Canton example sentences

Related (10): province, district, territory, state, county, shire, municipality, jurisdiction, region, prefecture

"Canton" Example Sentences

1. The canton was known for its natural beauty.
2. Located in the Swiss Alps, the canton offers stunning mountain views.
3. The canton has a long history of independence and self-rule.
4. The canton splits into several valleys separated by mountains.
5. Tourism is a major industry in the lush, green canton.
6. The canton has its own government, laws, and currency.
7. The canton has a unique dialect and traditions.
8. Many residents of the canton speak primarily their local dialect.
9. The canton consists of several towns and villages.
10. Farming and dairy farming are major industries in the rural canton.
11. The capital city of the canton is known for its historic Old Town.
12. The canton voted to join the Swiss Confederation in 1848.
13. Farmhouses dot the hilly landscape of the alpine canton.
14. The canton has a long history of producing fine wines.
15. Agriculture and tourism dominate the economy of the rural canton.
16. Small family farms fill the countryside of the mountain canton.
17. The canton came under French rule during the Napoleonic era.
18. The German-speaking canton borders Austria and Germany.
19. The canton's flag features the traditional colors and symbols.
20. The canton has preserved many of its historic buildings and sites.
21. Visitors to the canton enjoy the mountain views and pastoral scenery.
22. Scenic hiking trails wind through the forested mountains of the canton.
23. The canton practiced a unique form of democracy for centuries.
24. The canton has its own police, school system, and other institutions.
25. The local population of the canton cherishes its independence.
26. Saint Bernards are a popular breed of dog in the French-speaking canton.
27. The canton serves as an important link in international trade routes.
28. The capital city of the canton features a picturesque old town center.
29. The canton hosts an annual spring flower festival that draws many tourists.
30. The canton has preserved a medieval castle built into the hillside.
31. The canton joined the Swiss Confederation in the 16th century.
32. The canton's largest city is located on the banks of a river.
33. The people of the canton take great pride in their history and heritage.
34. The canton served as a refuge for religious dissenters in the 16th century.
35. The canton relies on tourism, banking, and manufacturing for its economy.
36. The canton produces famous cheeses made from local cow and goat milk.
37. The canton has managed to retain much of its bucolic, rural character.
38. The canton's borders have shifted many times throughout its history.
39. The canton hosts a popular annual winter carnival featuring traditional food, music and costumes.
40. The capital city of the canton features ornate architecture in Renaissance and Baroque styles.
41. The canton has a long history of winemaking and produces full-bodied reds.
42. The canton borders several other cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
43. The canton's flag features a unique symbol representing its history and values.
44. The canton is known for producing fine chocolates, craft beers and liqueurs.
45. Residents of the canton must travel to the capital city for government services.
46. The canton is famous for its tradition of producing ornately carved wooden masks.
47. The canton's banking sector has grown significantly over the past century.
48. The canton's language and culture have been heavily influenced by its neighbors.
49. The most spectacular views in the canton can be seen from atop surrounding mountaintops.
50. The canton has preserved many examples of Romanesque and Gothic architecture.
51. The capital city of the canton features an ornate cathedral and medieval town walls.
52. The canton produces high-quality marble that is exported internationally.
53. The canton consists primarily of alpine valleys surrounded by towering mountain peaks.
54. The capital city of the canton is known for its opera house and symphony orchestra.
55. The canton depends on income from international banks and financial services industries.
56. The canton hosts an annual folk festival celebrating traditional music, dance and crafts.
57. The canton elected its first female member of parliament in the early 20th century.
58. The valley bottom in the canton has fertile soil ideal for orchards and vineyards.
59. The canton's coat of arms features a tree symbolizing prosperity and growth.
60. Residents of the canton pay taxes to and receive services from their cantonal government.

Common Phases

1. Geneva is the largest city and capital of the canton of Geneva.
2. The canton of Bern is the second largest canton of Switzerland.
3. Basel is the largest city in the canton of Basel-Stadt in northwestern Switzerland.
4. Zürich is the capital city of the canton of Zürich, the largest of Switzerland's 26 cantons by population.
5. Lucerne is the capital of the canton of Lucerne and is located in central Switzerland.
6. Lugano is the largest city in the canton of Ticino, the southernmost canton of Switzerland.
7. Zug is one of the most affluent towns in Switzerland, located in the canton of the same name.
8. Cantons are the principal administrative divisions of Switzerland, analogous to the states of other federations.
9. Switzerland is divided into 26 cantons, which are mostly responsible for laws affecting only their territory.
10. My hometown is located in the small canton of Schwyz in central Switzerland.
11. Each canton has its own cantonal constitution, legislature, government and courts.
12. Vaud and Geneva were placed in different cantons to weaken French influence.
13. The cantons collect taxes and provide public services to local citizens.
14. I grew up in the rural canton of Uri in central Switzerland.
15. The cantons retain all powers and competences not delegated to the Confederation.
16. Appenzell Innerrhoden is the smallest canton of Switzerland by both area and population.
17. The cantons are sovereign, except where sovereignty is limited by the Federal Constitution.
18. Lucerne is often referred to as the Heart of Switzerland due to its central location within the cantons.
19. Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft are two separate cantons that together form the city of Basel.
20. The cantons retain the right to levy their own taxes and pass legislation independently of other cantons.
21. The cantons were originally created as allies of the original Swiss Confederacy.
22. The cantons vary widely in size, from the small canton of Basel-Stadt to the massive canton of Bern.
23. As of 2019, only six cantons have a female head of state or government.
24. Half cantons are those cantons that were originally half the size of whole cantons.
25. The cantons cooperate through intergovernmental agreements as needed on issues like transportation.
26. Switzerland has 26 cantons but only 23 full cantons; the rest are half cantons.
27. The number of cantonal governments has risen from 13 to 26 since the formation of Switzerland.
28. Cantonal sovereignty is limited by federal authority in areas like foreign affairs and defense.
29. Some cantons are largely urban, like Geneva and Zurich, while others remain mostly rural.
30. The cantons retain their own police forces and justice systems independent of the federal government.
31. Jura and Appenzell can be difficult to reach due to being landlocked cantons.
32. Majority rule prevails in Switzerland, but minorities are protected at the cantonal level.
33. The Protestant cantons and the Catholic cantons historically viewed each other with suspicion.
34. Appenzell became a canton in 1597 after a civil war between the protestant and catholic residents.
35. The cantons retain the right to develop their own educational systems and cultural policies.
36. The cantons were given more direct powers after the 1848 Federal Constitution was established.
37. Basel-Stadt became a separate canton from Basel-Landschaft in 1833.
38. Some Switzers proudly identify more with their canton than with Switzerland as a whole.
39. Cantonal citizenship is required to vote in cantonal referendums and elections.
40. The canton of Fribourg is known for its Catholic conservatism.
41. Each canton has its own local holidays in addition to national Swiss holidays.
42. The cantons have the power to form treaties and alliances with other cantons and foreign states.
43. Cantonal sovereignty was established in Switzerland to appease local interests and prevent civil war.
44. The cantonal constitutions are subject to approval by the Federal Parliament.
45. Cantonal sovereignty is balanced against the powers of the Swiss Confederation.
46. The Valais canton is known for its fierce independence and autonomy.
47. The Rumantsch language is an official language only in the canton of Grisons.
48. The cantonal governments appoint representatives to the Swiss Federal Council.
49. Switzerland has a federal system with powers shared between the cantons and the federal government.
50. Switzerland's direct democratic system empowers citizens and the cantons.
51. The canton of Valais produces one-third of Switzerland's wine.
52. Schaffhausen is known for its hazelnuts rather than as a political canton.
53. National referendums in Switzerland are decided based on the majority vote of the cantons.
54. The cantonal system in Switzerland was designed to preserve local cultures and balance power.
55. Consultation with the cantons is required before changes to the Federal Constitution.
56. The cantonal system allows local regions to develop natural economic specializations.
57. Ticino has a distinct Italian culture due to being a canton surrounded by Italy.
58. Switzerland's decentralized system has allowed it to remain culturally and linguistically diverse.
59. The Helvetic Republic (1798-1803) attempted to abolish the cantons but ultimately failed.
60. Switzerland's system of hybrid federalism has enabled its long-term political stability.

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