Aestheticism example sentences

Related (19): beauty, art, style, taste, elegance, refinement, culture, creativity, uniqueness, form, harmony, composition, balance, proportion, grace, sophistication, artistry, expression, finesse.

"Aestheticism" Example Sentences

1. Aestheticism is a movement in art that prioritizes beauty over all else.
2. The book was a perfect example of aestheticism, with its descriptions of beautiful landscapes and ornately decorated rooms.
3. The art exhibit showcased the aestheticism of the Impressionist movement, with its focus on light and color.
4. Many fashion designers today incorporate elements of aestheticism in their designs to create visually appealing clothing.
5. The minimalist style of interior design reflects the principles of aestheticism, with its emphasis on simplicity and beauty.
6. Aestheticism can be seen in the intricate designs of traditional Japanese pottery and weaving.
7. The music of the Romantic period was characterized by its aestheticism, with composers emphasizing beauty and emotion over structure.
8. The Art Nouveau movement was a prime example of aestheticism, with its ornate designs and flowing lines.
9. Aestheticism was a reaction against the strict rules of academic art, which emphasized realism and tradition.
10. The New York School of poets was known for its aestheticism, with writers like Frank O'Hara and John Ashbery celebrating beauty and spontaneity.
11. Some critics argue that aestheticism can be shallow, as it values surface beauty over deeper meaning.
12. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood embraced aestheticism in their art, rejecting the academic tradition in favor of highly stylized and beautiful works.
13. The decorative arts of the Art Deco movement were heavily influenced by aestheticism, with their emphasis on geometric patterns and luxurious materials.
14. Aestheticism can be found in the design of buildings, with architects often incorporating elements of beauty and elegance into their work.
15. The Bauhaus movement rejected aestheticism in favor of functionalism, believing that a design's beauty should come from its utility.
16. Aestheticism can be seen in the way that people dress and present themselves, with many striving for a certain look or style.
17. The Rococo style of art and design was characterized by its aestheticism, with its love of ornament and decorative details.
18. Some people argue that aestheticism can be elitist, as it values beauty over practical concerns.
19. The Art Brut movement rejected aestheticism and sought to create art that was raw and unpolished.
20. Aestheticism can be found in the natural world, with its emphasis on pattern, color, and texture.
21. The use of color in traditional Persian carpets is a perfect example of aestheticism, with skilled weavers incorporating beautiful shades and patterns into their work.
22. Some philosophers argue that aestheticism can be a form of escapism, as it focuses solely on the beautiful aspects of life and ignores its darker realities.
23. The Art Nouveau movement often incorporated natural motifs into its designs, reflecting a love of beauty and the natural world.
24. Aestheticism can be seen in the way that people arrange objects in their homes, with many focusing on creating a particular aesthetic.
25. The decorative arts of the Islamic world are highly influenced by aestheticism, with intricate patterns and designs incorporated into everything from tiles to textiles.
26. Aestheticism can be found in the food that people eat, with chefs often focusing on creating visually appealing dishes that are also delicious.
27. The music of the Baroque period was characterized by its ornate and complex style, reflecting a love of beauty and virtuosity.
28. Some artists reject aestheticism, arguing that art should have a deeper social or political purpose beyond just looking pretty.
29. Aestheticism can be seen in the way that people decorate their bodies, with tattoos and piercings often used to create a particular aesthetic.
30. The Arts and Crafts movement rejected industrialization and embraced aestheticism, valuing handcrafted objects that celebrated beauty and individuality.

Common Phases

1. The aestheticism movement focused on the beauty and sensuality of art and nature;
2. Aestheticism rejected the practicality and moral undertones of traditional art forms;
3. The pursuit of beauty and pleasure was central to aestheticism;
4. Aestheticism emphasized individualism and personal expression in art;
5. The decadent aestheticism movement celebrated excess and indulgence in both art and lifestyle;
6. The aestheticism movement had a significant influence on the development of modern art and design.

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