Abandonings example sentences

Related (8): Abandonings, forsakings, desertions, relinquishments, betrayals, renouncements, abdications, resignations.

"Abandonings" Example Sentences

1. The constant abandonings of her dreams left her feeling empty.
2. He made a habit of abandonings projects halfway through.
3. The sudden abandonings of the leader left the team in disarray.
4. His reckless abandonings scared those around him.
5. Abandonings of one's responsibilities can lead to serious consequences.
6. The frequent abandonings of his friends showed his lack of commitment.
7. The company suffered due to the CEO's frequent abandonings of meetings.
8. Her abandonings of her family left them feeling betrayed.
9. The student's abandonings of his studies led to his failure.
10. The criminal's abandonings of his plans left him empty-handed.
11. Abandonings of one's ethics can have severe repercussions.
12. The politician's abandonings of his promises hurt his reputation.
13. The employee's constant abandonings of her duties led to her termination.
14. The soldier's abandonings of his post put his comrades at risk.
15. Abandonings of one's principles can lead to moral decay.
16. The artist's frequent abandonings of his projects stalled his career.
17. The athlete's abandonings of his training led to his poor performance.
18. The pastor's abandonings of his congregation caused them to lose faith.
19. Abandonings of one's beliefs can lead to internal conflict.
20. The teacher's frequent abandonings of his lesson plans confused his students.
21. The musician's abandonings of his rehearsals affected the quality of his performance.
22. The employee's abandonings of his deadlines caused delays in the project.
23. Abandonings of one's health can have serious consequences.
24. The actor's frequent abandonings of his rehearsals jeopardized the play.
25. The doctor's abandonings of his patients' care led to complaints and lawsuits.
26. The lawyer's abandonings of his clients hurt his reputation in the profession.
27. Abandonings of one's commitments can lead to broken trust.
28. The scientist's frequent abandonings of his experiments affected the results.
29. The parent's abandonings of his child's needs caused emotional damage.
30. The chef's abandonings of his recipes affected the quality of his dishes.
31. Abandonings of one's morals can lead to regret and guilt.
32. The entrepreneur's frequent abandonings of his business ideas hindered his success.
33. The pilot's abandonings of his procedures could have led to a disaster.
34. The writer's abandonings of his plot affected the coherence of his story.
35. Abandonings of one's values can lead to a loss of identity.
36. The designer's frequent abandonings of his sketches led to a lack of inspiration.
37. The architect's abandonings of his plans affected the safety of the building.
38. The leader's abandonings of his vision caused his team to lose direction.
39. Abandonings of one's integrity can lead to a loss of respect.
40. The adventurer's frequent abandonings of his quests jeopardized his safety.

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