Attune example sentences

Related (4): harmonize, adapt, synchronize, adjust

"Attune" Example Sentences

1. Her senses attuned to the sounds of the forest.
2. The musician's ear was finely attuned to even the slightest variations in pitch.
3. Meditation helped him attune his mind to a state of calm and clarity.
4. The therapist worked to attune her responses to her patient's needs.
5. The shaman attuned himself to the spiritual world through ritual and meditation.
6. The toddler's senses were just beginning to attune to her surroundings.
7. The monk spent years attuning his mind to spiritual awareness.
8. Practice helped the yoga students attune their breathing and movements.
9. The bird watcher's eye was attuned to the slightest movement in the trees.
10. After years of experience, the doctor's intuition was finely attuned.
11. The students tried to attune their writing style to the professor's preferences.
12. Years of teaching had attuned the teacher to the diverse needs of her students.
13. The cherubic infant was just beginning to attune to her mother's voice.
14. The nurse attuned herself to subtle changes in her patient's vital signs.
15. The newborn's senses were just beginning to slowly attune to the outside world.
16. The guide attuned herself to the group's interests in order to give the best tour.
17. After years in the military, his ears were finely attuned to the slightest noise.
18. Through meditation, she worked to attune her mind and body.
19. The pilgrims sought to attune themselves to the spiritual energy of the holy site.
20. Deep in the forest, the sitarist attuned his stringed instrument to the sounds of nature.
21. The naturalist sought to attune herself to the subtle rhythms of the riverbank.
22. Spending so much time outdoors had attuned his senses to changes in the weather.
23. Yoga helped her attune her breath and heartbeat to the calm rhythm of the ocean waves.
24. The observer's eye was finely attuned to the slight movements within the piece of artwork.
25. Her voice attuned to the mood of the song as she sang its melancholy lyrics.
26. Practice helped the musician attune his pitch to the orchestra's tune.
27. The fortune teller sought to attune herself to the customer's energy field.
28. The meditation helped him attune his breathing to the rhythm of the seasons.
29. Centering prayer helped the nun attune to the still small voice within.
30. The student tried to attune her writing style to mirror the professor's.
31. The parent learned to attune herself to her baby's cries and needs.
32. The woman sought to attune herself to the messages within her dreams.
33. Exposure to nature helped him attune his senses to the rhythm of the wind and the tides.
34. The shaman attuned himself to the sounds of the spirit world.
35. Morning meditation helped him attune his mind to the day ahead.
36. The singer attuned her voice to the delicate timbre of the ancient ballad.
37. The writer sought to attune his words to the experience of wartime.
38. The dancer attuned her body to the rhythm of the music.
39. The detective's mind was finely attuned to picking up on small details others might miss.
40. The empath sought to attune herself to the emotions of those around her.
41. The priest sought to attune his prayers to the needs of his congregation.
42. Exercise helped her attune her body and mind.
43. The cat's senses were finely attuned to subtle changes in its environment.
44. The warrior sought to attune his mind to a state of perfect calmness.
45. The child's senses were finely attuned to his mother's moods and emotions.
46. The student sought to attune his academic writing to the stylistic expectations of his professor.
47. The monk's thoughts were finely attuned with the rhythms of nature.
48. She sought to attune her spirit to the wisdom within.
49. The guide sought to attune his presentation to the interests of his audience.
50. The surfer sought to attune himself with the rhythm of the waves.
51. The writer sought to attune his words to the delicate nuances of emotion contained within the poem.
52. The vigilante sought to attune himself to the dark undercurrents of the city streets.
53. The gardener sought to attune herself to the natural cycles of plant growth and decay.
54. The healer attuned herself to the patient's energy.
55. The child learned to attune herself to her parent's moods and emotions.
56. Nature helped her attune her spirit to the larger rhythms of the universe.
57. The monk sought to attune his mind with the timeless stillness within all things.
58. The psychic sought to attune herself to the spirit world.
59. The reporter attuned her questions to the interests of her readers.
60. The coach sought to attune his training regimen to the specific needs of his athletes.

Common Phases

1. finely attuned - having a refined awareness or sensitivity
2. attuned to - aware of and responsive to
3. attune to - become aware of and responsive to
4. attune oneself - adjust or adapt oneself mentally or emotionally
5. attune one's ear - become sensitive to the nuances of sound
6. attune one's mind - align one's thoughts and mental state
7. attune one's senses - develop awareness through the senses
8. attune one's words - choose words that match a certain tone or mood
9. attune one's spirit - align one's inner being with a greater whole
10. attune one's breathing - adjust one's breathing rhythm
11. attune one's body - align one's physical being
12. attune to nature - develop responsiveness to the environment
13. attune to the spiritual realm - develop sensitivity to the non-physical world
14. attune with - become aligned and resonate with
15. bring into attunement - cause to come into harmony

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