
48. Her nightmare about clowns had woken her up screaming.
49. The heavy rain pounding on the roof had woken me.
50. The dawn chorus of birds had woken me up early.
51. Her coughing fit had woken me from a deep sleep.
52. The brightness of the sunrise had woken her too early.
53. Her burning toast had woken me up from a nap.
54. I'd woken up covered in sweat from my anxiety dream.
55. Her slamming of the car door had woken me up crankily.
56. My asthma attack had woken me in the middle of the night.
57. The fireworks display had woken up the whole neighborhood.
58. The smoke alarm woken everyone in the house up suddenly.
59. The pain in my stomach had woken me up from sleep.
60. The discussion next door had woken me from my nap.

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