Afreets example sentences

Related (4): demons, jinn, spirits, genies

"Afreets" Example Sentences

1. Afreets are supernatural creatures in Arabian mythology.
2. I have never seen an afreet before, but I am curious to know more about them.
3. According to some people, afreets can grant wishes.
4. Afreets are known to be mischievous and unpredictable.
5. It is said that when an afreet is born, it starts off as a simple smoke or mist.
6. Afreets are believed to have the power to shape shift into different creatures.
7. There are many stories of afreets causing trouble for humans.
8. It is said that afreets can be summoned using certain rituals or spells.
9. Some people believe that an afreet can be contained in a bottle or container.
10. Afreets are often depicted as having dark skin and glowing red eyes.
11. It is rumored that some powerful afreets can possess humans and control their actions.
12. Like many supernatural beings, afreets are often feared and respected in equal measure.
13. There are many tales of brave heroes who have faced off against afreets and emerged victorious.
14. Afreets are often associated with demonic forces and evil spirits.
15. Some people believe that afreets can be communicated with using telepathy or other psychic abilities.
16. It is unknown how long an afreet can live, but some claim they can live for thousands of years.
17. Afreets are said to be immune to many forms of magic and can only be defeated by certain spells or weapons.
18. There are many different types of afreets, each with their own unique qualities and abilities.
19. It is believed that afreets can travel between different dimensions and realms.
20. In some cultures, afreets are considered to be a type of jinn.
21. Afreets are often depicted as being able to fly or float through the air.
22. Some ancient texts describe afreets as being able to control the elements, such as fire or lightning.
23. Afreets are often depicted as being able to disappear or disappear into thin air at will.
24. According to legend, afreets were created by the smoke and flames of a djinni's fiery breath.
25. Afreets are sometimes portrayed as being able to grant wishes, but always at a cost.
26. Many magicians and sorcerers seek out afreets for their vast knowledge and secret powers.
27. It is rumored that afreets have the ability to resurrect the dead, but at a terrible price.
28. There are countless tales of afreets tricking and deceiving humans to achieve their own goals and desires.
29. Some people believe that afreets are simply a manifestation of the natural world and its many mysteries.
30. Despite their reputation for being dangerous and unpredictable, some humans have formed close bonds with afreets over the centuries.

Common Phases

1. The afreets were summoned by a powerful magician; they emerged from the darkness to do his bidding.
2. Despite their fearsome reputation, the afreets showed great loyalty to their master; they would defend him with their lives.
3. The afreets could be capricious creatures, prone to sudden and violent mood swings; one moment they might be offering treasures beyond measure, the next they could be hurling curses and insults.
4. It was said that the afreets had the power to grant wishes; but be careful what you wish for, as they were known for taking things too literally.
5. The afreets were said to inhabit the deserts of the Middle East; daring travelers who crossed their path did so at their own peril.

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