Xmlns example sentences

Related (6): namespace, schema, xsd, xslt, xs, dtd

"Xmlns" Example Sentences

1. "xmlns" was used to identify the namespace of an element.
2. "xmlns" is used to declare the namespace of an XML document.
3. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of an XML document.
4. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of an XML document.
5. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of an element.
6. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the element.
7. "xmlns" is an attribute used to define the namespace of an element.
8. The "xmlns" attribute is used to specify the namespace of an element.
9. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of the document.
10. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of a document.
11. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of a document.
12. The "xmlns" attribute is used to define the namespace of a document.
13. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the document.
14. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of the elements.
15. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of the elements.
16. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of the elements.
17. The "xmlns" attribute is used to define the namespace of the elements.
18. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the elements.
19. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of the element.
20. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of the element.
21. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of the element.
22. The "xmlns" attribute is used to define the namespace of the element.
23. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the element.
24. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of the document.
25. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of the document.
26. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of the document.
27. The "xmlns" attribute is used to define the namespace of the document.
28. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the document.
29. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of the elements.
30. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of the elements.
31. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of the elements.
32. The "xmlns" attribute is used to define the namespace of the elements.
33. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the elements.
34. The "xmlns" attribute is used to declare the namespace of the element.
35. "xmlns" is an attribute used to declare the namespace of the element.
36. "xmlns" is an attribute used to identify the namespace of the element.
37. The "xmlns" attribute is used to define the namespace of the element.
38. The value of the "xmlns" attribute is the namespace of the element.
39. "xmlns" is an attribute used to define the namespace of an XML document.
40. "xmlns" is an attribute used to specify the namespace of an XML document.

Common Phases


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