Caligae example sentences

Related (18): shoes, sandals, military, leather, hobnails, marching, footwear, Roman, army, soles, straps, boots, laces, hobbled, clogs, hobbling, calcei, calceus.

"Caligae" Example Sentences

1. The soldiers wore caligae, heavy-soled sandals, to protect their feet.
2. The caligae of the Roman soldier were designed to provide protection and grip in battle.
3. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole.
4. The caligae of the Roman legionary were designed to protect his feet in battle.
5. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide traction.
6. The caligae were designed to provide protection and grip in battle and were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole.
7. The caligae were designed to provide protection and grip in battle and were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole for traction.
8. The caligae were designed with several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
9. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in battle.
10. The caligae of the Roman legionary had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
11. The caligae were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
12. The caligae of the Roman soldier were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
13. The caligae were designed to provide protection and grip in battle and were made of several layers of leather with hobnails in the sole.
14. The caligae of the Roman legionary were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in battle.
15. The caligae had several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
16. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole for protection and grip in battle.
17. The caligae of the Roman soldier were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
18. The caligae were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in battle.
19. The caligae of the Roman legionary were designed with several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in battle.
20. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in combat.
21. The caligae were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in combat.
22. The caligae of the Roman soldier were designed to provide protection and grip in battle and were made of several layers of leather with hobnails in the sole.
23. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in combat situations.
24. The caligae of the Roman legionary were designed with several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in battle.
25. The caligae had several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to offer protection and grip in battle.
26. The caligae were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and stability in battle.
27. The caligae of the Roman soldier were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in battle.
28. The caligae were designed to provide protection and grip in battle and were made of several layers of leather with hobnails in the sole for traction.
29. The caligae of the Roman legionary were designed with several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and stability in battle.
30. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in a variety of environments.
31. The caligae of the Roman soldier were designed to provide protection and grip in battle and were made of several layers of leather with hobnails in the sole for traction.
32. The caligae had several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and stability in a variety of environments.
33. The caligae were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in a variety of terrains.
34. The caligae of the Roman legionary were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and traction in a variety of environments.
35. The caligae were designed to provide protection and grip in a variety of terrains and were made of several layers of leather with hobnails in the sole.
36. The caligae of the Roman soldier were designed with several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to provide protection and stability in a variety of environments.
37. The caligae had several layers of leather and hobnails in the sole to offer protection and grip in a variety of terrains.
38. The caligae were made of several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole for protection and traction in a variety of environments.
39. The caligae of the Roman legionary were designed with several layers of leather and had hobnails in the sole to provide protection and grip in a variety of terrains.
40. The caligae were designed to provide protection and traction in a variety of environments and were made of several layers of leather with hobnails in the sole.

Common Phases

calceamentum; calceus; calceolus; calciamentum; calciola; calciamentum; calciolus.

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