Ayah example sentences
Related (8): Mother, nanny, caretaker, governess, babysitter, housemaid, housekeeper, servant.
"Ayah" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The ayah recited the Quran beautifully.
2. The ayah comforted the small child after a scary dream.
3. The verse, or ayah, revealed wisdom from Allah.
4. The ayah spent her mornings memorizing passages from the sacred text.
5. The grandmotherly ayah had taught generations of students the Quran.
6. The ayah rocked and sang to her infant son as she prepared lunch.
7. One ayah after another in the Quran teaches compassion and mercy.
8. The Prophet Muhammad's many wise ayah are recorded as hadith.
9. The ayah praised Allah for the gift of her first grandchild.
10. The ayah put hot tea and dates in front of her tired husband after a long day's work.
11. The ayah taught her young daughters daily lessons of faith, kindness and patience.
12. The Muslim women make up half of the ummah, or community, through the strength and wisdom of countless ayah.
13. The grand ayah told amusing stories of her youth to make the children laugh.
14. The ayah spent hours memorizing new lessons to teach her students the next day.
15. The ayah picked fresh produce from her garden to make meals for her large family.
16. The ayah thanked Allah for the health of her children and grandchildren each day.
17. The elderly ayah dispensed wise advice based on years of experience and faith.
18. The ayah welcomed visitors into her home with grace and warmth.
19. The mother ayah softly sang her child to sleep at night with an old lullaby.
20. The ayah carefully mended clothes and stitched patches to save them from waste.
21. An ayah can have simple wisdom to guide by showing patience and compassion.
22 The ayah smiled as she listened to her husband share stories from work over dinner.
23. The ayah cleaned the house and cooked meals to nurture her home and family.
24. The ayah knelt in prayer, reciting ayah from the Holy Quran that brought her peace.
25. The ayah gently bandaged her granddaughter's scraped knee and kissed it better.
26. the ayahs in the Quran reveal spiritual insight through Allah's divine words.
27. The ayah enjoyed calling friends and family to share news and keep connection.
28. The hardworking ayah woke early to finish housework before her children awoke.
29. An ayah nurtured life with warmth, wisdom and unconditional love for her family.
30. The ayah carried hope and strength that inspired those around her.
31. The ayah taught her young grandchildren moral values through stories and play.
32. The ayah prayed for forgiveness,guidance and mercy for herself and all humanity.
33. The wise ayah listened patiently as her children shared their troubles.
34. An ayah can bring light into this world with grace,faith and inner beauty.
35. The mother ayah lovingly prepared meals for her children from scratch.
36. The ayah generously counseled and comforted those facing struggle and loss.
37. The working ayah managed home and career with balance, compassion and perseverance.
38. The elderly ayah passed on her knowledge, wisdom and experience to the next generation.
39. The ayah helped her neighbor in times of need with food, comfort and compassion.
40. The ayah thanked Allah for her health, happiness and safety each night before sleep.
41. The ayah cherished moments spent rocking her infant child and singing lullabies.
42. An ayah of the Quran can offer a message of patience, love and faith for all people.
43. The ayah offered hope, joy and light to her family and community through faith and wisdom.
44. The ayah taught valuable lessons through her own example of hard work and perseverance.
45. The mother ayah gently nursed her sick child back to health with love and care.
46. The ayah woke before dawn to begin her day of worship, work and caring for others.
47. The grandmother ayah shared humorous stories and jokes with her grandchildren.
48. The ayah spent time every day reading Quranic ayahs and reflecting on their meaning.
49. The ayah welcomed her husband home from work with a smile and warm embrace.
50. The elderly ayah willingly shared her cultural and spiritual knowledge with students.
51. The ayah taught her daughters skills for household management and resourcefulness.
52. The ayah maintained hope and inner peace through a life of faith and spiritual practice.
53. The female ayahs in Muslim history have made many valuable contributions.
54 An ayah of the Quran can provide guidance through divine wisdom to people of any faith.
55. The ayah recited daily duaa to ask Allah for blessings and guidance.
56. The compassionate ayah comforted those suffering from illness and loss with kindness.
57. The wise grandmother ayah shared the stories and wisdom of her culture with the young.
58. The hardworking ayah managed a household and raised children with love, patience and grace.
59. Generations of ayahs have passed on wisdom, strength and spiritual insight to humanity.
60. An ayah can nurture hope,faith and inspiration through a life of service and unconditional love.