Acrobat example sentences

Related (4): gymnast, contortionist, aerialist, tumbler

"Acrobat" Example Sentences

1. The acrobat performed daring flips and somersaults in the circus show.
2. The children watched in amazement as the acrobat swung on the trapeze.
3. The Chinese acrobats wowed the audience with their amazing flexibility and balance.
4. The audience gasped as the acrobat hung by his teeth from the high wire.
5. We watched the acrobatic troupe perform amazing feats of skill and agility.
6. The acrobat trained from a very young age to develop the strength and balance required for his performances.
7. As an acrobat, he had to maintain a strict exercise regimen and diet.
8. The young acrobat began practicing on the high bar at the age of five.
9. The acrobatic troupe dazzled the crowd with their perfectly synchronized dancing and tumbling.
10. The lion tamer joined with the acrobats to create an exciting circus routine.
11. The acrobatic performance involved intricate lifts, throws and catches.
12. The trapeze artist and acrobat held their breath as they executed the death-defying stunt.
13. The acrobats worked as a team to create a human pyramid.
14. The audience applauded the acrobatic troupe for their astounding flexibility, balance and precision.
15. The young acrobat spent hours each day practicing somersaults, back flips and handstands.
16. With graceful precision, the acrobat executed a series of back flips and cartwheels on the tightrope.
17. The crowd gasped as the acrobat launched himself from the high platform into the air.
18. The acrobat achieved notoriety for executing the most daring stunts of any performer.
19. After decades as an acrobat, he still marveled at how the human body could contort in the most unusual ways.
20. The acrobat waited nervously as his partner swung towards him on the trapeze.
21. The judges were amazed at the skill of the acrobatic troupe's synchronized flips and tumbles.
22. As an acrobat, precise landing was as important as executing the complex moves in the air.
23. The troupe of acrobats formed a human pyramid that reached astonishing heights.
24. The acrobat contorted his body into seemingly impossible positions.
25. Years of training and practice resulted in the acrobat's ability to execute gravity-defying stunts.
26. The audience applauded loudly as the acrobat completed his dangerous series of stunts without flaw.
27. The police arrested the acrobat for stealing a priceless work of art.
28. An aspiring acrobat joined the circus to learn from the masters in the trade.
29. The audience gasped as the acrobat leaped through a ring of fire.
30. The troupe of acrobats trained together for months before their international performance tour.
31. The skill of the acrobat made the dangerous stunt look surprisingly effortless.
32. The acrobat missed his catch, resulting in a painful crash to the ground.
33. The blind acrobat amazed the crowd with his daring tightrope walk.
34. The acrobats trained for many hours every day to perfect their act.
35. The children marveled at the amazing flexibility and balance of the acrobats.
36. The acrobat performed a series of back flips along the width of the tightrope.
37. The acrobat knelt in prayer and focus before starting his dangerous stunts.
38. Years of performing as an acrobat had made him comfortable with heights.
39. The unexpected end to the acrobatic performance resulted in shocked gasps from the audience.
40. The graceful acrobat performed a series of aerial somersaults.
41. The acrobat's partner had to be nimble and quick to catch him during their dangerous stunts.
42. The young boy dreamed of becoming a famous acrobat one day.
43. The acrobat balanced precariously on the end of the rolling sphere.
44. The acrobats rehearsed endlessly to ensure their complex routines went off without a hitch on performance day.
45. The troupe of acrobats took a bow as the audience erupted into applause.
46. The acrobat hung suspended by his feet from the high trapeze.
47. The acrobats wowed the crowd with their perfect coordination and split-second timing.
48. Centuries of tradition and training went into the performance of the Chinese acrobatic troupe.
49. The amazed onlookers watched as the daring acrobat balanced on a ball at the very top of the ladder.
50. The acrobat prepared carefully before attempting the complex stunt.
51. The acrobat performed a seemingly impossible quadruple somersault to end his act.
52. The acrobat's career ended abruptly after his serious injury during rehearsal.
53. The nimble acrobat required perfect balance and precision for his high-flying stunts.
54. The troupe of acrobats put on a dazzling display of physical dexterity and skill.
55. The athletic acrobat swung effortlessly from trapeze to trapeze.
56. The injured acrobat fell from the high platform and became entangled in the safety net.
57. I gasped as the acrobat balanced on the rolling globe at the very top of the ladder.
58. She dreamed of becoming an internationally renowned acrobat one day.
59. The acrobat trained himself to be completely fearless before attempting his most dangerous feats.
60. The team of acrobats practiced their perfectly choreographed routine for many months.

Common Phases

1. perform acrobatic feats - to perform amazing stunts and tricks requiring physical balance, flexibility and agility.
2. aerial acrobat - an acrobat who performs stunts in the air, using props like trapezes and tightropes.
3. high-flying acrobat - an acrobat known for performing daring stunts, often involving height.
4. dazzle the crowd - to amaze and delight an audience with an exciting performance. Often used to describe acts by acrobats.
5. gravity-defying stunt - an acrobatic stunt that seems impossible given the normal force of gravity.
6. death-defying stunt - an extremely dangerous acrobatic stunt that risks the performer's life.
7. The human body can contort in unusual ways - the physical ability of acrobats to twist and bend their bodies into unusual and complex shapes.
8. split-second timing - the precise coordination required by acrobats to successfully execute stunts involving multiple performers.
9. physical dexterity - the coordination, balance and flexibility of movement displayed by skilled acrobats.
10. perfect balance and precision - the key skills needed to become a successful acrobat, involving both physical and mental control.

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