Applaudere example sentences
Related (10): applause, clapping, cheering, commendation, approbation, approval, tribute, accolades, kudos, plaudits
applaud (verb) · applauds (third person present) · applauded (past tense) · applauded (past participle) · applauding (present participle)
- show approval or praise by clapping:
- show strong approval of (a person or action); praise:
clap, cheer, whistle, hail, acclaim, hurrah, hurray, boo, hiss, praise, commend, acclaim, salute, extol, laud, admire, welcome, celebrate, favor, criticize"Applaudere" Example Sentences
1. Tota turba clamoribus applaudebat.
The whole crowd was applauding with shouts.
2. Cum Caesar populum allocutus esset, populus vehementer applaudebat.
After Caesar had addressed the people, the people were applauding violently.
3. Lectorem velociter legentem discipuli applaudebant.
The students were applauding the reader quickly reading.
4. Senatores cum populus rhetorem laudaret vehementer applaudebant.
When the people praised the orator, the senators were applauding vigorously.
5. In foro populus patremfamilias laudantem frequenter applaudebat.
In the forum, the people were frequently applauding the father of the family praising.
6. Populus cantorem eximie canentem vehementer applaudebat.
The people were applauding vigorously the singer singing extraordinarily well.
7. Cum fabulam actores plane action darent, spectatores saepe applaudebant.
When the actors were acting out the story very well, the spectators were applauding often.
8. Omni cantu finito, gymnasiarchus citharoedo plenum applausum dedit.
After every song ended, the gymnasiarch gave the citharoedus a full applause.
9. Canor discipulus post cantum magistro et condiscipulis applausum accepit.
The melodious student received applause from the teacher and fellow students after the song.
10. Milites exercitus post aciem formavit consuli plaudendo responderunt.
The soldiers of the army after forming the battle line replied to the consul by applauding.
11. Actrices pulchre actio fabulam dabant multis plausibus spectatores exigebant.
The actresses who were acting out the story beautifully were demanding applause from the spectators with many claps.
12. Declamatorem prompte et eleganter declamanti frequens manuum applausus datus est.
The declaimer promptly and elegantly declaiming was given a frequent applause of hands.
13. Post fabulam poetae turba tota vagi applausus effudi.
After the play the whole wandering crowd of poets poured out applauses.
14. Ubi senex finito sermone sedit, pueri magistro frequenter applaudebant.
When the old man sat down after finishing his speech, the boys were frequently applauding the teacher.
15. Spectatores athletam fortem bene certantem magno clamore applaudebant.
The spectators were applauding the strong athlete competing well with a great shout.
16. Histriones fabulam accurate agentes applausum ex multitudine acceperunt.
The actors performing the play accurately received applause from the multitude.
17. Schola tota frequenter laureato praeceptori plausibus respondebat.
The whole school was frequently responding to the acclaimed teacher with applause.
18. Actio scaenica mira felicitate gesta laude et plausu maximo decorata est.
The scenic performance was decorated with the greatest praise and applause for being done with amazing good fortune.
19. Cum orator satis copiose et eleganter dixisset, magnus ei ab auditoribus datus est applausus.
When the orator had spoken sufficiently copiously and elegantly, a great applause was given to him by the listeners.
20. Post actoris actionem limatam multumque artificiosam plausus fortiter concitati sunt.
After the actor's refined and very skillful performance, applause was strongly stirred up.
21. Cum declamatorem optime dicentem audissent, gaudio pueri magistro plaudendo responderunt.
When the boys had heard the declaimer speaking very well, they responded to the teacher with applause out of joy.
22. Postquam poeta pulchrum carmen cecinit, laetus auditorum effusi sunt plausus.
After the poet had sung a beautiful poem, the joyful applause of the listeners poured out.
23. Cum chorus bene cantasset, omnes plausibus voci cantantium responderunt.
When the choir had sung well, everyone responded to the singing voices with applause.
24. Post clarum poemata lectionem clamor et plausus ingens exaudiebatur.
After the brilliant reading of poems, a great shout and applause was heard.
25. Poeta pulchra poemata scribens et legens multos et magnos plausus accepit.
The poet writing and reading beautiful poems received many and great applause.
26. Puella probe cantanti puero plaudendo respondit.
The girl responded to the boy singing well by applauding.
27. Complures fabulas egregie agentibus histronibus clamor suffectus est pluribus plausibus.
For the actors performing many plays excellently, the shout was followed by many applauses.
28. Schola instrumenta pulchre pulsanti magistro applaudendo respondebat.
The school responded to the teacher beautifully playing the instruments by applauding.
29. Paterfamilias filium bene dicentem saepe plaudendo laudabat.
The father of the family was often praising the son speaking well by applauding.
30. Post scenicos actores acta fabula turba tota plausibus generosis respondebat.
After the scenic performance of the play the whole crowd responded with generous applause.
31. Literator egregie condensa poema legenti crebro magnum plausum dedit.
The literate man gave great applause often to the one reading an excellently condensed poem.
32. Cum nonnulla loca urbanissime dixisset, magister aliquot discipulorum plausibus excepitur.
When he had said some places most wittily, the teacher was received by the applause of some students.
33. Postquam orator arte et facultate dixit, plausum auditor maximo cepit.
After the orator had spoken with art and ability, the listener received the greatest applause.
34. Post cantilenam melodiam expositam grex puellarum cantanti frequenter applaudebat.
After the melody had been sung out, the flock of girls were often applauding the singer.
35. Fabula scenica optime repreasentata est plurimis atque fortissimis plausibus decorata.
The scenic play was most suitably represented and decorated with very many and strongest applause.
36. Cum rhetor optime et graviter dixerit, plausum magnum et diuturnum auditor ab universa condone cepit.
When the orator had spoken most excellently and weightily, the listener received a great and long applause from the whole assembly.
37. Pueri frequenter laudato magistro plaudendo responderunt.
The boys often responded to the praised teacher by applauding.
38. Concionem habitam ab oratore eleganter atque copiose magnum pluresque plausus consecuti sunt.
The speech made by the orator elegantly and copiously was followed by a great many applause.
39. Cantus symphoniam fundentes musici crebro plausibus exceperunt.
The musicians pouring out the symphony of songs were often received by applause.
40. Post scenicos actores acta fabula turba tota plausibus generosis respondebat.
After the scenic actors performed the play, the whole crowd responded with generous applause.
41. Cum athleta bene gressus est, unus quisque spectator plaudente plausum dedit.
When the athlete competed well, each spectator gave applause by applauding.
42. Laetantes plausum/ plaudendo dant/damus.
The rejoicing give applause by applauding.
43. Quicumque pulchre acta fabula plausum dederunt.
Whoever gave applause to the beautifully performed play.
44. Plaudite! plaudite! optime poeta! vestris laudibus
Applaud! Applaud! O excellent poet! With your praises.
45. Senatores optime causam disserentem oratorem magno plausu exceperunt.
The senators received the orator arguing an excellent case with great applause.
46. Oratoris elegantia et copia vocem plurimi plausus comitata est.
The elegance and copiousness of the orator's voice was accompanied by much applause.
47. Saepius exspectatum plausum discipuli docto magistro dederunt.
The disciples
Common Phases
1. Plausum/ plausibus dare - To applaud, give applause
2. Plausum/plausibus accipere - To receive applause
3. Plaudendo responderunt - They responded by applauding
4. Plausibus exceperunt - They received (him/her) with applause
5. Plausum/plausibus efficere - To win applause
6. Plaudite! - Applaud!
7. Magno/ingenti plausu exceperunt - They received (him/her) with great/immense applause
8. Plausum/plausibus mereri - To deserve applause
9. Plausibus decorare - To honor with applause
10. Plausum/plausibus concitare - To stir up applause
11. Plausum/plausibus afficere - To overwhelm with applause
12. Plaudendo laudare - To praise by applauding
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