Bruvver example sentences

Related (10): brother, mate, bud, pal, amigo, homie, comrade, chum, fam, sidekick


noun BRITISH ENGLISH informal

bruvver (noun) · bruvvers (plural noun) · bruv (noun) · bruvs (plural noun)

  - a person's brother:

  - used as a form of address between men:


bro, bruv, colleague, associate, companion, partner, comrade, coworker, fellow, friend, pal, chum, mate, bruv, bro, compeer

"Bruvver" Example Sentences

1. 'Ello bruvver, 'ow are ya doin'?
2. Me bruvver went to the shop for some fags.
3. Me and me bruvver used to play footy in the street as kids.
4. Me bruvver gave me a clip round the ear when I was cheeky.
5. My little bruvver made me bait chocolate cake for me birthday.
6. My older bruvver passed 'is exams so 'e got a big smile on 'is mush.
7. I miss me bruvver since 'e moved out of 'ome.
8. I look out for me little bruvver, make sure 'e stays outta trouble.
9. Me bruvver called me a Nonce but I knew 'e was messin'.
10. Me bruvver never lets me borrow 'is stuff, stingy bugga.
11. 'Ave ya met me bruvver? 'E's a right laugh 'e is.
12. Me and me bruvver fought like cat and dog when we was kids.
13. I took the blame when me bruvver broke Mam's vase.
14. I remember when me bruvver gave me me first fag.
15. Me and me bruvver used to nick bags of sweets from t' corner shop.
16. Me bruvver used to jump out and scare me when we were kids.
17. I used to copy everyfink me older bruvver did.
18. Me bruvver gave me me first sip of lager when I was 12.
19. 'Ow's your bruvver doin' these days? I ain't seen 'im in a while.
20. Me bruvver was never one for books 'e was more into football.
21. Me bruvver ratted me out when I broke Dad's shed window.
22. 'Ello bruvver, 'ow's tricks? 'Aven't seen ya in a while.
23. Me and me bruvver used to gang up on our big sister.
24. Me bruvver chased me round the living room when 'e was it.
25. Me bruvver loves playin' footy more than anyfink.
26. Me bruvver knows 'ow to wind me up more than anyone.
27. My older bruvver taught me 'ow to ride a bike when I was little.
28. 'Ow's your bruvver these days? Still up to 'is old tricks?
29. Me bruvver would always fink of daft dares for us to do.
30. Me bruvver knew I took 'is doughnuts but 'e never said nuffink.
31. I sometimes wish me bruvver would grow up a bit.
32. Me and me bruvver fought like cat and dog as kids but now we're best mates.
33. I remember me bruvver cryin' when I fell off my bike and scraped me knee badly.
34. Me bruvver bought me me first pair of proper footy boots.
35. Me bruvver used to take the piss outta me haircut when I was little.
36. Me little bruvver still looks up to me even though 'e's practically a grown man.
37. Me and me bruvver is as thick as thieves and always 'ave been.
38. Me bruvver used to tease me about me girlfriends in school.
39. 'Ow's your bruvver doin'? I always thought 'e was a top lad.
40. I remember catchin' tadpoles with me bruvver in t'little stream near 'ome.
41. Me bruvver could wind me up in ten seconds flat when we were kids.
42. 'Ave you seen me bruvver around 'ere? 'E owes me a tenner.
43. Me bruvver helped me with me 'omework when I was strugglin'.
44. Me bruvver 'ad all sorts of daft tricks to make Mam and Dad cross.
45. Me bruvver always 'ad my back no matter what.
46. I never 'ad no trouble with bullies at school cos me bruvver 'ad a name for 'imself.
47. I remember 'ow scared me bruvver was of the dark when 'e was little.
48. I wish me bruvver would get a proper job instead of spongin' off Mam all the time.
49. Me bruvver always kicked me outta the bedroom when 'is girlfriend came round.
50. I wish me bruvver would talk to me more instead of pretendin' I don't exist.
51. Me bruvver's always lookin' out for me whether I like it or not.
52. I miss me bruvver when 'e's away at uni for months at a time.
53. Me bruvver's just started 'is own business doin' somefink on the computer.
54. Me bruvver used to tell me 'e would protect me from all the monsters.
55. My younger bruvver thinks 'imself a right little character 'e does.
56. Me bruvver always 'ad the latest gadgets before anyone else.
57. Me bruvver has been in a bit of trouble wiv the police recently.
58. Me and me bruvver used to dream about 'avin' our own gang.
59. I remember all the funny games me and me bruvver used to play as kids.
60. My older bruvver always told me to stay out of trouble.

Common Phases

1. Me bruvver and me (instead of "my brother and I")
2. Me and me bruvver
3. Me older bruvver
4. Me little bruvver
5. Me younger bruvver
6. Me bruvver's always...
7. Me bruvver still...
8. Me bruvver used to...
9. 'Ow's your bruvver?
10. 'Ow's tricks, bruvver?
11. Me bruvver will...
12. Me and me bruvver is/are...
13. Look 'ere, bruvver...
14. Cheers, bruvver
15. Catch you later, bruvver

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