Wrymodif example sentences

Related (5): sarcastic, ironic, sardonic, dry, humorous

"Wrymodif" Example Sentences

1. His wry smile showed that he didn't believe a word of what she was saying.
2. She had a wry sense of humor that often caught people off guard.
3. He made a wry comment about the weather being as unpredictable as his ex-girlfriend.
4. Her wry observations about life always made her friends laugh.
5. We exchanged a wry glance, knowing that our plan wasn't foolproof.
6. His wry tone suggested that he was both amused and annoyed by the situation.
7. The comedian's wry observations on politics had the crowd roaring with laughter.
8. She shrugged with a wry grin and said, "That's life."
9. I couldn't help but laugh at the wry twist in the story she told.
10. His wry wit was legendary among his friends.
11. She had a wry way of looking at the world that made even the most mundane things interesting.
12. The book was full of wry observations about human nature.
13. He gave a wry chuckle when he realized he had forgotten his keys again.
14. She gave me a wry smile and said, "You're always so optimistic."
15. His wry sense of humor helped him get through difficult times.
16. The wry twist at the end of the movie was unexpected but satisfying.
17. I rolled my eyes at his wry comment and said, "You're always so sarcastic."
18. The author's wry writing style made the book a joy to read.
19. She had a wry expression on her face when she found out that she had won the lottery.
20. His wry tone suggested that he was doubting the validity of her story.
21. The wry look on his face told me that he was up to something.
22. Her wry sense of humor made her stand out in a sea of bland comedians.
23. He couldn't help but give a wry smile as he remembered his embarrassing moment.
24. The actor's wry delivery of his lines was what made the character so memorable.
25. She had a wry take on romance that made her novels wildly popular.
26. His wry comment about the company's profits had everyone in the boardroom chuckling.
27. She tilted her head and gave me a wry smile, letting me know that she understood.
28. His wry sense of humor helped him make friends even in the toughest situations.
29. The singer's wry song lyrics spoke to the hearts of many.
30. She made a wry face when she saw the bill for her dinner with friends.

Common Phases

I'm feeling wrymodif today; That joke had a wrymodif twist to it; His facial expression was wrymodif as he delivered the news; The article had a wrymodif tone to it; Her attitude towards the situation was wrymodif; The sarcastic comment had a wrymodif undercurrent to it.

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