Analogously example sentences

Related (10): similarly, correspondingly, equivalently, comparably, resembling, parallelly, likewise, accordingly, proportionally, congruently.

"Analogously" Example Sentences

1. Analogously to a traffic jam, the internet can become congested.
2. The process of photosynthesis is analogous to a factory production line.
3. Analogously to a symphony, a well-executed presentation is a harmonious collaboration.
4. The way a virus spreads in a population is analogous to a wildfire.
5. Analogously to a maze, finding the solution to a complex problem can require trial and error.
6. The way a seed germinates and grows into a plant is analogous to a building being constructed.
7. Analogously to a detective solving a crime, a scientist must gather evidence and analyze data to make conclusions.
8. The way a baby bird learns to fly is analogous to a child learning to ride a bike.
9. Analogously to a lock and key, enzymes must fit together with their respective substrates.
10. The way a spider spins a web is analogous to a painter creating a masterpiece.
11. Analogously to a jigsaw puzzle, every piece of evidence must fit together to solve the mystery.
12. The way an acorn grows into an oak tree is analogous to a small business growing into a corporation.
13. Analogously to a chef preparing a meal, a writer must craft each sentence with care to create a masterpiece.
14. The way a virus infiltrates and takes over a cell is analogous to a spy infiltrating enemy territory.
15. Analogously to a conductor leading an orchestra, a teacher must guide and direct students in their learning.
16. The way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly is analogous to a person's journey of self-discovery.
17. Analogously to a criminal investigation, a journalist must uncover the truth behind a story.
18. The way a snowflake forms is analogous to a sculptor molding clay into a masterpiece.
19. Analogously to a football team practicing and strategizing, a business must plan and collaborate to succeed.
20. The way a seed disperses and grows into a plant is analogous to a writer's ideas spreading and developing.
21. Analogously to a chess game, a negotiation requires strategy and careful planning.
22. The way an artist paints a masterpiece is analogous to a scientist conducting experiments and collecting data.
23. Analogously to a diver exploring the depths of the ocean, a researcher must dive deep into a topic to gain knowledge and understanding.
24. The way a musical ensemble harmonizes and blends together is analogous to a team working together to achieve a common goal.
25. Analogously to a chef experimenting with new ingredients, a problem solver must explore and try new approaches to find a solution.
26. The way a seedling grows into a mature plant is analogous to a child growing into an adult.
27. Analogously to a conductor leading a choir, a manager must lead and motivate their team to success.
28. The way a pebble creates ripples in a pond is analogous to a person's actions impacting those around them.
29. Analogously to a puzzle, a process must be broken down into smaller, manageable pieces to be completed successfully.
30. The way a bird builds its nest is analogous to a carpenter constructing a building.

Common Phases

1. The concept can be applied analogously to other situations; for example, in business or politics.
2. Analogously, the process of genetic modification can be compared to traditional breeding methods; both involve manipulating genes to achieve desired traits.
3. Analogously to the human body, the different components of an organization must work together seamlessly in order to function effectively; otherwise, the system can break down.
4. Analogously to a puzzle, solving complex problems involves piecing together different information to construct a complete picture; it requires patience and attention to detail.
5. The phenomenon can be explained analogously to a domino effect; one event triggers a chain reaction of consequences.

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