Betrothal example sentences

Related (9): engagement, fiancé, marriage, commitment, proposal, betrothed, matrimonial, heart, wedding

"Betrothal" Example Sentences

1. The prince announced his betrothal to the princess of the neighboring kingdom.
2. The betrothal ceremony was held in a grand hall, attended by the couple's families and friends.
3. Their betrothal was arranged by their respective parents as a political alliance.
4. In medieval times, betrothal was often seen as binding as marriage itself.
5. The couple exchanged rings during their betrothal ceremony, symbolizing their commitment to each other.
6. The betrothal period was a time for the couple to get to know each other better before their marriage.
7. The groom's family gifted the bride a golden necklace during the betrothal ceremony.
8. Betrothal was often considered a legal contract, and breaking it could have serious consequences.
9. The couple's betrothal was celebrated with a feast in their honor.
10. The betrothal negotiations took several months, but in the end, both families were happy with the outcome.
11. The bride's father offered a generous dowry as part of the betrothal agreement.
12. Betrothal was common among aristocrats and royalty as a way of strengthening their power and influence.
13. The couple exchanged vows during their betrothal ceremony, swearing to love and honor each other.
14. The groom's family proposed the betrothal arrangement as a way of securing a powerful alliance.
15. Betrothal was sometimes seen as a way of ensuring that the bride's family would not change their mind about the marriage.
16. The betrothal announcement was met with mixed reactions from the couple's friends and relatives.
17. The couple's betrothal was marked by a series of elaborate ceremonies and rituals.
18. The bride's family hosted a lavish banquet to celebrate the betrothal of their daughter to the wealthy merchant.
19. The couple had known each other since childhood, and their betrothal was seen as a natural progression of their relationship.
20. The bride's family was relieved when the betrothal negotiations were finally completed, as they had been stressful and challenging.
21. Betrothal was often used as a means of consolidating power and wealth within a family or community.
22. The bride-to-be was nervous during the betrothal ceremony, but her groom's kind words put her at ease.
23. In some cultures, betrothal involved a period of separation for the couple to reflect on their decision to marry.
24. The couple's betrothal was not without its challenges, as they hailed from different social classes.
25. The groom's family presented the bride with a bejeweled tiara as a symbol of their acceptance of her into their family during the betrothal ceremony.
26. The bride's family conducted several background checks on the groom's family before agreeing to the betrothal arrangement.
27. Betrothal was often used as a way of forging alliances between warring factions or tribes.
28. The couple's betrothal was considered a blessing by both of their grandmothers, who had been close friends in their youth.
29. The priest officiated the couple's betrothal ceremony, intoning prayers and blessings for their future as husband and wife.
30. The betrothal of the young heiress to the wealthy landowner sparked rumors and gossip throughout the village.

Common Phases

1. The couple's betrothal was celebrated with a grand party; their families were overjoyed.
2. The betrothal ceremony was a solemn affair; the couple exchanged rings, promising to wed in the future.
3. The young woman's betrothal was a surprise to her; she had never expected to find love so soon.
4. The betrothal period was a time for the couple to get to know each other better; they spent many hours talking and enjoying each other's company.
5. The betrothal agreement was made between the families; both sides agreed to the terms and conditions.
6. The couple's betrothal was a public declaration of their love; everyone cheered as they exchanged their vows.
7. The betrothal party was a lavish affair; guests were treated to delicious food and drinks.
8. The couple's betrothal was followed by a period of engagement; they set a wedding date and began planning their future together.
9. The betrothal gift from the groom's family was extravagant; the bride was overwhelmed by their generosity.
10. The betrothal ceremony was steeped in tradition; the couple followed every ritual and custom as they pledged their love to each other.

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