Wound example sentences

Related (10): scar, cut, injury, lesion, laceration, puncture, trauma, sore, abrasion, gash.

"Wound" Example Sentences

1. The wound bled profusely.
2. They dressed his wound.
3. She sustained a deep gash on her arm that required stitches to close the wound.
4. The knife wound began to fester.
5. The bullet wound left a nasty scar.
6. Old wounds reopened during the argument.
7. The accident left him with severe internal wounds.
8. The doctor examined the arrow wound.
9. The dog whimpered in pain from its wounded paw.
10. He suffered burns and blast wounds in the explosion.
11. The torturers inflicted horrible wounds on their victims.
12. Her words wounded him deeply.
13. The scrape left a minor wound on her knee.
14. She bathed and bandaged the wound.
15. She poured alcohol on the wound to clean it.
16. The thorn pierced his skin and wounded his finger.
17. The soccer player continued playing with a wounded leg.
18. The medic rushed to attend the wounded soldiers.
19. Time eventually heals old wounds.
20. They dressed the patient's wounds to prevent infection.
21. The lacerations were deep and bleeding profusely.
22. The doctor had to stitch up the wound.
23. The dog's paw had an open wound that needed cleaning daily.
24. Teen years often open emotional wounds that eventually heal with maturity.
25. He suffered burn wounds over 30% of his body.
26. The veteran carried both physical and emotional wounds from the war.
27. The surgeon carefully sutured the knife wound.
28. His accusations reopened old wounds she thought had long since healed.
29. Her comments wounded my self confidence.
30. The medical team worked to save the heavily wounded.
31. The nurses cleaned and dressed the soldier's wounds.
32. The stitches helped close the deep flesh wound.
33. The jagged cut left an ugly wound on his arm.
34. She felt wounded by his lack of trust.
35. The boy suffered minor scrapes and wounds in the fall.
36. The pain of old wounds can sometimes linger for years.
37. The explosion left dozens of casualties with horrific wounds.
38. The gash bled heavily before they could stop the wound.
39. His words cut me to the quick and wounded my soul.
40. The shallow cut left only a minor wound.
41. The medic treated the blast wounds as best he could.
42. She felt wounded by his critical words.
43. The nurse washed the dirt out of the infected wound.
44. The past can still wound us if we don't let go of old hurts.
45. The boxer fought on despite multiple wounds and bruises.
46. Antiseptic cream was applied to the rope burn wound.
47. Kind words can heal old emotional wounds.
48. The surgeon stitched up the gaping knife wound.
49. Her insensitivity wounded me deeply.
50. The gunshot wound proved to be fatal.
51. The child suffered only minor scrapes and wounds.
52. The soldier proudly wore the wounds of battle.
53. The soldier bandaged his own knife wound.
54. The blow left a deep wound on his forehead.
55. Time did not heal the emotional wounds of his childhood.
56. Her words cut deep into my heart and opened old wounds.
57. The medic treated dozens of wounded soldiers.
58. The wound became infected and had to be drained.
59. She suffered minor wounds in the car accident.
60. The gash on his arm left a deep flesh wound.

Common Phases

suffer wounds
inflict wounds
tend wounds
dress wounds
clean wounds
stitch up wounds
blade/knife wound
arrow wound
bullet wound
gaping wound
flesh wound
open wound
festering wound
infected wound
bleeding wound
emotional wounds
heal old wounds
reopen old wounds
rub salt in wounds
pour salt on wounds
wounds take time to heal
rub wounds raw
pour lemon juice on wounds
add insult to wound
wound someone's pride
wound someone's feelings
inflict deep wounds
cause emotional trauma
deep wounds never fully heal
wounds scar but never disappear
wounds shape who we become
superficial wounds heal easily
severe wounds leave lasting damage

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