Became example sentences

Related (16): evolved, transformed, developed, shifted, altered, progressed, metamorphosed, mutated, transmuted, transfigured, adapted, modified, advanced, became, transpired, emerged

"Became" Example Sentences

1. He became disillusioned with the job.
2. The band eventually became very famous.
3. Her illness quickly became serious.
4. The problem gradually became worse over time.
5. She slowly became more and more confident.
6. The teenager soon became fascinated with computers.
7. Her interests quickly became focused on politics.
8. Their friendship slowly became something more.
9. The disease suddenly became deadly.
10. The news rapidly became widespread.
11. She finally became a published author.
12. Their argument suddenly became heated.
13. The clouds quickly became dark and threatening.
14. The storm eventually became severe.
15. I quickly became absorbed in the book.
16. He eventually became the CEO of the company.
17. They rapidly became separated in the crowd.
18. She gradually became skilled at the game.
19. The game quickly became competitive.
20. The weather suddenly became cold and blustery.
21. Their tolerance for each other rapidly became thin.
22. The water slowly became undrinkable.
23. His mood suddenly became dark and gloomy.
24. The journey eventually became too much for her.
25. The house slowly became rundown and uncared for.
26. Their relationship quickly became complicated.
27. The fire eventually became uncontrollable.
28. The sauce slowly became thick and rich.
29. The situation suddenly became dangerous.
30. He eventually became the leader they needed.
31. They soon became separated in the crowd.
32. The holiday season quickly became hectic.
33. The cold air rapidly became painful on her skin.
34. Their behavior eventually became inappropriate.
35. The headlights quickly became visible in the distance.
36. The town eventually became a ghost town.
37. She eventually became a famous actress.
38. The argument suddenly became bitter.
39. Her mood quickly became joyful.
40. The wounds slowly became infected.
41. He gradually became the most powerful man in the country.
42. Their differences eventually became irreconcilable.
43. The traffic suddenly became congested.
44. The crowd rapidly became unruly.
45. The game quickly became competitive.
46. Her tone suddenly became biting.
47. Their debts gradually became overwhelming.
48. The holidays quickly became hectic.
49. The ship slowly became impossible to steer.
50. The sun quickly became blinding.
51. Her disease eventually became terminal.
52. Their friendship eventually became romantic.
53. The flood waters rapidly became deeper.
54. Their acquaintances eventually became true friends.
55. His skills gradually became expert.
56. The damage eventually became irreparable.
57. The ground slowly became softer and softer.
58. The children soon became restless.
59. The fire gradually became out of control.
60. Her expression slowly became thoughtful.

Common Phases

1. She became a successful businesswoman.
2. He quickly became bored with his job.
3. The once quiet neighborhood gradually became crime-ridden.
4. The boy became a man after facing hardships in life.
5. As he got older, he became more bitter and cynical.
6. The crowd became restless and angry as the protests dragged on.
7. She became anxious as the big exam drew closer.
8. The medicine gradually became less effective.
9. The ship became trapped in thick ice.
10. The singer became famous overnight.
11. The discovery became the main focus of her research.
12. His hobby became a full-time career.
13. The food gradually became tasteless and spoiled.
14. As the storm intensified, the weather became dangerous.
15. The room became very crowded as more people arrived.
16. The flight path became obscured by fog.
17. The movie eventually became a blockbuster hit.
18. The issues became more complex as the project progressed.
19. Their relationship gradually became strained over time.
20. The victim's injuries rapidly became critical.
21. His dream eventually became a reality.
22. Over time, poverty became rampant in the community.
23. The arrangement eventually became permanent.
24. The once-friendly puppy became aggressive as an adult.
25. The plight of refugees in the region became a tragedy.
26. He quickly became frustrated with the faulty computer.
27. The music became muffled as they walked farther away.
28. The rope gradually became frayed and weak.
29. After the storm, the roads became impassable.
30. The water rapidly became undrinkable.
31. The crowd eventually became unruly and hostile.
32. His accent gradually became more American.
33. The hike suddenly became more difficult.
34. The sounds outside became fainter.
35. The books became dusty and neglected.
36. The land eventually became uninhabitable.
37. After climbing to the summit, the path became treacherous.
38. The engine gradually became more audible.
39. His vision became blurry and he lost focus.
40. The soldier eventually became disillusioned with the war.
41. Their choices became increasingly desperate.
42. The new appliance quickly became indispensable to their lives.
43. The answers became more elusive over time.
44. The catastrophe eventually became overwhelming.
45. The story became embellished with each retelling.
46. The former allies eventually became sworn enemies.
47. As the day progressed, the work became more tedious.
48. Her contributions gradually became invaluable to the organization.
49. The once-green land quickly became a desert.
50. The topic rapidly became controversial among voters.
51. The sudden fame quickly became overwhelming for the young actor.
52. The competition eventually became fierce between the companies.
53. The case rapidly became front page news.
54. His experience gradually became more disturbing.
55. Her breathing eventually became shallow and raspy.
56. The girls quickly became best friends in high school.
57. The maintenance became neglected over time.
58. The house gradually became dilapidated as it sat empty for years.
59. The fear eventually became paralyzing for her.
60. The issue suddenly became politicized during the elections.

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