Absentmindedness example sentences

Related (7): Forgetfulness, distraction, inattentiveness, preoccupation, inadvertence, carelessness, neglectfulness.



absent-mindedness (noun)

  - the quality or state of being forgetful or inattentive:


forgetfulness, amnesia, distractedness, preoccupation, inattentiveness, inattention, vagueness, abstraction, absence, absorption, engrossment, heedlessness, obliviousness, pensiveness, thoughtfulness, musing, brooding, alertness

"Absentmindedness" Example Sentences

1. Her absentmindedness caused her to leave her keys in the front door several times.
2. His perpetual absentmindedness led to many forgetful mistakes.
3. The professor's absentmindedness caused him to regularly forget student's names.
4. The student's absentmindedness resulted in her forgetting assignments.
5. The programmer's absentmindedness led him to make tiny errors in the code.
6. His absentmindedness led him to frequently misplace important items.
7. Her habitual absentmindedness caused frustration for her coworkers.
8. The professor's absentmindedness led him to frequently show up late for class.
9. The secretary's absentmindedness resulted in mistakes in documents and letters.
10. His chronic absentmindedness meant that reminders were constantly needed.
11. The man's absentmindedness led him to constantly lose his wallet.
12. His absentmindedness caused him to often leave the stove on by mistake.
13. The professor's absentmindedness led him to regularly call students by the wrong name.
14. The writer's absentmindedness often resulted in her forgetting plot details.
15. His forgetfulness and absentmindedness meant things around the house broke easily.
16. The boy's chronic absentmindedness resulted in poor grades in school.
17. The mechanic's absentmindedness caused him to make mistakes during repairs.
18. The toddler's absentmindedness led her to frequently misplace her toys.
19. The writer's absentmindedness meant she constantly needed to retrace her steps.
20. His habitual absentmindedness meant he often forgot important events and deadlines.
21. The absentmindedness of the teenager led her to frequently forget homework assignments.
22. The artist's absentmindedness caused him to misplace important paint supplies.
23. The manager's absentmindedness resulted in important details being overlooked.
24. The grandparent's absentmindedness meant they forgot facts about family members.
25. His constant absentmindedness caused frustration for his coworkers and employees.
26. His forgetfulness and absentmindedness meant that reminders were constantly required.
27. The secretary's absentmindedness resulted in her misspelling names in documents.
28. The writer's absentmindedness led her to repeat details and storylines.
29. His chronic absentmindedness meant that he frequently forgot doctor's appointments.
30. The toddler's absentmindedness caused her to frequently lose her security blanket.
31. The businessman's absentmindedness resulted in missed meetings and deadlines.
32. Her forgetfulness and absentmindedness meant she often burned meals by mistake.
33. The professor's absentmindedness caused him to forget important exam dates.
34. The student's absentmindedness led her to regularly lose assignments papers.
35. Her absentmindedness caused her to frequently misplace important documents.
36. His chronic absentmindedness meant he was always asking friends to remind him of things.
37. The employee's absentmindedness led to mistakes being made on the work he submitted.
38. His absentmindedness meant he often forgot to collect important reference materials.
39. The teenager's absentmindedness caused her to frequently leave appliances turned on.
40. His habitual absentmindedness led to frequent mistakes and oversights at work.
41. The writer's absentmindedness meant that he often had to go back and revise early chapters.
42. His forgetfulness and absentmindedness led to frustration from family members.
43. The professor's absentmindedness caused him to regularly lose papers and lesson plans.
44.The doctor's absentmindedness led her to frequently forget patients' medical histories.
45. His chronic absentmindedness resulted in his failing to complete important tasks.
46. The accountant's absentmindedness meant she frequently had to redo financial reports.
47. The mother's absentmindedness caused her to often forget parenting duties and responsibilities.
48. The author's absentmindedness meant she regularly had to check facts and details.
49. His habitual absentmindedness led to frequent mistakes and miscalculations in his work.
50. The professor's absentmindedness caused him to regularly forget important appointments.

Common Phases

1. His absentmindedness often got him into trouble.
2. She chided him for his absentmindedness.
3. The professor's absentmindedness led him to forget about the scheduled exam.
4. The driver's absentmindedness resulted in a minor car crash.
5. I apologized for my absentmindedness earlier.
6. One has to make an effort to combat absentmindedness.
7. Her absentmindedness regularly led to misplaced keys and forgotten appointments.
8. The professor's absentmindedness left many of his students confused.
9. They looked past his occasional absentmindedness and valued him for his wisdom.
10. His absentmindedness and forgetfulness were slowly becoming worrisome.
11. She shook her head in amusement at his absentmindedness.
12. The author's absentmindedness sometimes resulted in continuity errors in his books.
13. His absentmindedness was well known around the office.
14. The grandmother's absentmindedness charmed the children.
15. She attributed her occasional absentmindedness to fatigue.
16. Her absentmindedness led to amusing moments like putting the cereal in the refrigerator.
17. His absentmindedness frustrated his wife to no end.
18. The researcher was known for his brilliance as well as his absentmindedness.
19. I apologize for my absentmindedness which caused you trouble.
20. They admired his genius despite his absentmindedness.
21. The professor's absentmindedness could be charming but sometimes exasperating.
22. Her absentmindedness made her easily distracted.
23. His constant state of absentmindedness was worrying.
24. Please forgive my absentmindedness which left you without instructions.
25. Artistic types are often known for their absentmindedness.
26. She bore his absentmindedness with patience knowing it came from a loving place.
27. His absentmindedness could be maddening but was also part of his charm.
28. She often had to repeat herself due to his absentmindedness.
29. His absentmindedness gave his lectures an unpredictable spontaneity.
30. People excused his absentmindedness as just part of his eccentric personality.
31. Her absentmindedness made it hard for her to be on time for anything.
32. His absentmindedness could be endearing but was also impractical at times.
33. I apologize for the trouble caused by my absentmindedness.
34. His absentmindedness imposed on others far too often.
35. Creative types are often prone to absentmindedness.
36. His absentmindedness often left messes for others to clean up.
37. His absentmindedness was a source of both amusement and frustration.
38. The author's absentmindedness occasionally led to factual errors in her books.
39. Her absentmindedness became difficult for those close to her to ignore.
40. His absentmindedness sometimes caused minor mishaps.
41. Her absentmindedness could be cute but also infuriating at times.
42. Absentmindedness can cause inconveniences for oneself and others.
43. His absentmindedness was charming in small doses but grew tiresome over time.
44. His habitual absentmindedness eventually had to be addressed.
45. Please excuse my typical absentmindedness which inconvenienced you.
46. His absentmindedness began to affect his work performance.
47. I apologize for the trouble my absentmindedness has caused you.
48. His absentmindedness eventually strained some of his closest friendships.
49. His absentmindedness could at times verge on carelessness.
50. Her absentmindedness regularly meant missing appointments and deadlines.
51. His absentmindedness was both blessing and curse as an artist.
52. His absentmindedness caused repeated minor blunders at the office.
53. The lecturer's habitual absentmindedness put students on edge.
54. His absentmindedness impaired his efficiency and focus at times.
55. They overlooked his occasional absentmindedness due to his brilliance.
56. His absentmindedness became a source of tension in their marriage.
57. Her absentmindedness meant that she often forgot important details.
58. His absentmindedness gave his personality an endearing quirkiness.
59. His absentmindedness made it difficult to rely on him at times.
60. His absentmindedness could be exasperating but was also part of his charm.

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