Afflictions example sentences

Related (16): disease, ailment, illness, disorder, malady, infirmity, disability, injury, pain, suffering, agony, torment, distress, anguish, tribulation, misfortune.

"Afflictions" Example Sentences

1. The poor child suffered from numerous afflictions, including asthma and eczema.
2. It's important to find healthy ways to cope with life's afflictions.
3. The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate the patient's physical afflictions.
4. Mental health afflictions can be just as debilitating as physical ones.
5. The homeless man's afflictions were visible in his tattered clothing and tired expression.
6. Religious teachings often offer guidance on dealing with afflictions and hardships.
7. The aging population is particularly susceptible to age-related afflictions such as arthritis and dementia.
8. The novel explores the protagonist's emotional afflictions as she navigates a tumultuous relationship.
9. People with chronic afflictions may require ongoing medical care and support.
10. The consequences of ignoring mental health afflictions can be severe and long-lasting.
11. The community rallied together to support a family stricken with multiple afflictions.
12. The prevalence of certain afflictions can vary depending on geographic location and lifestyle factors.
13. Poverty can exacerbate existing afflictions and create new ones.
14. Coping with afflictions often requires a multi-pronged approach involving medical treatment, lifestyle changes, and emotional support.
15. Yoga and meditation are popular practices for managing mental health afflictions.
16. The patient's medical history revealed a long list of past afflictions, including several surgeries.
17. Adequate sleep and nutrition play an important role in preventing certain health afflictions.
18. The novel's protagonist experiences a range of afflictions, from physical injury to emotional trauma.
19. Community outreach programs can offer support and resources to those struggling with various afflictions.
20. The impact of chronic afflictions on quality of life can be significant and long-lasting.
21. The patient's chart showed a pattern of recurring afflictions over the years.
22. Mental health afflictions can often be invisible to the outside world, making them even more difficult to manage.
23. The drug was developed to treat rare and debilitating afflictions that had no known cure.
24. Exercise has been shown to improve symptoms of a variety of afflictions, from depression to chronic pain.
25. Many people turn to religion or spirituality to find meaning and comfort in the face of afflictions.
26. There is a growing awareness of the impact of childhood trauma on long-term mental health afflictions.
27. The social stigma surrounding certain health afflictions can prevent people from seeking help or talking openly about their struggles.
28. Support groups can be a valuable resource for people living with chronic afflictions.
29. Some afflictions, such as addiction, require ongoing treatment and support to manage effectively.
30. The patient was diagnosed with a rare genetic affliction that would require specialized care for life.

Common Phases

1. She suffered from various afflictions; arthritis, migraines, and asthma.
2. The country was in the throes of poverty, famine, and other afflictions; the government had to act fast.
3. The pandemic has brought with it a host of afflictions; economic downturn, job losses, and mental health issues.
4. He was born with a hereditary affliction; his parents had to take extra care of him.
5. The wild animals were ravaged with various afflictions; parasites, diseases, and injuries.
6. The ancient world was filled with all kinds of afflictions; wars, plagues, and natural disasters.
7. My grandmother was a woman who had suffered many afflictions; she was a survivor of the Holocaust and had lost her husband to a heart attack.
8. The world is facing many afflictions today; climate change, political instability, and social inequality.
9. The child was born with a congenital affliction; he had to undergo multiple surgeries to correct it.
10. The soldier returned from the war with many afflictions; PTSD, physical injuries, and survivor's guilt.

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