Calumniate example sentences

Related (10): defame, slander, malign, vilify, smear, denigrate, disparage, discredit, libel, insult

"Calumniate" Example Sentences

1. He would not stand for being calumniated by vile rumors.
2. The poor girl was calumniated by baseless gossip.
3. The newspaper should not calumniate public figures without solid proof.
4. They sought to calumniate his good name with lies and innuendo.
5. His opponents tried to calumniate him during the election campaign.
6. The smear campaign was meant to calumniate her reputation.
7. His adversaries tried every means to calumniate and vilify him.
8. The rumors were spread with malicious intent to calumniate her character.
9. The young man was unfairly calumniated in the newspaper article.
10. The critics sought to calumniate the work of art with disparaging comments.
11. The press should not recklessly calumniate people without hard evidence.
12. They were determined to calumniate him to the king by any means.
13. Do not slander and calumniate others behind their backs.
14. Stop calumniating him with vile rumors and idle gossip!
15. Her detractors tried every trick in the book to calumniate and defame her.
16. Any attempts to calumniate him will only backfire on those making them.
17. She would not stand to be calumniated by those jealous of her success.
18. The accuser sought to calumniate the defendant with false allegations.
19. They tried to calumniate him with lies and falsities.
20. The critic tried to calumniate the poet's work.
21. Do not stoop so low as to calumniate others to make yourself look good.
22. The press should never calumniate anyone without concrete evidence.
23. The liars tried to calumniate his reputation and run his business into the ground.
24. People should not calumniate others behind their backs.
25. The slanderers tried to calumniate her reputation with vicious rumors.
26. The attempts to calumniate him only revealed the pettiness of his opponents.
27. Those who try to calumniate others often end up suffering themselves.
28. Do not listen to those trying to calumniate my good name.
29. Their plan backfired when they tried to calumniate him publicly.
30. Any attempts to calumniate her honorable reputation would fail miserably.
31. Do not credit those trying to calumniate others with false accusations.
32. The detractors tried in vain to calumniate his integrity.
33. Her virtues could not be calumniated by the degenerates around her.
34. The attempt to calumniate his character only exposed their own evil natures.
35. Those who sought to calumniate her motives were clearly envious and jealous.
36. They tried to calumniate his generous donation but were exposed as liars.
37. The talebearers were left disappointed when their attempts to calumniate her failed.
38. The slanderers could not calumniate his moral rectitude.
39. Attempts to calumniate her good name were vehemently opposed.
40. Those trying to calumniate him with falsehoods brought shame only upon themselves.
41. Their goal was clear - to calumniate her spotless reputation by any means possible.
42. Their plot to calumniate him backfired, causing them great embarrassment.
43. The envious wretches who sought to calumniate her noble character were spurned by all.
44. Their vile attempts to calumniate his virtue rebounded upon themselves.
45. Any attempts to calumniate his motives will be unsuccessful.
46. No one believed the defamers who tried to calumniate her character.
47. Those who tried to calumniate him achieved only ridicule for themselves.
48. They finally gave up trying to calumniate his good name with lies.
49. Do not listen to those who calumniate others behind their backs.
50. His innocence could not be calumniated by the most vicious of rumors.

Common Phases

1. The man was falsely accused and wrongly calumniated in the newspapers.
2. The press love to calumniate celebrities and public figures.
3. They tried to calumniate his good name and reputation.
4. The politician's opponents sought to calumniate him during the campaign.
5. She refused to sit by idly while he tried to calumniate her best friend.
6. He paid no mind to those who sought to calumniate him.
7. Do not maliciously calumniate others for no reason.
8. The officials refused to stand by while citizens were wrongly calumniated.
9. How dare you calumniate him after all he has done for you!
10.Why do you take delight in calumniating others?
11.Do not seek to calumniate others to make yourself look better.
12.They printed baseless rumors only meant to calumniate her character.
13.I will not let you calumniate my daughter without proof!
14.Seeking revenge, he maliciously worked to calumniate his enemies.
15. Do not be quick to calumniate someone before knowing the full truth.
16.Stop trying to calumniate my intentions; I only wish to help.
17. The reporter spread rumors meant to calumniate the celebrity.
18. They printed vicious lies only intended to calumniate her reputation.
19.She defended herself against those who sought to calumniate her integrity.
20. His grace did not allow him to maliciously calumniate others.
21. Don't believe everything you hear meant to calumniate someone's reputation.
22.They spread false reports only meant to calumniate the candidate.
23.I will not let you calumniate her good name with baseless accusations.
24.Those who seek to calumniate others will eventually be found out.
25. Do not assist those who seek only to calumniate the innocent.
26.He recognized the accusations as attempts to calumniate his character.
27.She ignored the haters who sought only to calumniate her success.
28.The politician's comments were meant only to calumniate his opponent.
29. Their stories were pure fiction meant to maliciously calumniate him.
30. The article was filled with distortions meant only to calumniate her.
31. Stop spreading lies meant only to maliciously calumniate their son.
32.They maliciously calumniated him to discredit his political campaign.
33. The man refused to engage those who sought to calumniate his family.
34.Their false accusations were meant only to calumniate his reputation.
35. She defended herself against those who sought to calumniate her work.
36. Do not participate in spreading lies meant only to calumniate others.
37.Their vicious attacks were merely attempts to calumniate her character.
38. The gossip was meant only to maliciously calumniate her relationships.
39.He ignored those anonymous comments clearly meant to calumniate him.
40. Why do you seek only to calumniate those who wish you no harm?
41.The reports were clearly meant to calumniate their company's reputation.
42. Do not allow yourself to be used to calumniate others.
43. The lies were meant only to maliciously calumniate her professionalism.
44.Do not engage in malicious attempts to calumniate others through gossip.
45. The article contained many distortions meant only to calumniate his work.
46. Their scandals were meant only to calumniate her dedicated public service.
47.He ignored those malicious whispers meant only to calumniate his image.
48. Do not assist those who seek only to maliciously calumniate the innocent.
49. I refuse to engage people who seek only to calumniate others for no reason.
50.The rumors spread only to maliciously calumniate their marital bliss.
51.She defended herself against those who sought to calumniate her teachings.
52. His critics sought to calumniate him through mean-spirited distractions.
53.The story was meant only to calumniate her charitable spirit and generosity.
54.Do not seek to calumniate others to elevate yourself.
55.They eagerly spread rumors only meant to calumniate her integrity.
56.The falsehoods were meant only to maliciously calumniate his reputation.
57. They maliciously calumniated him through vicious rumors.
58. The conspirators sought to calumniate the innocent queen.
59. His grace did not allow him to engage those who sought to calumniate him.
60. They spread lies only meant to maliciously calumniate their relationship.

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