Ailing example sentences

Related (10): sickly, unwell, weak, feeble, frail, infirm, debilitated, aching, hurting, suffering

"Ailing" Example Sentences

1. The ailing grandmother was confined to her bed.
2. The ailing child needed constant care and attention.
3. The medical staff monitored the ailing patient's vital signs closely.
4. The ailing king's health seemed to decline more each day.
5. The ailing company struggled to stay afloat.
6. The team played with an ailing star player who was clearly not at his best.
7. The ailing economy showed few signs of recovery.
8. The unsanitary conditions in the hospital led to many ailing patients developing infections.
9. The expensive new treatment might help the ailing cancer patient.
10. The old man's ailing health prevented him from doing much anymore.
11. The ailing athlete contemplated early retirement.
12. The doctor visited the ailing woman at home to check on her condition.
13. The ailing pet needed extensive medical care.
14. The ailing auto industry desperately needed a bailout.
15. The elderly woman's ailing health worried her children.
16. I visited my ailing grandfather regularly in the nursing home.
17. My ailing cat could barely walk or eat without assistance.
18. The ailing disease sufferers attended the support group meeting.
19. The ailing dictator's political future seemed uncertain.
20. The ailing parent's medical needs required constant attention.
21. The poor, ailing beggar sat on the street corner.
22. The ailing refugee needed urgent medical care.
23. My greatest worry was my ailing mother's declining health.
24. The promising startup struggled due to its ailing finances.
25. The ailing sailor was confined to his bunk for the duration of the voyage.
26. The ailing war veteran waited patiently for his medicine.
27. His once promising career nearly ended due to his ailing mental health.
28. The failing infrastructure contributed to the ailing economy.
29. The ailing employees called in sick one after the other.
30. The ailing prince was unable to assume his royal duties.
31. The government provided support for the ailing industry.
32. The ailing monarch's frail condition worried officials.
33. The trip provided her ailing spirits with much-needed uplift.
34. The prescription medications helped with some of her ailing symptoms but did not cure the underlying condition.
35. The ailing leader was barely able to finish his speech before leaving the stage.
36. The ailing empire continued to decline.
37. Her once ailing marriage seemed to be healing after months of counseling and open communication.
38. The ailing soldier struggled to keep up with his unit.
39. The ailing department struggled to maintain productivity.
40. The long estrangement began to heal their once ailing relationship.
41. The struggling team turned things around after their ailing star player returned from injury.
42. The rural hospital struggled to adequately treat many ailing patients due to limited equipment and staff.
43. Her ailing spirit cried out for some comfort and peace.
44. The ailing infrastructure hindered economic growth.
45. The ailing queen did her best to maintain a sense of dignity and grace despite her declining health.
46. His once-ailing business took off after he switched to online sales.
47. The ailing equipment caused numerous production issues and delays.
48. His ailing uncle's condition continued to worry the family.
49. The hospital staff did their best to treat the ailing patients who arrived daily.
50. The ailing country showed few signs of renewed prosperity.
51. The storm relief efforts focused on helping the ailing and homeless population.
52. The failing company's ailing finances ultimately led to bankruptcy.
53. The visit from her loving family lifted her ailing spirits.
54. The ailing president made few public appearances.
55. The ailing man struggled to his feet and slowly shuffled forward.
56. The ailing start-up struggled to attract new investors.
57. Her ailing mother's illness was a heavy burden to bear.
58. The ailing senior citizen required daily assistance.
59. The once-ailing nation returned to prosperity after years of hardship.
60. The ailing economy seemed beyond repair.

Common Phases

1. The ailing patient needs immediate medical attention.
2. The old woman was frail and ailing.
3. The economy has been ailing for years.
4. The ailing economy shows no signs of recovery.
5. The company was struggling with an ailing business model.
6. She nursed her ailing father through his final days.
7. The ailing leader could no longer continue in his role.
8. Despite his ailing health, he continued to work tirelessly.
9. Funds were needed to care for the ailing homeless man.
10. The ailing car struggled up the steep hill.
11. His once bright mind was now ailing from dementia.
12. The company's profits continued to slide as its brand ailed.
13. The old dog was clearly ailing and nearing the end of its life.
14. She visited her ailing grandmother often in the nursing home.
15. The ailing project seemed doomed to fail at this point.
16. The video game developer struggled with an ailing franchise.
17. The ailing spacecraft was losing power and attitude control.
18. The injured and ailing soldiers returned home from the frontlines.
19. Care for the sick and ailing was her life's work.
20. The once great star's fame continued to ail as his health declined.
21. The tree has been ailing ever since last summer's drought.
22. The stock market continued its ailing performance this quarter.
23. Proper medication helped ease her ailing back pain.
24. His company continued to suffer from an ailing business model.
25. The ailing economy showed little signs of improving.
26. Despite his ailing health, he continued to work tirelessly.
27. The ailing horse was put down to end its suffering.
28. Her ailing mother needed to move into an assisted living facility.
29. The ailing plants were infested with aphids and fungus.
30. She bought fruit and flowers to cheer up her ailing aunt.
31. The ailing car broke down again on the side of the highway.
32. Her once robust body was now frail and ailing in old age.
33. The elderly lady's ailing health required her to move into a nursing home.
34. The ailing mansion fell further into disrepair with each passing year.
35. Financial troubles continued to plague the ailing company.
36. The business struggled as sales continued to ail.
37. The ailing baseball team failed to make the playoffs for a third straight year.
38. His ailing father's health demands required him to move back home.
39. The film studio struggled to revive its once proud but now ailing brand.
40. The ailing politician announced his retirement from public office.
41. The ailing cyst caused him constant irritation and discomfort.
42. The ailing software product continued to frustrate users with its numerous bugs.
43. The ailing coral reef showed signs of damage from pollution and global warming.
44. The money would help care for their ailing elderly parents.
45. Her arthritis ailed her hands and made everyday tasks difficult.
46. The ailing veteran received care at the local veteran's hospital.
47. The ailing relationship showed little signs of improvement.
48. The once popular actress struggled as her fame began to ail.
49. The restaurant struggled with an ailing business model.
50. The ailing infrastructure required extensive repairs.
51. His frail and ailing body could no longer keep up with his adventurous spirit.
52. The ailing motorcycle kept breaking down and needing repairs.
53. The ailing country's economy showed no signs of improvement.
54. The ailing technology brand struggled to remain relevant.
55. Despite his ailing health, he continued to live independently.
56. The ailing museum struggled with declining attendance and funding.
57. The charity focused on caring for the sick and ailing.
58. The ailing monarch stepped down due to health issues.
59. The ailing celebrity's highly publicized health issues tarnished her image.
60. Rising health care costs strained the budget for caring for the ailing elderly.

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