Caviller example sentences

Related (5): criticizer, fault-finder, nitpicker, quibbler, nit-picker



  - noun form of cavil



cavil (verb) · cavils (third person present) · cavilled (past tense) · cavilled (past participle) · cavilling (present participle) · caviled (past tense) · caviled (past participle) · caviling (present participle)

  - make petty or unnecessary objections:

  - an objection seen as petty or unnecessary.


cavil, complain, carp, grumble, moan, grouse, grouch, whine, bleat, criticize, censure, denounce, condemn, decry, twine, gripe, beef, bellyache, bitch, nitpick, knock, whinge, chunter, create, protest, protestation, demur, demurrer, remonstrance, remonstration, exception, complaint, grievance, moan, grumble, grouse, quibble, expostulation, opposition, argument, demurral, disapproval, dissent, disagreement, niggle, gripe, beef, grouch, approval, acceptance, acquiescence, Legal

"Caviller" Example Sentences

I apologize, but the word "caviller" does not appear to be an English word. There is "caviller", which is an archaic spelling of "caviler", meaning a critic or objector. Did you perhaps mean "caviler"? If so, here are 60 example sentences using that word:
1. The reviewer was known for being a caviler, always finding fault with authors' works.
2. Don't be such a caviler; his ideas have merit even if they're not perfect.
3. The meeting was disrupted by one persistent caviler who objected to every proposal.
4. The caviler objected to even the most well-reasoned arguments.
5. The audience grew tired of the constant carping and caviling.
6. His critiques were less constructive criticism and more caviling and carping.
7. The caviler nitpicked every detail without considering the broader purpose.
8. Try to discuss your objections productively, without coming across as a caviler.
9. The constant caviling and complaining ruined what could have been a pleasant event.
10. The older generation accused the youth of being spoiled cavilers who lacked respect.
11. The novelist grew weary of the caviling literary critics who attacked her every work.
12. The caviler objected for the sake of objecting, with no real intention of improving anything.
13. We grew tired of his constant caviling and negative attitude.
14. Her caviling objection derailed an otherwise constructive meeting.
15. Instead of offering helpful feedback, he just caviled and complained.
16. Ignore the caviler's petty objections; they are meant only to cause trouble.
17. The caviler took issue with even the most inoccuous elements of the plan.
18. The supervisor grew frustrated with the employee's constant caviling and negativity.
19. The cavilers objected to every aspect of the proposal, offering no constructive alternatives.
20. The cavilers criticized for the sake of criticizing, with no intention of actually improving anything.
21. The regular caviler at the weekly meeting finally stopped attending after everyone ignored him.
22. The caviler's constant objections became increasingly absurd and unreasonable.
23. The caviler criticized everything superficial, missing the deeper meaning and purpose.
24. His caviling objections merely revealed his own bitterness and negativity.
25. The caviler objected merely for the sake of drawing attention to himself.
26. The caviler objected to every element, however reasonable or well-supported.
27. Avoid becoming a caviler known only for constant criticism and negativity.
28. The presentation was derailed by a caviler who objected to even minor details.
29. Don't be a caviler - offer helpful suggestions instead of constant criticism.
30. His caviling mentality prevented him from seeing the good in anything.
31. The caviler denigrated every good idea without offering any of his own.
32. They grew tired of his constant carping and caviling without any attempt at constructive feedback.
33. Ignore the caviler's petty objections - they are not meant to be helpful.
34. She objected to even the most thoughtful proposal, revealing her caviling nature.
35. The caviler criticized for the sake of hearing his own voice, with no concern for actually improving anything.
36. The caviler seemed intent on finding fault rather than solving problems.
37. His caviling personality made him difficult to work with.
38. The caviler resented any success and thus criticized out of bitterness.
39. The caviler complained and criticized simply to antagonize others.
40. Ignore the caviler's pointless objections - they are meant only to cause trouble.
41. The caviler took issue even with the most well-thought-out proposals.
42. The constant carping became so caviling that it derailed any constructive discussion.
43. His caviling objections were meant only to draw attention to himself.
44. The caviler's bitter attitude made her incompatible with any team effort.
45. The caviler scrutinized every aspect for any minor flaw, missing the broader benefits.
46. The caviler objected for the sake of hearing his own complaints.
47. The presentation derailed into a caviling debate over insignificant details.
48. The caviler's objections were petty and revealed his own miserable disposition.
49. His caviling attitude destroyed any possibility for positive teamwork.
50. The caviler resented anyone's optimism, objecting solely to spread negativity.

Common Phases

Caviller is not a commonly used word in modern English. Some example sentences using an alternative but similar word (caviling or cavil) are:
1. Stop caviling and just do the work assigned to you.
2. He always finds some way to cavil about the plans.
3. I'm tired of you caviling at every little detail.
4. The client kept caviling over minor points in the contract.
5. The manager grew weary of her employee's constant caviling.
6. The critic spent the entire review caviling over superficial details.
7. Rather than helping improve the design, his comments were just caviling.
8. She caviled at the terms of the agreement and refused to sign.
9. I refuse to listen to any more of your caviling and nitpicking.
10. His tendency to cavil over minor issues was a constant source of frustration.
Basically, to cavil means to raise trivial objections, criticize unnecessarily, or find fault in a petty way. Using caviler instead of caviling may work in some contexts, but caviling is a more commonly used and recognized word in modern English.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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