Apostropher example sentences
apostrophe (noun) · apostrophes (plural noun)
- a punctuation mark ( ’ ) used to indicate either possession (e.g., Harry's book; boys' coats) or the omission of letters or numbers (e.g., can't; he's; class of ’99):
noun rhetoric
apostrophe (noun) · apostrophes (plural noun)
- an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing (typically one that is personified):
exclusion, exception, deletion, erasure, cut, excision, elimination, absence, aphesis, apheresis, apocope, asyndeton, elision, ellipsis, gapping, haplography, haplology, syncope, expunction, addition, inclusion, deviation, detour, diversion, departure, excursus, aside, footnote, parenthesis, divergence, straying, drifting, rambling, wandering, meandering, maundering, excursion, divagation"Apostropher" Example Sentences
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