Egoism example sentences

Related (10): selfishness, individualism, self-interest, self-centredness, self-absorption, egocentrism, self-obsession, self-regard, self-love, self-exaltation.

"Egoism" Example Sentences

1. His excessive egoism knows no bounds.
2. She prides herself on her selflessness, yet her actions betray an undercurrent of egoism.
3. Egoism diminishes our capacity for compassion and connection with others.
4. His every decision seems driven by self-interest and egoism.
5. The philosopher argued that rational egoism was the basis for all moral behavior.
6. She acted out of pure egoism, with no regard for others.
7. His rampant egoism made him incapable of considering anyone's needs but his own.
8. Her actions were motivated more by egoism than any actual care for others.
9. The critic saw egoism and self-aggrandizement behind the artist's every brushstroke.
10. Behind the philanthropist's ostensible altruism lay a streak of egoism.
11. Political leaders must guard against allowing egoism to guide their decisions.
12. Critics accused the CEO of making decisions motivated by egoism and self-interest.
13. His philosophy centered on radical individualism and rational egoism.
14. Consumerism breeds materialism and egoism as people chase after possessions.
15. The pop star's lavish lifestyle was fueled by an unhealthy degree of egoism.
16. The professor challenged students to recognize egoism in themselves and combat it.
17. Egoism leads to conflict and suffering as it neglects the needs of others.
18. Impure egoism seeks only to gratify one's own desires.
19. Their views were shaped more by ideological egoism than by objective reasoning.
20. The guru warned against spiritual egoism that places oneself above all others.
21. Pure egoism is ruthless in the pursuit of self-interest at any cost.
22. Excessive egoism breeds resentment and mistrust in one's personal relationships.
23. Spiritual practices must guard against producing spiritual egoism in their adherents.
24. The historian saw egoism as one of the primary motives behind colonialism.
25. They argued that caring for others is not at odds with rational egoism.
26. Recognizing and combating egoism within ourselves leads to spiritual growth.
27. Activists claimed that the company's practices were driven more by corporate egoism than concern for the environment.
28. The conspiracy theorist saw egoism and selfish ambition behind the government's actions.
29. The preacher denounced stark egoism and self-centeredness in society today.
30. She fought against the egoism inherent in believing that she knew best for others.
31. He accused his critics of ideological egoism and blindness to other perspectives.
32. Egoism is often disguised as patriotism or religiosity.
33. The philosophers disagreed over whether morality required moving beyond rational egoism.
34. Excessive pride and egoism can lead to cycles of humiliation and resentment.
35. The psychologist saw rampant egoism at the root of most psychological disorders.
36. Enlightened egoism recognizes one's interconnectedness with all beings.
37. Selfishness and egoism have no place in a truly spiritual life.
38. The novelist depicted characters driven by greed, ambition and egoism.
39. Spiritual practices often struggle to avoid fostering religious egoism.
40. Moderating our own egoism allows us to truly see and serve others.
41. Societal ills like poverty and injustice stem from collective egoism.
42. Humility requires giving up facile egoism and embracing one's small place in the universe.
43. They claimed that capitalism is built on and reproduces excessive egoism.
44. Rational egoism demands that we weigh the interests of others to advance our own ends.
45. Longing to transcend narrow egoism and self-attachment, she sought enlightenment.
46. Human progress requires tempering our base egoism with concern for the larger good.
47. Activists decried corporate egoism and indifference to social and environmental costs.
48. Excessive individuality can degenerate into destructive egoism.
49. Conservative ideals often promote egoism and indifference toward the less fortunate.
50. We must exercise vigilance against egoism wherever it appears, within or without.
51. Political theories based on unrestrained egoism predictably lead to tyranny.
52. Many ethical systems strive to balance rational egoism with concern for others.
53. Atheism untempered by empathy can degenerate into egoism and nihilism.
54. Progressive reforms seek to curb egoism and self-interest in the name of social solidarity.
55. His generosity was driven more by egoism and a need for praise than by true compassion.
56. She denounced modern celebrity culture as breeding narcissism and pathological egoism.
57. The spiritual seeker sought to let go of narrow egoism and realize nondual consciousness.
58. Philosophers debated whether enlightened egoism was compatible with true altruism.
59. Selfless service counters the egoism ingrained in structured hierarchies.
60. Spiritual awakening requires letting go of pathological egoism and realizing our true nature.

Common Phases

1. His egoism knows no bounds.
2. Her selfishness verged on rampant egoism.
3. The philosopher spoke out against moral egoism.
4. Children must be taught to overcome their own natural egoism.
5. The hero showed remarkable lack of egoism, instead deferring praise to his teammates.
6. Her egoism and self-absorption were off-putting.
7. The hunter's egoism eventually led to his downfall.
8. He showed no signs of stoic self-control, only narcissistic egoism.
9. Excessive egoism can harm interpersonal relationships.
10. A healthy dose of egoism is necessary to survive and thrive.
11. The preacher condemned his materialistic egoism and greed.
12. The very root of conflict is egoism.
13. Their egoism prevented any chance of compromise.
14. Egoism runs counter to altruism and morality.
15. The philosopher espoused ethical egoism.
16. Her narcissism and egoism blinded her to the needs of others.
17. Critics condemned his economic theory as promoting unrestrained egoism.
18. They quarreled constantly due to their mutual dislike and egoism.
19. Rational egoism maintains that enlightened self-interest leads to the greatest good.
20. Structures of power encourage rampant egoism among leaders.
21. The philosopher argued that benevolence stems from rational egoism.
22. Critics charge that unfettered capitalism promotes egoism and greed.
23. His moral philosophy rejected both ethical egoism and altruism.
24. Her rampant egoism was off-putting to others.
25. The thinker's radical egoism set him apart from his more idealistic contemporaries.
26. The novelist portrayed the protagonist's moral corruption due to egoism.
27. The interview revealed his shocking egoism and lack of empathy.
28. The social ideal of promoting the general welfare clashes with egoism.
29. The novel depicted man's natural egoism and innate desire for power.
30. Some degree of enlightened egoism is necessary for survival.
31. Philosophy seeks to temper man's natural egoism with reason and moral reflection.
32. Her excessive egoism prevented any chance of compromise.
33. Insatiable egoism led him to ruthlessly exploit others for personal gain.
34. The central problem of ethics is reconciling egoism and altruism.
35. Critics see the unrestrained capitalism and consumerism as promoting selfish egoism.
36. The economist's theory championed rational egoism and laissez-faire capitalism.
37. He rejected egoism in favor of moral universalism.
38. Egoism and narcissism corrupted his leadership.
39. His radical egoism and ruthlessness chilled observers.
40. The philosopher extolled the virtues of enlightened egoism and reason.
41. Her egoism caused irreparable damage to their friendship.
42. The thinker advocated rational egoism as the foundation of morality.
43. Their quarrel arose from petty egoism on both sides.
44. Psychologists seek to understand the roots of egoism and narcissism.
45. Instead of egoism, they teach altruism and service to the community.
46. Their petty egoism and desire for recognition prevented collaboration.
47. The totalitarian regime promoted rampant egoism and the glorification of the leader.
48. She condemned his ideas as promoting unrestrained egoism and greed.
49. The interview revealed his naked egoism and self-obsession.
50. Egoism led to the downfall of his empire.
51. Rational egoism justifies doing whatever is in one's own self-interest.
52. Critics accused her of rampant egoism in pursuing the recognition she craved.
53. His ethical system rejected both egoism and extreme altruism.
54. The novelist portrayed the contrast between enlightened egoism and naked selfishness.
55. His excessive egoism blinded him to the needs of others.
56. They argued over trivial issues due to their mutual egoism.
57. The young man's egoism surprised and disappointed his mentor.
58. The social contract seeks to reconcile individual freedom with combating rampant egoism.
59. The writer's moral philosophy attempted to balance egoism and altruism.
60. The philosopher's moral theory sought to reconcile enlightened egoism with a universal concern for all humanity.

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