Bestowal example sentences

Related (6): Bestowment, conferral, awarding, grant, endowment, presentation.

"Bestowal" Example Sentences

1. The king's bestowal of land grants enriched his nobles.
2. The town held a festival in honor of the duke's bestowal of a charter.
3. The recipient was grateful for the knighthood's bestowal.
4. His bestowal of favors raised suspicion of corruption.
5. The queen delighted in the bestowal of titles and honors.
6. The new monarch's first royal bestowal was a title of nobility.
7. He gained many supporters through his judicious bestowal of patronage.
8. The king's lavish bestowal of gifts pleased the court.
9. The princess's hand in marriage was bestowed upon the most worthy suitor.
10. The monarch's bestowal of honors generated envy and resentment.
11. The award ceremony celebrated the bestowal of medals to veterans.
12. The generous bestowal of scholarships enabled many young people to attend college.
13. The host's bestowal of gifts upon his guests was most gracious.
14. The coronation ceremony formalized the monarch's bestowal of titles.
15. The charitable bestowal of funds enabled construction of a new children's hospital.
16. We are thankful for the blessed bestowal of so many gifts.
17. The duchess took pleasure in the bestowal of her favor upon the young poet.
18. His bestowal of privileges created discontent among those excluded.
19. We await the angel's bestowal of manna from heaven.
20. She received the blessed bestowal of sight after years of darkness.
21. The honorable bestowal of medals recognized years of military service.
22. Her wisest bestowal of love was upon her children.
23. The teacher's praise was a precious bestowal for the struggling student.
24. The announcement of the grants' bestowal brought joy to the recipients.
25. The king's generous bestowal of gifts pleased the populace.
26. The blessed bestowal of mercy delivered him from death.
27. His prudent bestowal of offices ensured factional balance.
28. The company celebrated the bestowal of bonuses upon loyal employees.
29. His unusual bestowal of land and titles raised suspicions of divine favoritism.
30. The blessed bestowal of sight enabled him to read for the first time.
31. The mayor celebrated the bestowal of grants for community projects.
32. The library's endowment arose from a blessed bestowal of funds.
33. The university celebrated the bestowal of scholarships to deserving students.
34. Her careful bestowal of favors preserved harmony among courtiers.
35. His wisest bestowal was upon his children.
36. The saint's blessed bestowal of healing to the sick brought her fame.
37. The solemn bestowal of knighthood formalized membership in the order.
38. The fortunate bestowal of time enabled her to finish the work.
39. The generous bestowal of riches enabled establishment of charitable foundations.
40. The bishop's blessing was a precious bestowal to the newlyweds.

Common Phases

1. The king's generous bestowal of gifts pleased his subjects.
2. Her parents blessed her with the bestowal of many gifts and opportunities.
3. With the announcement, came the bestowal of knighthood.
4. The medals were a recognition and bestowal of honor for his heroic actions.
5. The bestowal of wisdom is the greatest gift one can receive.
6. The saint's life was marked by the bestowal of blessings to those in need.
7. Her fans eagerly awaited the songwriter's bestowal of a new masterpiece.
8. Graduation brings with it the bestowal of a college degree.
9. The bestowal of mercy is often more powerful than the demand for justice.
10. His article received the bestowal of an esteemed academic award.
11. She viewed the bestowal of her first Oscar as the defining moment of her career.
12. Through marriage comes the bestowal of new familial responsibilities and duties.
13. The teacher greeted her students with the bestowal of encouragement and praise.
14. Legal rights come with the bestowal of citizenship within a nation.
15. Ordination brings with it the spiritual bestowal to preach and lead.
16. With the bestowal of new technology comes great opportunity.
17. His ownership of the company came through the bestowal of his father's shares.
18. I thank you for the generous bestowal of your friendship.
19. The military honors were a fitting bestowal for his years of service.
20. The project received the bestowal of both governmental and private funding.
21. The grant funding was a crucial bestowal that enabled the research to continue.
22. The bestowal of grace is given freely to all who seek it.
23. Success in battle brought with it the bestowal of wealth and power.
24. God's angels were known for the bestowal of divine messages to mankind.
25. The jury's decision brought the bestowal of both punishment and redemption.
26. Her dream was made possible through the bestowal of a generous donor.
27. Power and influence often come as the bestowal of birthright.
28. Land ownership and titles came through bestowal by the crown.
29. The queen's bestowal of offerings built goodwill among her people.
30. She eagerly waited for her lover's bestowal of an engagement ring.
31. The doctor received the bestowal of endless gratitude from her patients.
32. With age often comes the bestowal of wisdom.
33. The archbishop greeted the congregation with the bestowal of his blessing.
34. The election results brought the bestowal of a four-year term as president.
35. Through hard work, she earned the bestowal of numerous accolades.
36. The sculpture's beauty brought with it the bestowal of high value.
37. The college celebrated the bestowal of accreditation after many years of effort.
38. Baptism signifies the spiritual bestowal of faith.
39. Her father's generous bestowal shaped her future life opportunities.
40. The bestowal of rights also brings with it great responsibility.
41. The foundation's mission is to provide the bestowal of educational opportunities.
42. Generosity often results in the bestowal of happiness to both giver and recipient.
43. The teacher welcomed her students with the bestowal of nurturing and guidance.
44. Authority comes with the bestowal of both privilege and duty.
45. Bestowal of honors often results in both humility and satisfaction.
46. Employment and salary come as the bestowal of opportunity.
47. The healer's bestowal of herb remedies brought relief to many.
48. Rank and title come as the bestowal of authority figures.
49. The charity's funds enable the bestowal of aid to those in need.
50. Her lover's bestowal of passionate words filled her heart with joy.
51. The judge's bestowal of mercy showed great wisdom and compassion.
52. God's bestowal of love upon mankind is immeasurable.
53. The university celebrated the bestowal of a generous endowment.
54. Power and privilege often follow the bestowal of wealth.
55. The prophet's visions led to the bestowal of divine instruction.
56. Through marriage, comes the bestowal of lifelong commitment.
57. Ambition often spurs the pursuit of opportunity and bestowal.
58. The company celebrated the bestowal of an industry award.
59. The organization aims to secure the bestowal of basic human rights.
60. The scientist's discovery brought the bestowal of international acclaim.

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