Blender example sentences

Related (10): Smoothie, puree, mix, chop, liquefy, emulsify, grind, mash, whisk, pulverize.

"Blender" Example Sentences

1. She blended the strawberries and bananas in the blender to make a smoothie.
2. The chef used a blender to puree the soup until it was smooth.
3. I poured the almond milk and peanut butter into the blender and blended it until it was creamy.
4. The bartender used a blender to make blended cocktails and frozen drinks.
5. The food processor works faster than the blender for chopping a large amount of vegetables.
6. The smoothie was thick from being blended too long in the blender.
7. The batteries in my blender died, so I had to buy new ones.
8. His invention combined a juicer, food processor, and blender in a single device.
9. Place the crushed ice in the blender before adding the yogurt and fruit.
10. She accidentally left the lid open while blending and made a huge mess in the kitchen.
11. The blender blades were hard to clean after making the thick smoothie.
12. My mother used to make the best banana daiquiris using our old blender from the 1970s.
13. He dumped the onion and garlic into the blender along with the olive oil.
14. The frozen margaritas were made with a professional stainless steel blender.
15. In a rush, she pulled the blender jug straight off the base and ice cubes flew everywhere.
16. The high setting on the blender pureed the spinach leaves until they were completely liquefied.
17. Add the ice cubes to the cocktail shaker and blend with a handheld blender.
18. The sports bar used an industrial blender to make dozens of mixed drinks and frozen cocktails.
19. They bought a fancy new blender for making perfect smoothie bowls and frozen desserts.
20. She cut up the avocado and tossed it into the blender with lime juice and cilantro.
21. My daughter loves using the blender to make her unicorn smoothies.
22. The ice cream was blended with chunks of brownies in a huge industrial blender.
23. They gifted us a mini travel blender for making smoothies on the road.
24. The health store sold high-powered blenders for customers making nutritive shakes and supplements.
25. The coconut milk and ice cubes clumped at the bottom of the blender jar and wouldn't blend.
26. The silver blender sat quiet and dormant after stirring up chaos just moments earlier.
27. I need to remember to wash the blender parts right away before the remnants harden.
28. He assembled the blender from parts he scavenged from old appliances in the junkyard.
29. The commercial food processor and blender combo was heavy-duty and designed for restaurant use.
30. The strawberry frosting was made by blending fresh strawberries in the highest setting of the blender.
31. Applesauce puree is easy to make in just a few minutes using a blender or food processor.
32. The high-powered blender was able to puree the ingredients into a nearly perfect homogeny.
33. They put the mint and lemonade concentrate into the blender jar and blended on high for a frappé.
34. Her in-depth knowledge of blenders stemmed from years of making smoothies every morning.
35. I struggle to blend soups in the blender without making a huge mess.
36. They had to buy a commercial grade blender after ruining three regular blenders making almond milk.
37. The blender even has a pulse setting for chopping without over-blending ingredients.
38. We still use the old blender my grandmother bought in the 1960s.
39. The smoothie shop used massive industrial blenders to churn out hundreds of fruit drinks per day.
40. The protein shake I made using the blender ended up tasting like overcooked oatmeal.
41. A hand blender is perfect for blending sauces directly in pots and pans.
42. Her survivalist dad stored several unused blenders and food processors in the basement.
43. The day-old bread went into the blender where it transformed into homemade breadcrumbs.
44. I stir the soup on the stove before blending it in the countertop blender.
45. The frozen margaritas from the blender had a perfect balance of lime and tequila.
46. Liquefy the baby food in the blender according to the stage instructions on the jar.
47. The vintage blender adds character to our retro-style kitchen decor.
48. The blender makes quick work of chopping nuts and reducing ice cubes to crushed ice.
49. The recipe called for pureeing the soup in a blender, but I didn't have one.
50. The restaurant went through one industrial blender per month making strawberry daiquiris.
51. The blender broke while making milkshakes, so the kids had to drink their ice cream plain.
52. He pulsated the blender instead of running it continuously to avoid over-mixing the ingredients.
53. Their blender even has a smoothie bowl program for blending, then pulsing the mixture.
54. The pristine chrome surfaces of the brand new blender gleamed brightly under the kitchen lights.
55. Our old blender finally died after 17 years of loyal service.
56. The frozen avocados turned the industrial blender into an ice crushing machine.
57. The eggs seperated when blended in the blender, ruining the cake batter.
58. The child hopped excitedly as she reached to push the button on the large blender.
59. Our offices have blenders for employees use in making smoothies and juices during breaks.
60. The cilantro and chili peppers overwhelmed the smaller blades of the blender.

Common Phases

1. Hit the blend button
2. Put it on blend
3. Put in the blender
4. Turn on the blender
5. Power up the blender
6. Pulse in the blender
7. Blend to your desired consistency
8. Blend until smooth
9. Use a high-powered blender
10. A high speed blender
11. The blender broke down
12. A top-of-the-line blender
13. Industrial-grade blender
14. Immersion/stick blender
15. Professional grade blender

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