Captiousness example sentences

Related (6): fault-finding, nitpicking, hypercritical, demanding, meticulous, finicky.

"Captiousness" Example Sentences

1. Her captiousness made it difficult for anyone to have an honest discussion with her.
2. The reviewer was known for his captiousness and nitpicking critiques.
3. The professor's captiousness discouraged students from speaking up in class.
4. The student's answer was met with the teacher's usual captiousness.
5. His propensity for captiousness and faultfinding alienated potential allies.
6. The critic's constant captiousness irritated the director.
7. His captious and nagging manner annoyed everyone around him.
8. Her captious attitude stemmed from deep insecurities.
9. I grew tired of his petty captiousness over minor details.
10. The author's captious comments sparked a heated debate.
11. The interviewer's captious questions made the interviewee uncomfortable.
12. Her captious nature made her difficult to work with.
13. His captiousness about grammar errors hindered communication.
14. The essay was met with the professor's usual captiousness and nitpicking.
15. I tried to overlook his tendency toward captiousness and negativity.
16. The critic's captious review unfairly attacked minor details.
17. The manager's captious remarks offended several employees.
18. The lawyer's captious line of questioning frustrated the witnesses.
19. The committee member's captious comments hindered progress.
20. His captious remarks revealed a small-minded pedantry.
21. The reviewer's constant captiousness and pettiness made the article difficult to improve.
22. Her captious personality alienated potential friends.
23. His captious objections bogged down the discussion.
24. The guest's captious attitude cast a pall over the party.
25. The reviewer's captiousness seemed to stem from envy.
26. I grew tired of his constant carping and captious manner.
27. The critic's nitpicking captiousness obscured valid points.
28. The co-worker's captious attitude created tension in the workplace.
29. His captious demeanor made him unpleasant to work with.
30. Her captious complaints tried to mask her own insecurities.
31. The teacher's captious nature discouraged creativity in students.
32. The interviewer's captious manner made the candidate nervous.
33. The journalist's captious review attacked minor flaws while ignoring the larger meaning.
34. His captious nature masked deep feelings of inadequacy.
35. Her tendency towards captiousness revealed pettiness of character.
36. His constant carping and captious comments created tension in the meeting.
37. The manager's habitual captiousness alienated his staff.
38. The critic's captiousness seemed rooted in jealousy rather than objectivity.
39. She met his captious objections with calm rationality.
40. The teacher's constant captious comments discouraged open discussion.
41. Her captious attitude stemmed from insecurity rather than insight.
42. The critic's captious remarks revealed more about himself than the artist's work.
43. The student's captious question derailed the lecture.
44. His captious nature ruined otherwise productive discussions.
45. She ignored his captious remarks which were meant only to provoke a reaction.
46. The supervisor's habitual captiousness created a negative work environment.
47. The lawyer's captious objections failed to address the central issue.
48. The reviewer's captious comments missed the larger meaning of the book.
49. Her captious nature masked deep-seated insecurities.
50. His constant carping and captious complaints made him difficult to work with.
51. The guest's captiousness cast a pall over the dinner conversation.
52. The manager'scaptious attitude stemmed from insecurity rather than caring for improvement.
53. His captiousness angered some but others learned to ignore it.
54. The interviewer's captious questioning style made candidates uncomfortable.
55. The harsh reviewer's captiousness bordered on cruelty.
56. The colleague's captious remarks masked feelings of jealousy and envy.
57. His constant captious comments created tension in meetings.
58. The teacher's reputation for habitual captiousness discouraged open discussion.
59. Her pedantic captiousness masked intellectual insecurity.
60. His captious objections wasted time and hindered progress.

Common Phases

1. His constant captiousness and nitpicking was wearing on everyone's nerves.
2. Her captiousness about trivial details was frustrating.
3. I'm tired of your constant captiousness, always finding fault with everything I do.
4. Please try to avoid captiousness when giving feedback; focus on constructive comments instead.
5. The employee's captiousness about every small issue led to conflict within the team.
6. The reviewer's captiousness about minor points detracted from his overall message.
7. The teacher addressed the students' captiousness by focusing on the larger lesson.
8. We must get past your captiousness and work together productively.
9. His captiousness did not allow for any room for error or change of opinion.
10. The committee avoided decision making due to its members' captiousness.
11. His captiousness only served to distance him from his colleagues.
12. Let's try to move past this captiousness and work together constructively.
13. Her captiousness became so off-putting that no one wanted to work with her.
14. His captious nature made him unpopular with both colleagues and clients.
15. The manager needed to address her employee's growing captiousness toward customers.
16. Try to set aside your captiousness and really listen to what I'm saying.
17. The ambassador's captious attitude toward the agreement undermined progress.
18. The sibling's captious nature caused constant conflict within the family.
19. We cannot make progress if you continue with this kind of captiousness.
20. Her tendency toward captiousness prevented her from forming close relationships.
21. I'm tired of your nitpicking captiousness and harsh judgment of everything I do.
22. The boss addressed the employee's unfounded captiousness with a warning.
23. His captious attitude toward the project from the start made him difficult to work with.
24. His constant captiousness over minor issues alienated his coworkers.
25. The author's captious remarks only served to undermine his overall thesis.
26. We must set aside this captiousness and hypercritical attitude in order to move forward productively.
27. The supervisor sought to address the project team's growing captiousness toward the client.
28. The student's captious and nitpicking nature was off-putting to fellow classmates.
29. The reviewer's tendency toward captiousness distracted from his actual critique.
30. Let's set aside this captiousness and work together in a more positive spirit.
31. Addressing her tendency toward captiousness improved her working relationships.
32. The debate was marred by the participants' constant nitpicking captiousness.
33. The writer's captiousness and predilection for criticizing minor points detracted from his larger message.
34. Her captious nature drove away even her closest friends.
35. His captious attitude about everything undermined the team's progress.
36. The candidate's captious criticism of the current initiatives revealed a hypercritical attitude.
37. The constant unfounded captiousness within the comments section made it unusable.
38. The lawyer's captious nature caused conflicts with clients and colleagues.
39. Please curb this kind of captious nitpicking; it does not help our discussion.
40. The senator's captious and nitpicking attitude made her unpopular within the party.
41. The reviewer's unfounded captiousness distracted from actual merits of the work.
42. My sister's constant unfounded captiousness is so frustrating.
43. His captiousness about trivial issues distracted from more important points.
44. The colleague's constant nitpicking captiousness made him unpleasant to work with.
45. Let us move past this captiousness and hostility to have a constructive conversation.
46. The critic's excessive captiousness undermined his actual insights.
47. We cannot make progress if you continue to nitpick with this kind of captiousness.
48. His unfounded captiousness made him impossible to please.
49. Please try to set aside this captiousness and hypercritical attitude.
50. The boss warned the employee that her captious nature was jeopardizing her position.
51. His captious nature drove away even his closest friends.
52. The diplomat's extreme captiousness undermined his negotiating position.
53. The commentator's excessive captiousness distracted from the actual story.
54. Curtail this kind of captious nitpicking if you want to have a productive conversation.
55. She aimed to curb her tendency toward unfounded captiousness.
56. His captious attitude about every little thing turned clients away.
57. The critic's captious nitpicking distracted from actual merits of the author's work.
58. The boss aimed to address the employee's problematic captious nature.
59. His constant captious nitpicking about my writing made him impossible to please.
60. The partner's constant unfounded captiousness undermined their relationship.

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