Bleaker example sentences

Related (10): Darker, Gloomier, Desolate, Dreary, Harsher, Stark, Melancholy, Solemn, Miserable, Somber

"Bleaker" Example Sentences

1. The bleaker the weather got, the more I longed for sunshine.
2. As the news of the pandemic spread, the outlook for the upcoming year grew even bleaker.
3. The bleaker the portrait, the more intriguing it seemed.
4. I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair as the future appeared bleaker with each passing day.
5. The bleaker the economic forecast, the more nervous investors became.
6. The prospect of losing his home made Peter's future seem bleaker than ever.
7. Each day that passed without any improvement in her condition made the prognosis even bleaker.
8. The bleaker the landscape grew, the more I appreciated the beauty of the small details around me.
9. The bleaker his mood became, the more withdrawn he became from those around him.
10. The bleaker the horizon, the more he longed for a better future.
11. It was hard to stay optimistic when the outlook for the future seemed bleaker than ever.
12. The bleaker the circumstances, the more he relied on his faith to get him through.
13. As winter approached, the days grew shorter and the weather grew bleaker.
14. As the reality of his situation set in, the future seemed bleaker than ever before.
15. The bleaker the news, the more anxious she became about the state of the world.
16. The bleaker the surroundings, the more she yearned for a change of scenery.
17. As the days passed, the bleakness of the situation became even bleaker.
18. The bleaker the outlook, the more he tried to find reasons to stay hopeful.
19. Every setback made the circumstances even bleaker than they had been before.
20. The bleaker the winter, the more he longed for the warmth of summer.
21. As the economy continued to decline, the outlook for the future grew even bleaker.
22. The bleaker the news, the harder it was to find reasons to be optimistic.
23. The bleaker the landscape, the more he felt inspired to capture its raw beauty on canvas.
24. The more he thought about the situation, the bleaker it seemed to become.
25. The bleaker the day, the more he longed for the comfort of his home.
26. As the harsh reality of the world set in, the future grew bleaker with each passing day.
27. The bleaker the circumstances, the more important it was to find reasons to be grateful.
28. The bleaker the outlook, the more he relied on his friends and family for support.
29. The bleaker his prospects became, the harder he worked to improve his situation.
30. The bleaker the weather, the more he appreciated the warmth of his home.

Common Phases

1. The situation is getting bleaker by the day; I don't know how much longer we can hold on.
2. After months of searching, the outlook for finding him is bleaker than ever before; we might have to accept that he's gone.
3. As the storm raged on, the weather outside grew bleaker and bleaker; it was like a scene from a nightmare.
4. The economic forecast for the coming year is looking bleaker and bleaker; it's going to be a tough time for businesses.
5. His mood grew bleaker with each passing moment; there was nothing I could say or do to comfort him.
6. The future of our planet looks bleaker with each passing year; we need to take action before it's too late.

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