Antagonism example sentences

Related (5): animosity, hostility, enmity, resentment, rancor

"Antagonism" Example Sentences

1. There is a growing antagonism between the two rivals.
2. The antagonism between the management and workers threatens to escalate into a strike.
3. Racial antagonism still pervades society.
4. Political antagonism has divided friends and family.
5. The antagonism between the two sides led to violence.
6. The neighbors' antagonism erupted into a full-blown feud.
7. The coach's antagonism toward the player stemmed from jealousy.
8. The teacher tried to reduce antagonism between the rival student groups.
9. They attempted to overcome their cultural antagonism through education and exchange programs.
10. The conflict began with simple antagonism but quickly escalated into a deadly competition.
11. The antagonism between the fans ruined the friendly rivalry between teams.
12. There is a lingering antagonism between the two nations due to their historical conflicts.
13. The antagonism between siblings often begins in childhood and continues throughout life.
14. The media's antagonism toward the candidate turned voters against him.
15. The coach's antagonistic attitude drove players away from the team.
16. The antagonism between gangs fueled high rates of violence in the city.
17. The protesters' antagonism toward the police led to arrests and injuries.
18. Russian antagonism toward NATO has grown in recent years.
19. After years of antagonism between them, they finally made amends.
20. The brewing antagonism between coworkers threatens productivity.
21. Students blamed the antagonism among teachers for the low morale at the school.
22. Following years of antagonism, the countries finally signed a peace treaty.
23. The antagonism of the city's residents toward change slowed progress.
24. The fans' antagonism toward the referee led to him being booed off the field.
25. His antagonism toward authority developed during his troubled youth.
26. My attempts to rationalize were met with antagonism and suspicion.
27. The antagonism among the panelists made for a contentious debate.
28. Antagonism between classes is a recipe for social unrest.
29. The damaging antagonism between husbands and wives must be overcome with love and understanding.
30. The antagonism between the protesters and police grew increasingly ugly.
31. The old antagonism between the villages flared up again this year.
32. Relations between the U.S. and North Korea are marked by mutual antagonism.
33. The characters' personal antagonism drives much of the drama in the novel.
34. The antagonism between siblings was born of competition for their parents' affection.
35. His antagonism toward authority figures stemmed from a difficult childhood.
36. The antagonism between gangs fueled violence in the city streets.
37. The antagonism toward immigrants is fueled by misunderstanding and fear.
38. The coach's antagonistic style led to conflict with many of his players.
39. The antagonism between coworkers jeopardized their ability to work together effectively.
40. Partisan antagonism has paralyzed the legislature for years.
41. Class antagonism threatens to tear the social fabric apart.
42. The protesters grew antagonistic as police presence increased.
43. International antagonism has led to a breakdown in diplomatic relations.
44. Racial antagonism still causes tension in integrated neighborhoods.
45. His antagonistic demeanor pushed customers away.
46. The antagonism between the candidates made for a nasty debate.
47. Religious antagonism has fueled violence and intolerance throughout history.
48. The antagonism between rival tribes led to many bloody battles.
49. The military buildup fueled antagonism between the enemy nations.
50. The antagonism between management and labor nearly caused the company to collapse.

Common Phases

1. There is a growing antagonism between the two groups.
2. The conflict began with economic antagonism over trade relations.
3. The mob violence was fueled by ethnic and religious antagonism.
4. The company culture was plagued with interdepartmental antagonism.
5. The workers grew antagonistic towards management.
6. The media stoked antagonism against the minority group.
7. His remarks only served to arouse antagonism.
8. She confronted his antagonistic attitude head on.
9. They settled their differences and eased the political antagonism between the nations.
10. The conflict resolution workshop helped reduce antagonism among staff.
11. Antagonism brewed between the two political factions.
12. Her antagonistic spirit caused conflicts at every turn.
13. Antagonism can damage team morale and productivity.
14. We must work to reduce antagonism and build trust.
15. The tensions will slowly fade as antagonism subsides.
16. Leaders should mitigate antagonism rather than fan the flames.
17. Their antagonism toward one another stems from childhood rivalry.
18. She approached the discussion with an open mind instead of antagonism.
19. There is deep-rooted antagonism between the two groups that will take generations to heal.
20. Attempts at reconciliation failed due to entrenched antagonism.
21. Her hostile antagonism soured any chance of friendship.
22. Their antagonism towards each other prevented progress on the project.
23. His antagonistic behavior caused upset amongst the staff.
24. The antagonism between the two schools spilled onto the sports field.
25. Tense nationalistic antagonism dominates the geopolitical landscape.
26. Their antagonism has turned into open hostility.
27. Antagonism quickly arose between the two departments.
28. Despite her antagonistic nature, she was hardworking and productive.
29. Antagonism between management and labor has been brewing for months.
30. There is deep-rooted antagonism in their relationship after years of rivalry.
31. The antagonism between the siblings arose from competition for parental affection.
32. Despite their antagonism, they managed to work together effectively.
33. The political situation was characterized by mutual antagonism and mistrust.
34. The company tried to reduce antagonism through employee engagement programs.
35. His antagonism towards her stemmed from jealousy.
36. His antagonistic remarks only served to anger his opponents.
37. Antagonism grew between the factions as the election neared.
38. The editors held antagonistic political views that spilled into their work.
39. The antagonism between the groups has a long and complicated history.
40. The conflict resolution workshop helped reduce antagonism between neighbors.
41. They reconciled their differences and ended years of antagonism.
42. Her antagonism arose from her own insecurities and self-doubt.
43. Antagonism towards the new initiative was swift and fierce.
44. The tensions arose from differing perspectives rather than antagonism.
45. Their antagonism stemmed from differing ideals and visions for the company's future.
46. Her antagonistic behavior alienated her co-workers.
47. His remarks are intended to stir up antagonism against the minority group.
48. The antagonism that has built up over time finally boiled over.
49. There was deep antagonism between management and labor.
50. The antagonism between the countries threatens to escalate into open conflict.
51. Despite their antagonism towards each other, they worked together productively.
52. Antagonism undermined collaboration and productivity.
53. They attempted to resolve their antagonism through honest communication.
54. His antagonistic attitude quickly turned potential allies into enemies.
55. His antagonistic behavior was unwarranted and unjustified.
56. The parties worked to reduce antagonism and resolve their disputes.
57. Antagonism between departments ultimately harmed the entire company.
58. Antagonism turned into open hostility during the meeting.
59. His antagonism arose from feelings of resentment and envy.
60. Leaders should work to diffuse antagonism rather than exacerbating it.

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