Grumble example sentences

Related (11): complain, gripe, mutter, grouse, bellyache, whine, murmur, moan, groan, kvetch, carp

"Grumble" Example Sentences

1. The old engine grumbled and sputtered as it struggled to start.
2. The crowd grumbled their disapproval at the referee's decision.
3. I grumbled to myself as I got out of bed on a cold winter morning.
4. Her stomach grumbled loudly, reminding her that she had skipped lunch.
5. The students grumbled about the amount of homework they had been assigned.
6. He grumbled under his breath about the traffic jam.
7. The elderly dog grumbled and groaned as he struggled to his feet.
8. The professor grumbled at the students for being late to class.
9. The toddler grumbled and pouted when it was time for bed.
10. The grouchy old man grumbled at the kids playing in his yard.
11. My coworkers grumbled about the new dress code policy.
12. I could hear my children grumbling upstairs about doing their chores.
13. The passengers grumbled complaints to each other during the long delay.
14. The unruly students grumbled and complained throughout the lecture.
15. The kids grumbled about having to eat their vegetables at dinner.
16. The workers grumbled angrily about the low pay and long hours.
17. The crowd began to grumble and grow restless waiting in the long line.
18. The football players grumbled their frustration after the close loss.
19. My wife could hear me grumbling in the kitchen as I struggled to fix dinner.
20. The cab driver grumbled insults at the other drivers on the road.
21. The old pipes in the house would grumble and clang whenever the faucets were used.
22. The children grumbled and squabbled in the backseat during the long car ride.
23. I could hear my husband grumbling in the next room about a work email.
24. We drove past beggars who grumbled and held out their hands for money.
25. The neighbors could hear my toddler grumbling before his afternoon nap.
26. The lazy employees grumbled at having to work overtime.
27. The street vendors grumbled at the tourists strolling through the market.
28. My husband could hear me grumbling in frustration over a work problem.
29. I grumbled and muttered to myself as I searched the house for my car keys.
30. The contestants on the game show grumbled at having lost on the final question.
31. Annoyed drivers grumbled at the slow driver in front of them.
32. The workers grumbled at the prospect of another pay cut.
33. I could hear my children grumbling about doing their chores.
34. My dad would always grumble in mock annoyance when we asked for an extra bedtime story.
35. Overhearing my parents grumbling about me as a teenager always made me uncomfortable.
36. The children grumbled at having to clean up their messy room.
37. The old watch on my wrist would grumble and stutter as I tried to wind it.
38. The crowd grumbled in displeasure as the home team fell behind early.
39. My baby would grumble and fuss until he was fed in the morning.
40. I heard my husband grumbling in frustration over a work problem.
41. My dog grumbled and whined until I let him outside.
42. The passengers grumbled at the lengthy security lines at the airport.
43. The instructor could hear the students grumbling about the challenging homework assignment.
44. The referee chose to ignore the players grumbling from the bench.
45. The horse grumbled and stamped in protest at being saddled.
46. Teens grumble at having a curfew but are grateful for the structure later in life.
47. My parents could hear my siblings and I grumbling upstairs about having to clean our rooms.
48. The old trucks delivering goods to the warehouse would grumble and belch black smoke.
49. Children grumble at having to eat their vegetables but learn the benefits later.
50. Grumbles and complaints could be heard throughout the crowd after the disappointing announcement.
51. Office workers grumble about Mondays but dread the weekends rushing by too quickly.
52. Teenagers grumble at having a curfew, not realizing the dangers they're being protected from.
53. The dog bared its teeth and growled, grumbling its displeasure at being approached.
54. The crowd began to grumble and stir restlessly during the lengthy halftime show.
55. I could hear the elderly man grumbling to himself as he shuffled down the hall.
56. Even though we grumbled about chores as kids, we appreciated the life skills they taught us as adults.
57. The children grumbled and fussed about having to go to bed before their usual bedtime.
58. The tired workers grumbled their way into the warehouse for another long shift.
59. Although I grumbled at times, I was grateful for all my parents did to provide for me and my siblings.
60. Traveling through unfamiliar neighborhoods, we could hear dogs grumbling and barking from behind fences.

Common Phases

1. The man grumbled under his breath as he walked away.
2. The dog grumbled and growled at the approaching stranger.
3. I could hear the traffic grumbling and groaning outside my window.
4. The old engine grumbled and sputtered as we pulled away from the curb.
5. The crowd grumbled in disapproval at the referee's decision.
6. I grumbled about having to get up so early for work.
7. The stomachs of the hungry children grumbled loudly.
8. I grumbled about the chore that I had been assigned to do.
9. The thunder grumbled ominously in the distance.
10. The planks and wooden joints of the old ship grumbled and creaked.
11. The child grumbled at being told to go to bed so early.
12. The fans grumbled in dismay at their team's poor performance.
13. My faulty alarm clock grumbled and wheezed before finally ringing.
14. The tired workers grumbled about having to work overtime.
15. The river grumbled and rushed noisily over the rocks.
16. The engine of the old car grumbled to life reluctantly.
17. I grumbled at having my favorite TV show interrupted.
18. The engine of the old tractor grumbled and puffed as it strained up the hill.
19. The toddler grumbled as her mother tried to dress her for the day.
20. The tired class grumbled as the teacher announced a pop quiz.
21. The rumble of distant thunder grumbled on and off all afternoon.
22. The judge grumbled under his breath at the disruptions in his court.
23. The crowd grumbled angrily at the referee's unfair calls.
24. The volcano's crater grumbled and spewed smoke up into the air.
25. The old woman grumbled at the noisy kids playing next door.
26. My stomach grumbled angrily, reminding me that I had missed lunch.
27. The employees grumbled as the boss announced yet another budget cut.
28. The chair grumbled and groaned as I sat down on it.
29. The boys grumbled at having to clean up the messy clubhouse.
30. The storm grumbled ominously all through the night.
31. The worn joints of the door grumbled and squeaked as it opened.
32. The bus passengers grumbled as the traffic delayed their trip.
33. The fans grumbled angrily at the team's poor performance.
34. The old car grumbled and protested as it struggled up the hill.
35. My tired body grumbled at the thought of another workout.
36. The old wood of the porch floor grumbled under my weight.
37. The angry crowd grumbled and shouted insults at the politicians.
38. The toddler grumbled at being made to get ready for daycare.
39. The gears of the old clock grumbled as it struck midnight.
40. The volcano's crater grumbled and steamed all through the night.
41. The children grumbled at having to clean up after dinner.
42. The engine of the vintage car grumbled to life after several tries.
43. The floor grumbled under the weight of the full bookcase.
44. I could hear the rumble of distant thunder grumbling all day.
45. The passengers grumbled at the airline's service.
46. The gears of the contraption grumbled and squeaked as they turned.
47. The pipes in my walls grumbled and shook as the heat came on.
48. The students grumbled over having to read such a long book.
49. The engine of the old tractor grumbled and sputtered as it strained to plow the field.
50. The storm grumbled menacingly all through the night.
51. The large dog grumbled threateningly when the stranger approached.
52. The children grumbled when they were told to clean their rooms.
53. The old judge grumbled at yet another delay in his court.
54. My stomach grumbled loudly, reminding me that I had skipped breakfast.
55. The tired workers grumbled at having to work late again.
56. The volcano grumbled ominously, shooting lava and smoke into the air.
57. The floor grumbled under the weight of our footsteps.
58. The worn gears of the machine grumbled and squeaked as they turned.
59. The watchdog grumbled and barked at the approaching strangers.
60. The customers grumbled at the long wait in the crowded cafe.

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