Chaperone example sentences

Related (10): escort, companion, guardian, protector, sponsor, guide, supervisor, custodian, watcher, overseer.

"Chaperone" Example Sentences

1. My parents chaperoned the school dance.
2. The teacher acted as chaperone for the field trip.
3. Ms. Smith will be chaperoning the prom.
4. I asked my older sister to chaperone my first date.
5. The school required parental chaperones for the overnight trip.
6. My aunt agreed to chaperone my ski trip with friends.
7. The school administrator served as chaperone for the club.
8. A group of parents volunteered to chaperone the concert.
9. The teacher chaperoned the students on the museum field trip.
10. Several teachers chaperoned the class camping trip.
11. The headmaster appointed a teacher to chaperone the ball.
12. A parent needs to chaperone each cabin during the sleepover.
13. A chaperone accompanied the students on the college tour.
14. He acted as chaperone for his younger brother's date.
15. I didn't know who was chaperoning the event.
16. Security guards monitored the dance floors as chaperones.
17. The principal appointed faculty members to chaperone prom.
18. The tour guide effectively chaperoned the large group.
19. The youth pastor agreed to chaperone the youth group outing.
20. My grandmother generously chaperoned my fraternity formal.
21. The senior volunteer chaperoned the day camp field trips.
22. Hotel security chaperoned the large prom party.
23. The professor assigned graduate students to chaperone labs.
24. Her older sister agreed to chaperone the homecoming dance.
25. The dean chaperoned the school trip herself.
26. The chaperones supervised students at the amusement park.
27. Campus police chaperoned the large Halloween party.
28. Counselors chaperoned each cabins' activities at summer camp.
29. The parent teacher association organized chaperones for the trip.
30. School administrators always chaperoned the overnight trips.
31. The chaperone ensured students followed the rules during games.
32. School board members often chaperoned sports away games.
33. A chaperone accompanied each group on the nature hike.
34. The coach chaperoned the athletic teams' road trips.
35. My father repeatedly had to chaperone my older brother's parties.
36. A chaperone monitored the skating rink each weekend.
37. Chaperones stood guard during rest breaks on the school hike.
38. A parent volunteer agreed to chaperone the fundraiser dinner.
39. Faculty chaperones enforced the school's code of conduct.
40. Club advisors took turns chaperoning meetings and events.
41. Her parents made her brother chaperone their first date.
42. The hall monitor sometimes served as an informal chaperone.
43. The neighbor grudgingly agreed to chaperone the sleepover.
44. The chaperones ensured students followed the dress code.
45. My boyfriend's mom chaperoned our entire senior prom.
46. The group had to find chaperones before the field trip.
47. A rotating schedule of parents chaperoned sports practices.
48. The teacher selected responsible students to chaperone detentions.
49. Chaperones enforced the no drinking policy at the dance.
50. Teachers chaperoned the after school program.
51. Parents signed up to chaperone the class party.
52. My aunt agreed to chaperone my entire junior year.
53. The football coaches chaperoned team trips.
54. Bus drivers sometimes served as informal chaperones.
55. The guidance counselor volunteered to chaperone the game.
56. My uncle chaperoned my first high school party.
57. The youth ministers agreed to chaperone the lock-in.
58. His big brother reluctantly agreed to chaperone prom.
59. The hall monitor sometimes acted as an informal chaperone.
60. Chaperones ensured that nobody left the dance early.

Common Phases

1. The parents chaperoned the school dance.
2. The teacher acted as a chaperone during the field trip.
3. My grandmother chaperoned me on my first date.
4. The school required chaperones for the overnight campout.
5. My aunt agreed to chaperone my prom.
6. I had to have my parents chaperone me until I turned 16.
7. The college assigned student volunteers to chaperone the freshman orientation events.
8. The nuns chaperoned the girls during the retreat.
9. My mother chaperoned my brother and his friends whenever they went to the arcade.
10. The nurse agreed to chaperone the doctor during the examinations.
11. The teacher's assistant chaperoned the kindergarteners on the playground.
12. The coaches chaperoned the team on their away games.
13. The substitute teacher could not properly chaperone our class.
14. A parent volunteer is needed to chaperone the field trip.
15. The club requires adult chaperones for all events.
16. My parents insisted on chaperoning my first date.
17. The dean agreed to chaperone the homecoming dance.
18. Can you chaperone the kids while I run to the store?
19. My friend's mom chaperoned our sleepover.
20. The school requires two chaperones per bus on field trips.
21. The chaperones made sure the students behaved during the assembly.
22. They needed multiple chaperones for the large group of middle schoolers.
23. The hotel required a chaperone for any guests under 18 years old.
24. The TA will chaperone our study session after hours in the library.
25. I promised my mom I wouldn't leave the house without a chaperone.
26. Chaperones are required for all off-campus field trips.
27. My aunt generously chaperoned my high school Europe trip.
28. The youth group leader was the chaperone on our camping trip.
29. The dorm parents chaperoned our campus mixer.
30. My older sister reluctantly agreed to chaperone me to the movies.
31. The college banned underage drinking even when chaperoned by adults.
32. The bodyguard acted as a chaperone for the young actress.
33. Additional chaperones were needed for the overnight field trip.
34. My tutor offered to chaperone me to the library since my parents were busy.
35. The faculty sponsor chaperoned the academic competition.
36. The maid acted as a chaperone while the parents were at work.
37. I'll chaperone your kids tonight so you can go out.
38. My boyfriend agreed to chaperone my little sister when I couldn't.
39. The hall monitor chaperoned the younger children in between classes.
40. The military officers chaperoned the new recruits on their first weekend pass.
41. The bus driver chaperoned the kindergarten field trip.
42. Two parents volunteer to chaperone the class every field trip.
43. The family friend generously chaperoned us on our museum field trip.
44. My grandmother has chaperoned me since I was little.
45. A chaperone is required anytime students leave school grounds.
46. The faculty sponsor agreed to chaperone the academic club's event.
47. Will you chaperone my daughters to the mall while I finish work?
48. When I was a teenager, my parents required chaperones on all dates.
49. The camp counselors chaperoned the overnight campout.
50. The nurses chaperoned the male doctor during exams of female patients.
51. My younger siblings wanted me to chaperone them trick-or-treating.
52. The chaperone made sure no students left the group during the tour.
53. My aunt always volunteered to chaperone school field trips.
54. The university required chaperones for all off-campus club events.
55. My dad chaperoned me and my friends until I went to college.
56. The student union hired chaperones for all campus parties.
57. The flight attendants acted as chaperones for the unaccompanied minors.
58. An adult chaperone is required for any child under the age of 16.
59. The lifeguard acted as a chaperone for the younger swimmers.
60. The volunteers took turns chaperoning the youth group activities.

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