Chompchomp example sentences

Related (10): teeth, bite, chew, gnaw, devour, munch, gobble, munching, chomping, crunching.

"Chompchomp" Example Sentences

1. I could hear the chompchomp of my dog's teeth as he devoured his food.
2. The alligator's chompchomp echoed through the swamp.
3. My stomach let out a loud chompchomp as I smelled the freshly baked cookies.
4. I watched in fascination as the rabbit made a quick chompchomp on the carrot.
5. The sound of the chompchomp was almost deafening as the hippo ate his lunch.
6. I could hear the chompchomp of the woodchipper as it devoured the trees.
7. The chompchomp of the crocodile's jaws scared me so much I could barely move.
8. The sound of chompchomp coming from the trash can told me that the raccoon had found our leftover pizza.
9. The chompchomp of the snail was so slight I almost didn't hear it.
10. The chompchomp of the mower cut through the Sunday morning peace and quiet.
11. The chompchomp of the cow's teeth was almost comforting as I watched her graze.
12. The chompchomp of the woodpecker's beak on the bark of the tree woke me up early.
13. The sound of chompchomp let me know my little brother had raided the candy jar again.
14. The chompchomp of the scissors told me my sister was cutting her dolls' hair again.
15. The chompchomp of the kangaroo as she ate her grass was soothing to me.
16. The chompchomp of the caterpillar nibbling on the leaf was strangely satisfying to watch.
17. The chompchomp of the chipmunk as he burrowed into the ground made me smile.
18. The sound of chompchomp from the construction site told me they were making progress.
19. The chompchomp of the ant was so quiet I almost didn't feel it on my skin.
20. The chompchomp of the hammer on the nail was music to my ears.
21. The sound of chompchomp from the chewing gum made me wish I hadn't sat next to that person on the plane.
22. The chompchomp of the basketball on the pavement echoed through the park.
23. The chompchomp of the giraffe's tongue as she ate the leaves was fascinating to watch.
24. The sound of chompchomp coming from the neighbor's yard told me their dog had found a bone.
25. The chompchomp of the farmer's teeth as he tasted the fresh produce was pure joy.
26. The chompchomp of the player on his gum as he waited for his turn to bat was nerve-wracking.
27. The chompchomp of the bee as it drank nectar from the flower made me jump.
28. The sound of chompchomp from the horse's mouth as she ate her hay was somehow calming.
29. The chompchomp of the lizard's jaws as it swallowed the insect was a reminder of the food chain.
30. The sound of chompchomp from the garbage disposal let me know it was time to clean up.

Common Phases

Chompchomp chomping on some popcorn; Chompchomp chomping on an apple; Chompchomp chomping on a carrot; Chompchomp chomping on a piece of gum; Chompchomp chomping on some celery.

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