Brothel example sentences

Related (7): prostitute, pimp, bordellos, madam, customers, johns, exploitation

"Brothel" Example Sentences

1. "I heard there's a brothel on the outskirts of town."
2. "The brothel was shut down by local authorities."
3. "He spent all his money at the brothel last night."
4. "She works as a prostitute in the brothel."
5. "The brothel was known for its luxurious accommodations."
6. "The police raided the brothel and arrested several people."
7. "There are strict laws regarding the operation of brothels."
8. "He was caught soliciting sex outside the brothel."
9. "The brothel was a hub for human trafficking."
10. "A group of men entered the brothel looking for a good time."
11. "She was forced into prostitution at the brothel."
12. "The brothel was seen as a place of taboo and scandal."
13. "The brothel was run by a notorious criminal organization."
14. "The brothel was disguised as a hotel to avoid attention."
15. "The brothel had a strict screening process for clients."
16. "He frequented the brothel on a regular basis."
17. "The brothel was shut down due to health code violations."
18. "She was rescued from the brothel by an anti-trafficking organization."
19. "The brothel was a popular destination for tourists."
20. "He was arrested for running a brothel out of his apartment."
21. "The brothel operated under the guise of a massage parlor."
22. "She was promised a job but was forced to work in the brothel."
23. "The brothel was a front for illegal drug activity."
24. "He was caught trying to sneak out of the brothel."
25. "The brothel workers were often subjected to violence and abuse."
26. "The brothel was shut down permanently after multiple complaints."
27. "He was fired from his job after being caught visiting the brothel."
28. "She was able to escape the brothel and start a new life."
29. "The brothel's clientele ranged from high-ranking officials to everyday citizens."
30. "They investigated the brothel and discovered a network of illegal operations."

Common Phases

1. Brothels should be illegal; they exploit women and promote the objectification of the female body.
2. Many people turn to brothels for sexual gratification; however, it's important to remember the risks involved, such as contracting sexually transmitted infections.
3. In some countries, brothels are legal and regulated; this approach is seen by some as a way to ensure the safety and well-being of sex workers.
4. The history of brothels goes back centuries; they were often seen as a necessary evil in societies where prostitution was rife.
5. Brothels can be found in many places around the world; some are discreet and well-hidden, while others are open and notorious.
6. Many former sex workers speak out about their experiences working in brothels; some describe it as empowering, while others speak of the abuse and exploitation they faced.
7. The debate around whether brothels should be legal continues; proponents argue that it's a matter of personal freedom, while opponents argue that it perpetuates a culture of objectification and exploitation.
8. The conditions in brothels can vary widely, from luxurious to squalid; what they all have in common is the sale of sexual services for money.
9. Some people argue that brothels provide a valuable service to society; they provide an outlet for those who may be otherwise unable to fulfil their sexual needs.
10. The reality is that many women working in brothels do so unwillingly, due to poverty, debt, or coercion; the industry is rife with exploitation and abuse.

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