Agnosticisms example sentences

Related (13): uncertainty, doubt, skepticism, indecision, ambivalence, noncommittal, neutrality, impartiality, open-mindedness, incredulity, disbelief, unsureness, hesitation

"Agnosticisms" Example Sentences

1. His agnosticism made him hesitant to commit to any particular religion.
2. Some people find solace in agnosticism, not feeling the need to choose a belief system.
3. Agnosticism allows for the possibility of supernatural powers, but does not claim to know for certain.
4. Her agnosticism was met with confusion by her devoutly religious family members.
5. Agnosticism is often misunderstood as a lack of faith, rather than simply a lack of certainty.
6. Many people who identify as agnostic still explore spiritual practices and beliefs.
7. Agnosticism is a challenging stance to take in a society that values certainty and conviction.
8. His agnosticism was challenged when he experienced a near-death experience.
9. Agnosticism can be seen as a middle ground between atheism and theism.
10. Her agnosticism caused tensions in her relationship with her deeply religious partner.
11. Agnosticism has a rich history in philosophy, with thinkers such as Socrates and Descartes exploring the concept.
12. Some people use agnosticism as an excuse to avoid making moral or ethical decisions.
13. Agnosticism is not mutually exclusive with skepticism or rationalism.
14. His agnosticism allowed him to remain open-minded to different beliefs and perspectives.
15. Agnosticism can provide a sense of freedom from dogma and doctrine.
16. Her agnosticism was solidified after attending a religious school and feeling disconnected from the teachings.
17. Agnosticism can be a difficult concept to explain to people who do not share the outlook.
18. Some agnostics are drawn to pantheism or other non-theistic belief systems.
19. Agnosticism is often portrayed as indecisive or apathetic, but this is not necessarily the case.
20. His agnosticism did not prevent him from exploring spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga.
21. Agnosticism is often a result of a questioning and critical mind.
22. Her agnosticism led her to study comparative religion and philosophy in college.
23. Agnosticism is not a position of weakness or ignorance, but rather a humble recognition of the limits of knowledge.
24. Some people fall into agnosticism as a result of traumatic experiences or disillusionment with organized religion.
25. Agnosticism is not a lack of curiosity or wonder, but an acknowledgment of the mysteries of existence.
26. His agnosticism allowed him to be comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity.
27. Agnosticism is a personal and individualistic stance, rather than a uniform ideology.
28. Her agnosticism was met with acceptance and respect from her secular friends and family.
29. Agnosticism can be a lonely position to take in a world that often demands certainty and conviction.
30. Some people use agnosticism as a stepping stone towards atheism or theism.
31. Agnosticism does not necessarily preclude involvement in social justice or political causes.
32. His agnosticism made him hesitant to raise his children in any particular faith tradition.
33. Agnosticism can be a source of comfort and peace for individuals who do not feel the need to subscribe to a particular religion.
34. Some people see agnosticism as a way to transcend the narrow and limited definitions of God presented by organized religion.
35. Agnosticism is sometimes mistaken for agnosticism, which is a belief in ultimate unknowability.
36. Her agnosticism allowed her to engage in interfaith dialogue and learning.
37. Agnosticism can also refer to uncertainty or skepticism about particular beliefs or doctrines within a religion.
38. His agnosticism was met with hostility from some members of his community who saw it as a rejection of their culture and heritage.
39. Agnosticism is not a cop-out or a way to avoid intellectual rigor or debate.
40. Some people use agnosticism as a way to maintain their intellectual and spiritual honesty in a complex and confusing world.

Common Phases

1. "I have agnosticism about the existence of ghosts; I simply haven't seen compelling evidence either way."
2. "When it comes to the question of a higher power, I tend towards agnosticism; I don't think we have enough information to make a definitive judgment."
3. "I have agnosticism about the concept of an afterlife; while it can be comforting to believe in, I'm not convinced it's a reality."
4. "My agnosticism towards the idea of fate or destiny stems from the fact that I don't think our lives are predetermined."
5. "While I have agnosticism about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, I wouldn't be surprised if there was intelligent life out there."
6. "I take an agnosticism approach towards the existence of other universes; while it's a fascinating concept, there's still much we don't understand about our own."
7. "My agnosticism around the question of free will comes from the belief that our actions are shaped by a mix of nature and nurture."

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