Absence example sentences

Related (5): missing, nonexistence, lack, deficiency, shortfall

"Absence" Example Sentences

1. His long absence made her worry.
2. The students' absence was noted on the attendance sheet.
3. Her absence from work was due to illness.
4. The team suffered in his absence.
5. Signs of his absence were everywhere in the empty house.
6. They anxiously awaited his return after a long absence.
7. Her teacher excused her absence due to the bad weather.
8. There was an air of absence in the normally lively home.
9. The jury took note of the defendant's absence from the trial.
10. His loved ones missed him during his lengthy absence.
11. Her prolonged absence caused concern among friends.
12. The sharp contrast revealed his sudden absence.
13. His warm smile was sorely missed in his absence.
14. We noted the absence of error in the spreadsheet.
15. The author's prolonged absence might indicate writer's block.
16. The lack of food indicated an absence of life.
17. The machine kept working in the engineer's absence.
18. There was an absence of joy in her demeanor.
19. The committee meeting continued in the chairperson's absence.
20. His absence was unexplained and mysterious.
21. The dog howled sadly at its owner's absence.
22. The data showed an absence of correlation.
23. The judge granted an absence due to family emergency.
24. She noted the absence of any sign of struggle.
25. The team submitted a doctor's note to excuse their players' absence.
26. The jury took a dim view of the key witness's absence.
27. The customer complained about the salesperson's absence of courtesy.
28. The debate continued in the opponent's absence.
29. Her prolonged absence left her job in jeopardy.
30. There was a notable absence of sound coming from the room.
31. They granted the mother an extended absence for maternity leave.
32. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
33. His lengthy absence caused him to lose touch with his friends.
34. There was an absence of lighting in the dark room.
35. The experiment lacked a proper control group to prove its absence of bias.
36. Explain your absence from yesterday's meeting.
37. Management noted the secretary's frequent absences from work.
38. The boss grew frustrated with the team's chronic tardiness and absences.
39. The whole house felt different during her unexpected absence.
40. The speaker apologized for her brief absence from the podium.
41. An absence of cell service made it difficult to communicate.
42. The teacher was unhappy with the student's excessive absences.
43. His upbeat attitude remained despite years of his father's absence.
44. The dog sat sadly looking at the door, missing its owner in their absence.
45. The room felt empty in their continued absence.
46. There was an absence of traffic along the normally busy road.
47. The empty desk was a reminder of his recent absence.
48. The view seemed different in his absence.
49. The patient experienced tremors and imbalance due to the absence of medication.
50. There was an absence of rain for many months during the drought.

Common Phases

1. His long absence made her worry.
2. In the absence of light, darkness prevails.
3. The absence of noise was eerie.
4. Her absence made him realize how important she was to him.
5. They noted her absence at the meeting.
6. In his absence, his wife took charge.
7. The absence of one key ingredient ruined the cake.
8. The meeting proceeded in the manager's absence.
9. The absence of support made him give up.
10. In the teacher's absence, the students acted up.
11. Their absence was noticeable.
12. The absence of firearms made the situation less dangerous.
13. We missed their cheerful presence during their long absence.
14. His work suffered due to frequent absences.
15. The teacher marked the student absent.
16. The missing tool's absence hampered progress.
17. Her mother's absence left a void in her life.
18. In the absence of rain, the crops withered.
19. She felt her father's comforting presence in his physical absence.
20. The doctor noted his patient's prolonged absence.
21. The judge excused the witness's absence due to illness.
22. During her long absence, the house fell into disrepair.
23. The absence of error indicates a job well done.
24. There was an uncomfortable absence of communication between them.
25. His sudden absence stunned his colleagues.
26. The students filed into the classroom upon the teacher's abrupt absence.
27. Due to the father's absence, the children struggled.
28. The absence of any sign of life concerned the rescue workers.
29. The room felt empty in her mother's absence.
30. The jury foreman announced the defendant's absence from the trial.
31. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
32. The committee met in the chairperson's absence.
33. The room filled with an uncomfortable absence of sound.
34. His absence left big shoes to fill.
35. She felt a strange absence of emotion upon hearing the news.
36. Her cheerful demeanor masked an unspoken absence of joy.
37. The school handled student absences on a case by case basis.
38. The teacher called roll to note student absences.
39. The judge ruled the defendant's absence as noncompliance.
40. There was an uneasy absence of closure after the argument.
41. Her grandfather's absence left a hole in her heart.
42. The project suffered from the team member's frequent absences.
43. The child's absence caused great concern.
44. Their absence shattered her sense of security.
45. The rules were hard to enforce in the teacher's absence.
46. The group welcomed his return after a lengthy absence.
47. The judge ordered a warrant for the defendant's arrest due to absence from court.
48. The peaceful absence of sound soothed her soul.
49. Her sorrow at his absence defined her existence.
50. Their conversation lacked the playful absence present before the argument.
51. The penitent man kneeled in prayerful absence.
52. The witness's continued absence left questions unanswered.
53. He longed for her comforting presence in her physical absence.
54. The patient recovered quickly in the doctor's absence.
55. His cheerful countenance masked an unspoken absence of joy.
56. Their joyful reunion made his long absence worthwhile.
57. The student's frequent absences prevented him from catching up.
58. The meeting carried on in an uncomfortable absence of authority.
59. The flowers wilted in the gardener's prolonged absence.
60. The long absence increased his fondness for home.

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