Brace example sentences

Related (2): 1. support, tie

"Brace" Example Sentences

1. The builder braced the beam into place before nailing it.
2. I put on my knee brace before going out to play sports.
3. She put on a brave face but I could tell she was upset.
4. The soldiers braced themselves for the coming attack.
5. I braced my foot against the wall for extra leverage.
6. He put on his arm brace after injuring his elbow.
7. The mechanic braced the tires before inflating them.
8. The high winds braced against the house all night.
9. She quickly braced herself against the wall to avoid falling.
10. I braced myself for the dentist's drill.
11. The cyclist wore a mouth brace to protect her teeth.
12. The race car driver wore a protective neck brace during the race.
13. The student braced themselves before giving their speech.
14. She braced her legs against the dashboard during the sudden stop.
15. The boy struggled to brace the weight of the heavy box.
16. The pilot braced for impact as they came in for a rough landing.
17. We braced for the bad news that was coming.
18. I braced the ladder against the wall before climbing up.
19. The storm winds continued to brace against the house.
20. The parachutist braced for their landing.
21. The physical therapist fitted him with a leg brace.
22. I braced myself on the railing as I climbed the stairs.
23. He wore a wrist brace after suffering a sprain.
24. I braced myself against the car as we went around the sharp corner.
25. The trees bent and swayed as the winds braced them.
26. The sailors braced themselves against the rolling of the ship.
27. She wore braces on her teeth during her teenage years.
28. He tried to brace his fall by putting out his hands.
29. The boat owner braced his vessel for the oncoming hurricane.
30. The surgeon fitted him with a back brace after the injury.
31. My grandfather still wears a leg brace to help him walk.
32. The climber braced themselves for a tough ascent.
33. The crew braced themselves as the ship hit the rocky shore.
34. He wore finger braces to support his broken digits.
35. The boy struggled to brace himself against the bully's punches.
36. The kayaker struggled to brace herself in the whitewater rapids.
37. The writer braced himself for the harsh criticism of his new book.
38. She wore a scoliosis brace as a child to help correct her curved spine.
39. The astronaut braced themselves as the rocket took off.
40. The mountain climber braced herself against the icy slope.
41. The skateboarder wore wrist, elbow and knee braces for extra protection.
42. I braced my foot against a rock to keep from sliding further down the hill.
43. They braced themselves for impact as the car collided with the tree.
44. The athlete wore an ankle brace to help support her sprained joint.
45. The model posed with a brace strapped to her leg for a charity campaign.
46. The storm finally began to brace itself out.
47. The cat braced itself as it jumped off the high fence.
48. The policeman braced the unruly crowd back with his nightstick.
49. The football players wore metal mouth braces under their helmets.
50. The dentist fitted the child with braces to straighten her crooked teeth.
51. The hikers braced themselves against the powerful winds at the summit.
52. The roof brace cracked under the heavy weight of snow.
53. He quickly braced himself against the wall as the earthquake hit.
54. The boxer wore a mouth brace during the match.
55. I braced myself for the pain as the needle went in.
56. The climber braced themselves against the side of the cliff.
57. The ship's masts bent and swayed as the high winds braced against them.
58. The storm finally began to brace itself out.
59. The construction workers braced the beams into place before welding them.
60. The carpenter braced the joints to keep them square and stable.

Common Phases

batten down the hatches
- To prepare for an oncoming storm. To brace oneself for a difficult situation.
take it in one's stride
- To deal with a difficult situation calmly and without losing composure.
face the music
- To confront an unpleasant or difficult situation that one must deal with as a consequence of one's actions.
by the seat of one's pants
- Without prior planning or detailed instructions. Using improvisation and quick thinking.
keep/stand one's ground
- To refuse to retreat or give up a position in the face of opposition. To stand up for oneself.
rise to the occasion
- To meet a difficult challenge successfully. To do well under pressure.
brace oneself
- To ready or prepare oneself both physically and mentally for something that is difficult, unpleasant, or stressful.
get/gain one's bearings
- To become oriented or get one's sense of direction again after being disoriented or lost.
break the ice
- To take an initial action that dispels formality or awkwardness. To begin socializing or interacting with others in a group or situation.
a stiff upper lip
- Showing no emotions in a difficult situation. Keeping a calm demeanor in the face of adversity.

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