Wonkishness example sentences

Related (3): politicization, data-driven, intellectualism

"Wonkishness" Example Sentences

1. The paper was filled with wonkishness, making it difficult for the average reader to understand.
2. His wonkishness was unmatched, as he dove deep into the analysis of the data.
3. The wonkishness of the proposal turned off many potential supporters.
4. The article was praised for its wonkishness by those in the academic community.
5. She had a reputation for wonkishness, but was also a great communicator.
6. His campaign was criticized for its wonkishness, lacking the emotional appeal that many voters crave.
7. The book was filled with wonkishness, but ultimately proved to be a valuable resource for researchers.
8. The policy wonkishness was impressive, but ultimately failed to gain traction in the political arena.
9. The wonkishness of the discussion bored the casual listener, but engaged the policy wonks in the room.
10. Her wonkishness was often seen as a liability in political debates, where soundbites and emotional appeals are valued over substance.
11. The wonkishness of the report was appreciated by the policymakers, who used it to inform their decisions.
12. His wonkishness was a double-edged sword. While it impressed many of his colleagues, it also made him seem aloof and out of touch with the concerns of ordinary people.
13. The panel discussion was a perfect blend of wonkishness and accessibility, appealing to both experts and laypeople.
14. The wonkishness of the material was overwhelming, but the speaker did his best to break it down into digestible chunks for the audience.
15. The policy brief was praised for its wonkishness, providing a thorough analysis of the issue at hand.
16. The wonkishness of the presentation was lost on the audience, who were more interested in hearing anecdotes and personal stories.
17. Her wonkishness was tempered by her ability to connect with people on a personal level, making her a popular politician.
18. The article's wonkishness was a key selling point for academics, but made it less appealing to general readers.
19. The wonkishness of the meeting was appreciated by the researchers in attendance, but left others feeling left out of the conversation.
20. His wonkishness was a result of years of study and experience, making him a trusted expert in his field.
21. The conference was marked by a high level of wonkishness, with many papers presenting highly technical information.
22. The wonkishness of his writing style made it difficult for some readers to engage with his ideas.
23. The wonkishness of the issue made it ripe for exploitation by political opponents, who used the technical language to confuse and mislead the public.
24. The book's wonkishness was redeemed by its clear and compelling arguments, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the topic.
25. Her wonkishness was a source of pride for her colleagues, who admired her deep knowledge and expertise.
26. The wonkishness of the topic was offset by the passionate delivery of the speaker, who made the audience care about the issue.
27. The report's wonkishness was a barrier to public engagement, leading to low turnout at town hall meetings.
28. His wonkishness was off-putting to some, but his dedication to the issue won over many supporters in the end.
29. The article's wonkishness was an indication of its quality, as it provided a rigorous analysis of the topic.
30. The panelists' wonkishness was balanced by their sense of humor, making for an engaging and informative discussion.

Common Phases

1. The wonkishness of this debate is becoming overwhelming.;
2. I'm sorry if my wonkishness is making this difficult to understand.;
3. She's known for her wonkishness on economic policies.;
4. Your wonkishness is impressive, but let's try to keep it simple for the audience.;
5. The level of wonkishness required for this job is quite high.;
6. I appreciate your wonkishness on this topic, it's quite helpful.;
7. His wonkishness is often seen as a hindrance in his communication with the public.;
8. I can't help but be drawn to her wonkishness, it's quite fascinating.

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