Backbiter example sentences

Related (7): gossip, slanderer, defamer, two-faced, hypocrite, betrayer, deceiver

"Backbiter" Example Sentences

1. Beware of that man, he is a malicious backbiter who seeks to ruin the reputations of others.
2. She ignores the gossip and backbiting of those petty souls.
3. The church leaders warned about spreading rumors and engaging in backbiting of fellow members.
4. Do not listen to the wagging tongue of that backbiter, he speaks only lies and slander.
5. Even the kindest person will become hateful when consumed by backbiting and gossip.
6. Stay away from those gossips and backbiters, their words will only breed suspicion and ill will.
7. The old woman spent her days engaged in vicious backbiting and spreading malicious rumors.
8. They spent hours together bitterly backbiting and slandering the characters of their supposed friends.
9. The mean-spirited backbiter delighted in spreading rumors that damaged reputations and friendships.
10. The boss warned the employees to stop the petty backbiting and focus on their work.
11. Her compassionate nature made her immune to the backbiting of jealous people.
12. God warns against the sin of backbiting in both the Old and New Testament.
13. Muslims are forbidden from engaging in backbiting and spreading rumors according to Islamic teaching.
14. Do not waste your time listening to that gossip monger and backbiter, nothing good will come of it.
15. The group was torn apart by jealousy, backbiting and rumors spread by supposed friends.
16. The art of backbiting and spreading rumors seems to come naturally to some people.
17. He ignored the backbiting of his enemies and focused on achieving his goals.
18. I will not lower myself to engage in your petty backbiting and gossip.
19. Their vicious backbiting drove away many potential friends.
20. The supervisor warned the staff to avoid rumors, backbiting and idle gossip in the workplace.
21. Let us speak no ill of others, but live in peace, free from backbiting and slander.
22. Her gentle spirit could not be touched by the backbiting of those with cruel tongues.
23. Do not spread rumors or backbite others, even if you think they deserve it.
24. The jealous backbiter delights in destroying the reputations of others.
25. Her sharp tongue lashed out in backbiting and slander against supposed friends.
26. Rise above the backbiting and gossip of petty people, and live with honesty and integrity.
27. The backbiters spread rumors attempting to turn friends against each other.
28. The backbiter enjoys repeating crude and vulgar gossip for the sole purpose of damaging reputations.
29. The elderly woman peddled vulgar gossip and freely backbit others without shame.
30. My father always warned me not to listen to backbiters or spread gossip myself.
31. The girl ignored the rude backbiting of jealous classmates.
32. Avoid becoming involved in backbiting and spreading rumors, as it will eventually turn against you.
33. His reputation had been destroyed by the constant backbiting of jealous rivals.
34. Do not waste another moment listening to that malicious backbiter, get away from her at once!
35. Stop engaging in gossip and backbiting at once, or you will be disciplined!
36. He would not lower himself to respond to the silly backbiting and unfounded rumors.
37. Responding to backbiters and gossips only fans the flames, the wisest choice is to ignore them.
38. The young lady's gentle spirit would not be contaminated by the cruel backbiting of others.
39. Control your tongue and avoid backbiting others, even if you think they deserve it.
40. The enemies sought to harm him through backbiting and spreading unfounded rumors.
41. Our spirits will not be troubled by your petty backbiting and lies.
42. Their gossip and backbiting destroyed many friendships and reputations.
43. Let us speak with kindness to all, shunning backbiting and spreading rumors.
44. His noble character could not be diminished by the backbiting of lesser souls.
45. The jealous woman was notorious for her backbiting nature and cruel tongue.
46. The workers were warned not to engage in backbiting and spreading rumors about management.
47. Their vicious backbiting was bred of jealousy and smallness of spirit.
48. Avoid wasting time arguing with backbiters, just ignore them and walk away.
49. The group was asked to refrain from crude jokes, backbiting and spreading rumors.
50. Even saints are not immune from the backbiting and slander of envious souls.
51. The talebearer freely engages in shameless backbiting and spreading of cruel rumors.
52. His glory could not be diminished by the backbiting and slander of jealous souls.
53. Do not listen to the backbiter, her words are poison bred of envy and malice.
54. Beware of that woman's harsh tongue, her backbiting nature has destroyed many friendships.
55. Rumors and backbiting have no place in our community, let's speak with kindness instead.
56. The girl stopped listening to the petty backbiting of jealous classmates.
57. Ignore the vulgar gossip and backbiting, they seek only to spread pain and hatred.
58. Stop engaging in backbiting at once or you will face consequences!
59. His elegant words silenced the crude backbiting and unfounded rumors.
60. Even the kindest souls can be corrupted by engaging in backbiting and spreading rumors.

Common Phases

1. Beware of backbiters.
2. Ignore backbiters.
3. Shut the mouth of the backbiter.
4. The tongue of the backbiter is foul.
5. The backbiter delights in slander.
6. Pay no mind to the backbiter's poisonous words.
7. The backbiter seeks to damage reputations.
8. Stay away from the company of backbiters.
9. Silence the crude tongue of the backbiter.
10. The backbiter envies the happiness of others.

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