Banish example sentences

Related (7): exile, expel, ostracize, deport, rid, ban, bar

"Banish" Example Sentences

1. The king banished the traitor from the kingdom.
2. The villagers banished the witch from the town.
3. The dictator banished his political enemies to remote prison camps.
4. The parents banished their son to his room as punishment.
5. She banished all negative thoughts from her mind.
6. He banished fear and anxiety through meditation and mindfulness.
7. The court banished the criminal to a remote island.
8. The teacher banished the misbehaving students from the classroom.
9. The dictator banished thousands of dissidents in his reign of terror.
10. Bad memories tried to creep in but she banished them away.
11. Bad habits are banished through willpower and discipline.
12. I banished misery and found joy instead.
13. The teacher banished all electronics from the classroom.
14. The general banished the cowardly soldier from the army.
15. My mother banished me to my room when I misbehaved.
16. The king banished the Duke from the kingdom for treason.
17. The government banished all opposition parties from running in the election.
18. The commander banished his drunken soldier from the base.
19. Religion banishes fear of death through the promise of eternal life.
20. The judge banished the criminal to a remote island prison.
21. The monsters were banished to the shadows where they belonged.
22. Dark thoughts were banished in the light of the warm sun.
23. I banish negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
24. She banished him from her heart and moved on with her life.
25. The queen banished the servants who betrayed her trust.
26. The teenager banished her younger siblings from her room.
27. The king banished poverty from the land through progressive policies.
28. Poverty can be banished through education, hard work and opportunity.
29. The librarian banished talking in the library.
30. Critics were banished from the press conference.
31. Banish fear and dwell in love instead.
32. Bad habits are banished by forming good ones.
33. Banish negativity from your thoughts.
34. His miserable past was banished by his hopeful future.
35. Misery was banished from her life once she changed her outlook.
36. Sadness was banished by joyful memories.
37. The president banished corruption from the government.
38. The management banished the troublesome employee.
39. I banish self-doubt and remember my strengths instead.
40. She banished hatred from her heart and lived in peace.
41. The coach banished the unruly players from the practice field.
42. The teacher banished talking and texting from the classroom.
43. Banish anger and live in calmness instead.
44. I banish worries about the future and live in the present moment.
45. The military dictatorship banished all opposition leaders.
46. The chief banished the toxic employee from the office.
47. Banish negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations.
48. The doctor banished illness and restored me to health.
49. The king banished jealousy from his heart and ruled with fairness.
50. Darkness was banished by the light of dawn.
60. You can banish pain through meditation and mindfulness.

Common Phases

1. The government moved to banish all political dissidents.
2. The king banished the traitor from the kingdom.
3. The teacher banished the disruptive student to the hall.
4. She banished all negative thoughts from her mind.
5. I tried to banish memories of him from my consciousness.
6. Yoga helps me banish stress and anxiety.
7. The tribe banished the witch from the village.
8. His negative attitude was banished when he started spreading positive vibes.
9. The sorcerer banished the evil spirits.
10. You must banish all self-doubt to succeed.
11. The monks banished themselves to a remote island.
12. Let us banish ignorance with education.
13. Winter banishes the sunshine and warmth.
14. Exercise banishes laziness.
15. Laughter banishes sadness.
16. Hard work will banish poverty.
17. Bestowing joy will banish sorrow.
18. Knowledge banishes fear.
19. Music helped him banish the loneliness.
20. He tried to banish all thoughts of her from his mind.
21. The parents banished their misbehaving child to his room.
22. I tried to banish images of the horrific accident from my memory.
23. Love banished the darkness in his soul.
24. The ritual was meant to banish evil spirits from the village.
25. The judge banished the defendant for 5 years.
26. Meditation helped her banish troubling thoughts.
27. They tried to banish hunger from the village.
28. He tried to banish the memory of his mother's death from his mind.
29. The village elders banished the thief from the community.
30. Banished from society, he lived a solitary life.
31. Warm sunshine banishes winter's gloom.
32. They banished him from the kingdom for life.
33. We will banish poverty through opportunity and empowerment.
34. The old rituals were meant to banish illness and misfortune.
35. Kindness will banish hostility.
36. Spreading goodwill can banish hatred.
37. She tried to banish thoughts of her ex from her mind.
38. The rebels were banished to a remote island prison.
39. The retired couple planned to banish hustle and hurry from their lives.
40. His cheeriness banished my sadness.
41. As the sun rises, it banishes darkness from the land.
42. The shadow banished all joy from his heart.
43. His cruel words banished all hope from her heart.
44. We must banish ignorance through education and openness.
45. The monks banished themselves from worldly society.
46. She banished all sadness from her heart with joyful singing.
47. Knowledge will banish prejudice and hatred.
48. You must banish doubts and have faith in yourself.
49. Tears banished her doubts and revived her hopes.
50. Hard work will banish laziness.
51. His jokes banished my gloom.
52. We will banish fear with understanding.
53. Meditation helped him banish troubling thoughts.
54. Laughter banished her sadness.
55. Hope banished despair from her heart.
56. The spell was meant to banish evil spirits.
57. The tribal elders banished him from the village for life.
58. She tried to banish thoughts of him with mindless television.
59. Light banishes darkness.
60. We must banish hatred from our hearts.

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