Afferent example sentences

Related (9): sensory, incoming, arriving, stimulation, input, receptor, signal, impulses, information.

"Afferent" Example Sentences

1. The afferent nerves transmit sensory information from the body to the brain.
2. There are many different types of afferent neurons that carry information from receptors to the central nervous system.
3. Afferent signals from the eyes are critical for processing visual information in the brain.
4. The spinal cord contains both afferent and efferent neurons that carry signals in different directions.
5. Afferent signals from the peripheral nervous system are important for regulating bodily functions.
6. The afferent pathway is responsible for transmitting information about touch, temperature, and pain.
7. Afferent fibers in the brainstem convey signals from the ears to the auditory cortex.
8. Damage to the afferent nerves can result in loss of sensation or even paralysis.
9. The afferent response to a stimulus is the first stage in the processing of information in the nervous system.
10. The afferent limb of the reflex arc carries sensory information to the spinal cord.
11. Afferent signals from the skin can activate different areas of the brain, resulting in sensations like itching or burning.
12. Afferent fibers in the vagus nerve transmit information about the digestive tract to the brainstem.
13. Afferent signals from the lungs and airways help to regulate breathing.
14. The afferent division of the nervous system is responsible for detecting changes in the internal or external environment.
15. Afferent signals from the bladder are involved in the regulation of urination.
16. The afferent pathways involved in taste perception are still poorly understood.
17. Afferent stimuli can activate different neural circuits and affect behavior in complex ways.
18. Afferent signals from the muscle spindle inform the brain about changes in muscle length and tension.
19. The afferent limb of the immune response involves the detection and activation of immune cells.
20. Afferent signals from the eyes are critical for maintaining postural stability and balance.
21. In some cases, afferent nerve stimulation can be used to treat chronic pain or other conditions.
22. The afferent loop of the enteric nervous system helps to regulate digestion and nutrient absorption.
23. Afferent signals from the olfactory receptors are involved in the perception of smell.
24. Damage to the afferent limb of the autonomic nervous system can result in dysregulation of bodily functions.
25. Afferent pathways from the spinal cord can interact with descending pathways to modulate pain perception.
26. The afferent response to a stimulus can be influenced by previous experience and expectations.
27. Afferent signals from the skin can evoke different emotional responses depending on the context of the stimulus.
28. The afferent signals involved in the perception of touch are transmitted by specialized nerve endings called mechanoreceptors.
29. Afferent nerves can be classified into different types based on their structure and function.
30. Afferent signals from the hypothalamus help to regulate a wide range of physiological processes, including hunger and thirst.

Common Phases

1. Afferent nerves transmit signals from the body's sensory receptors to the central nervous system;
2. The afferent neuron carries information from the periphery to the spinal cord;
3. An afferent arteriole delivers blood to the glomerulus in the kidney nephron;
4. The afferent lymphatic vessels transport lymph from peripheral tissues to lymph nodes;
5. Afferent signals from the vestibular system help maintain balance and spatial orientation;
6. The afferent branch of the autonomic nervous system relays information from sensory organs to the brainstem and spinal cord.

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