Snare example sentences

Related (10): trap, entrap, capture, catch, ensnare, lure, decoy, ambush, net, bait

"Snare" Example Sentences

1. The hunter set the snare trap to catch rabbits.
2. She fell into the snare set by the enemy.
3. The thicket of thorns formed a natural snare for unwary travelers.
4. The snare drum punctuated the marching band rhythm.
5. The marching soldiers kept time with their snare drums.
6. They caught the fox in their snare trap.
7. He was ensnared in a web of lies.
8. The con artist ensnared her victim with false promises.
9. He was caught in a snare of his own making.
10. The music had an infectious snare beat that made you want to dance.
11. The fox easily avoided the obvious snare trap.
12. The criminal's glib tongue often ensnared the innocent.
13. Her insincere smile failed to snare him.
14. The old man laid his trap but few animals fell into his snare.
15. They used birdcalls to snare songbirds.
16. The wily politician ensnared voters with simple yet appealing promises.
17. The simplistic explanation failed to snare listeners with more complex knowledge.
18. The melody featured a catchy snare drum solo.
19. I fell into the snare of believing his tale.
20. She barely escaped the emotional snare he set for her.
21. The snare musician played an impressive drum solo.
22. The double bass drum and snare set a powerful rhythm.
23. Her devious plans ensnared many foolish souls.
24. He was easily ensnared by gossip and rumor.
25. The innocent creature fell into the deadly snare.
26. The greedy shopkeeper often ensnared customers with hidden fees.
27. The music featured a snare drum roll.
28. The magical sounds ensnared their minds.
29. His charming words snared many innocent hearts.
30. The rhythmic snare beats kept the musical pulse.
31. They fell into the logical but invisible snare.
32. His love ensnared her heart.
33. His persuasive words failed to snare listeners who relied on facts instead of emotion.
34. She removed the teeth from the snare trap.
35. The snare inspired the dancer to spin faster.
36. The subtle snare failed to trap a wary quarry.
37. His clever wit ensnared his listeners with laughter.
38. The talented drummer played an impressive snare solo.
39. He was easily ensnared by empty rhetoric.
40. They easily avoided the crude snare traps.
41. The beat of the snare drum drove the marchers forward.
42. His guile easily ensnared the naive.
43. The snare drum punctuated the rock rhythm.
44. The bass drum and snare set an powerful rhythm.
45. Truth can set us free from the snares of lies.
46. Their empty words failed to snare the wise.
47. The snare beat kept the dancers moving in time to the music.
48. The ensnaring melody brought listeners under its spell.
49. Despite the snare's strong pull, she resisted its charm.
50. The snare beat added energy and intensity to the music.
51. The sly fox avoided the hunter's crude snares.
52. His charismatic words snared many supporters for his cause.
53. The snare musician added flair and rhythm to the band.
54. He was easily ensnared by flashy advertisements.
55. The snare drum beat set the military rhythm for the soldiers.
56. His deceptive words ensnared the innocent into his wicked scheme.
57. The snare that caught her was not set by hands.
58. The fast snare beat drove the music forward.
59. The steady snare pulses carried the beat.
60. Truth set her free from the emotional snares of jealousy and resentment.

Common Phases

1. En/snare - To catch or trap, especially by trickery
"The advertisement sought to ensnare customers through deceptive claims."
2. Fall into a snare - To be caught by trickery or deceit
"He fell into the snare of thinking money guaranteed happiness."
3. In/escape the snare - To avoid being caught by a trap or deceit
"She narrowly escaped the snare of get-rich-quick schemes."
4. Set a snare - To lay a trap
"Hunters set snares for rabbits."
5. Snare of habit - A habitual tendency that is hard to break
"He found it difficult to escape the snare of overeating."
6. Snare of temptation - The attraction of giving into temptation
"Alcohol proved to be a snare of temptation for him."
7. Be ensnared - To be caught or trapped
"Many were ensnared by the quick profits promised."
8. Snare of lies - A trap created through untruths
"She refused to fall into the snare of his lies."
9. Break the snare - To free oneself from a trap
"She struggled to break the snare of her unhealthy relationship."
10. Snare of the fowler - A trap set by an evil person
"Despite warnings, she fell into the snare of the fowler."
11. Avoid the snare - To stay out of a trap
"With wisdom, you can learn to avoid the snare of dishonest gain."

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