Womenkind example sentences

Related (8): femininity, sisterhood, girlhood, womanliness, ladies, dames, gals, females

"Womenkind" Example Sentences

1. Womenkind has suffered from gender inequality for centuries.
2. The empowerment of womenkind is imperative for social progress.
3. It's important to celebrate the achievements of womenkind throughout history.
4. Womenkind has made significant contributions to science and technology.
5. The voices of womenkind have been silenced for far too long.
6. Society must recognize the value and worth of womenkind.
7. Womenkind has proven time and time again that they are just as capable as men.
8. Education is key in advancing the rights and freedoms of womenkind.
9. Equality for womenkind should not be seen as a political issue, but a human one.
10. Womenkind has the right to equal opportunities and access to resources.
11. Womenkind must take charge of their own destinies and break free from societal constraints.
12. The strength and resilience of womenkind should not be underestimated.
13. Womenkind has the power to change the world when given the chance.
14. Womenkind should be represented in all levels of government and leadership.
15. The struggles and experiences of womenkind must be acknowledged and respected.
16. Young girls should be encouraged to pursue their dreams and aspirations, regardless of gender.
17. Womenkind has the ability to inspire and motivate future generations.
18. Beauty standards should not limit or determine the self-worth of womenkind.
19. Womenkind should be supported in their pursuit of higher education and career advancement.
20. Womenkind has the right to make their own decisions about their bodies and reproductive health.
21. The sisterhood among womenkind is a powerful force for progress and change.
22. Womenkind should not be judged or discriminated against based on their appearance or clothing choices.
23. Womenkind deserve to live in a world free from sexual harassment and violence.
24. The diversity and unique perspectives of womenkind should be celebrated and embraced.
25. Womenkind should have equal representation in all forms of media and entertainment.
26. The history of womenkind is rich and fascinating, and should be taught in all schools.
27. Womenkind should not be seen as mere objects of desire or pleasure, but as complex human beings.
28. Womenkind has the potential to lead and govern with empathy and compassion.
29. Intersectionality is crucial in understanding and addressing the struggles faced by different subsets of womenkind.
30. Womenkind should always support and uplift each other, rather than tear each other down.

Common Phases

1. Womenkind can conquer the world if they unite;
2. Womenkind deserve equal rights and opportunities;
3. Womenkind have the power to change the world;
4. Womenkind are not weak, they are warriors;
5. Womenkind bring diversity and strength to society;
6. Womenkind have been undervalued for too long;
7. Womenkind's accomplishments are as significant as men's;
8. Womenkind are not objects or possessions, they are human beings;
9. Womenkind should be celebrated and empowered;
10. Womenkind are capable of amazing things if given the chance.

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