Beings example sentences

Related (7): humans, animals, ghosts, spirits, deities, robots, gods

"Beings" Example Sentences

1. Humans are intelligent beings.
2. God created all living beings.
3. Animals are sentient beings.
4. Living beings need food, water and shelter to survive.
5. No matter our differences, we are all spiritual beings.
6. Aliens would be extraterrestrial beings.
7. Angels are spiritual beings according to some religions.
8. The Buddha taught compassion for all living beings.
9. As spiritual beings, we have a soul.
10. Plants are astonishingly complex living beings.
11. All beings deserve to be treated with love and respect.
12. Divine beings are worshipped in various religions.
13. Beings from other planets may exist in the vast universe.
14. According to some religions, God created spiritual beings.
15. Human beings have rights and responsibilities.
16. Sentient beings can feel and perceive the world around them.
17. The teachings encourage treating all beings with compassion.
18. Microscopic beings inhabit every part of our environment.
19. Humans are social beings that thrive in community.
20. Spiritual beings exist on other planes of existence.
21. Evil beings have been portrayed in mythology and folklore.
22. The fate of all beings is intertwined.
23. Mythical beings inhabit legends and stories.
24. Higher beings may guide and protect us.
25. Benevolent beings wish to do good for others.
26. Celestial beings dwell in the heavens.
27. Imaginary beings exist only in the mind.
28. The goal is to help all beings find liberation.
29. Responsible beings care for the needs of others.
30. Science studies the nature of all physical beings.
31. Malevolent beings aim to cause harm.
32. Diverse beings with unique needs share the planet.
33. Non-human beings have interests beyond those of humans.
34. Peaceful beings seek harmony in the world.
35. All beings have a light within them.
36. The prime directive is to do no harm to other beings.
37. Unseen beings may dwell in another dimension.
38. Benevolent beings exist to spread love and goodness.
39. Higher beings guide our spiritual evolution.
40. Mythic beings populate stories from cultures around the world.
41. Supernatural beings defy scientific explanation.
42. "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama
43. Wisdom teachings exhort us to honor all beings.
44. Prime directives regulate interactions with alien beings.
45. "All beings tremble before violence. All fear death." - Buddha
46. Protecting all beings from harm is wise and moral.
47. Meditation can increase compassion for all beings.
48. Young children are innocent, curious beings.
49. The Buddha taught loving kindness for all beings.
50. All beings are worthy of dignity and respect.
51. We all have something to learn from other beings.
52. Everyone has a right to be treated as the unique being they are.
53. Be good to animals and all living beings.
54. All beings seek happiness and strive to avoid suffering.
55. Be kind to yourself - you are a beautiful being.
56. Mysterious beings populate folktales from every culture.
57. "We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through." - Australian Aboriginal Proverb
58. "Each being nourishes itself at the heart of being." - Rilke
59. "Non-violence of thought and speech and action is jivanmukti, or freedom while living." - Mahatma Gandhi
60. "May all beings be happy." - Buddhist Benediction

Common Phases

1. All human beings deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
2. Their unselfish deed touched the hearts of many human beings.
3. Living beings need food, water, and shelter to survive.
4. The earth houses countless living beings of diverse forms.
5. The creatures looked like beings from another planet.
6. Intelligent beings evolved over millions of years.
7. Some believe aliens are observing human beings from outer space.
8. Many organized religions teach that human beings have souls.
9. The author envisions a future where all beings live in harmony.
10. Scientists study the behavior and evolution of living beings.
11. The spiritual master taught that all beings are connected.
12. The actions of individual beings affect the whole of society.
13. The film depicted alien beings coming to earth in peace.
14. Some philosophers have argued that only human beings are rational animals.
15. Many conservation efforts aim to protect animal beings from endangerment or extinction.
16. Think kind thoughts for all beings, no matter who they are.
17. Higher beings may exist on other planes of existence.
18. Kindness towards all living beings leads to inner peace.
19. Alien beings in the story abducted humans for experimentation.
20. The charity works to help needy human beings around the world.
21. Their generosity helped countless poor and suffering human beings.
22. Nature provides for the needs of all living beings on earth.
23. Some animals showed signs of intelligence rivaling human beings.
24. The monk taught that all beings are interrelated and interdependent.
25. The island was said to be inhabited by strange beings from the sea.
26. We need to consider the wellbeing of future generations of human beings on this planet.
27. The meditative state allowed him to communicate with higher beings.
28. Human beings require affection and companionship to lead fulfilling lives.
29. People around the world care deeply for the wellbeing of all living beings.
30. The philosophy holds that all beings possess innate goodness and worth.
31. The ancient texts speak of mythical beings born from nature itself.
32. Our actions have consequences not just for ourselves but for all beings.
33. The theory suggests that extraterrestrial beings seeded life on Earth long ago.
34. The monks lived simple lives focused on helping other living beings.
35. Animal beings suffer and experience emotions just like human beings.
36. There are those who believe non-human beings possess souls too.
37. All beings, from the lowliest worm to the wisest sage, seek happiness.
38. Many religions teach that human beings are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
39. Their guiding virtues are truth, love and compassion for all living beings.
40. As spiritual beings, our purpose goes beyond mere physical existence.
41. The creatures resembled no known beings on Earth or beyond.
42. The alien beings were peaceful and endlessly curious about human life.
43. The sacred text taught the oneness of all living beings great and small.
44. A hallmark of civilization is how we treat the most vulnerable beings.
45. Philosophers debate what qualities make humans unique among living beings.
46. Science helps us understand humanity's place among living beings on Earth.
47. All beings possess an innate wisdom beyond the limitations of the mind.
48. The spirit of kindness extends beyond human beings to all creatures on earth.
49. It was said that the wisest beings never judge or condemn others.
50. There are more living beings on the planet than we can possibly imagine.
51. Nature provides for the needs of all living beings out of great compassion.
52. The concept of human rights applies to all human beings equally.
53. Their goals focused on uplifting and liberating all living beings.
54. The spiritual master taught that love is the essence of all beings.
55. Over billions of years, countless beings have come and gone on this planet.
56. Humanity shares the planet with millions of other living beings.
57. The message speaks of higher truths that transcend individual beings.
58. Our duty is to promote the wellbeing of all sentient beings.
59. Alien beings explored the galaxy seeking knowledge and wisdom.
60. Spiritual liberation can free the divine spark within all living beings.

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