Ingest example sentences

Related (13): consume, swallow, devour, absorb, assimilate, gulp, imbibe, intake, munch, nibble, partake, process, sip

"Ingest" Example Sentences

1. People ingest food and liquids to get nutrients and energy.
2. The patient was told not to ingest any food or liquids before the procedure.
3. Make sure you do not ingest any material that may be contaminated.
4. Young children often ingest small objects that can become choking hazards.
5. Patients were instructed to not ingest any caffeine before the test.
6. The doctor warned against ingesting raw or undercooked meats.
7. The chemical spill caused those nearby to ingest contaminated water.
8. Medications should be taken as prescribed and not ingested in excess.
9. Police cautioned residents not to ingest water from the contaminated lake.
10. Athletes can ingest performance-enhancing drugs to gain a competitive advantage.
11. The vitamin powder is meant to be ingested orally and dissolved in water.
12. Do not ingest any food or liquids by mouth for at least 8 hours before surgery.
13. Young children ingested lead paint chips that had flaked off the walls.
14. The infant ingested bacteria from the contaminated bottle of formula.
15. People ingest food to provide fuel and building blocks for the body.
16. Be careful not to ingest dirt or debris while gardening.
17. The contaminated food caused dozens to ingest pathogenic bacteria.
18. Ingesting excess sugar can lead to health issues like tooth decay and obesity.
19. Residents were advised not to ingest water from the municipal supply.
20. Pets should not be allowed to ingest materials not intended for animal consumption.
21. Chemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco are ingested when used.
22. Do not ingest any food or liquid from 12 midnight before your colonoscopy.
23. The athlete failed the drug test after testing positive for ingesting steroids.
24. Smoke from a fire caused people to inadvertently ingest toxic particles.
25. Some toxins can be absorbed through the skin but most are ingested or inhaled.
26. The spilled gasoline caused the child to inadvertently ingest toxic fumes.
27. Alcohol is ingested before the body metabolizes it for distribution in the bloodstream.
28. Warnings were issued about the potential hazards of ingesting contaminated seafood.
29. Individuals must use extreme caution to avoid ingesting poisonous mushrooms.
30. I was told to not ingest anything for 12 hours before my endoscopy.
31. Chemicals are often ingested through the air we breathe and the water we drink.
32. Tadpoles and frogs ingest small aquatic invertebrates and insects.
33. Medications are ingested either orally or through an enteral feeding tube.
34. Smoking tobacco products causes smokers to ingest harmful toxins.
35. Patients undergoing anesthesia are told not to ingest anything for 8 hours prior.
36. Pesticides should not be ingested as they are extremely toxic to humans.
37. Laboratory animals are often trained to ingest food pellets as rewards.
38. The student accidentally ingested an unknown substance in the chemistry lab.
39. People can become ill after ingesting contaminated water or food.
40. The fish ingest smaller organisms and other edible materials.
41. Residents were warned not to ingest the runoff water from recent floods.
42. Young children often place non-food items in their mouths and inadvertently ingest them.
43. Extreme care should be taken when handling chemicals to avoid ingesting or absorbing them.
44. Pets should not be allowed to ingest any substances not approved for animal consumption.
45. Medications should only be ingested according to the instructions on the label.
46. Residents were advised not to ingest water from the contaminated well.
47. The bugs ingest bacteria and protozoa as food sources.
48. Plants absorb water and minerals through their roots and ingest carbon dioxide through their leaves.
49. Do not ingest any food or drink within 8 hours of your scheduled medical procedure.
50. The patient ingested excess vitamins despite warnings not to do so.
51. Insecticides should only be ingested by licensed applicators according to product instructions and warnings.
52. Chemical spills can contaminate soil and plants, causing animals to ingest toxins.
53. Do not smoke or ingest any substances for 12 hours before the breathalyzer test.
54. People can become ill after ingesting contaminated food or water.
55. Signs were posted warning patrons not to ingest any pool water.
56. Alcohol is ingested and then enters the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach and intestines.
57. People can become sick after ingesting food or water contaminated with human waste.
58. Individuals should avoid ingesting lead paint chips as they are highly toxic.
59. Pest control products should only be ingested by licensed professionals according to product instructions.
60. Many toxins are lethal even at low doses when ingested.

Common Phases

1. The elephant uses its trunk to ingest food and water.
2. I ingest large quantities of coffee each morning.
3. Infants ingest many foreign objects during exploration.
4. The snake will ingest its prey whole.
5. The organs of digestion help the body ingest and break down food.
6. I tried to ingest as much information as possible during the lecture.
7. Sea turtles ingest plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish.
8. Antibiotics can disrupt gut bacteria when ingested.
9. Plants ingest carbon dioxide and water to produce food.
10. The victims had ingested a lethal amount of poison.
11. The fruit fly ingests nectar from flowers.
12. Toxic substances should not be ingested.
13. The fish ingested the baited hook.
14. Clean water is essential for humans to ingest.
15. The antibodies help the body recognize and fight bacteria ingested in food.
16. The company advised customers not to ingest the contaminated product.
17. The worm ingested the decomposing organic matter.
18. Ingesting too much salt can cause high blood pressure.
19. The bats ingested several insects within minutes.
20. The coconut crab ingests coconuts by cracking them open with its claws.
21. She had difficulty ingesting solid food after the accident.
22. Some insects ingest plant cells instead of the entire leaf.
23. He had to ingest charcoal to purge the poison from his system.
24. Worms use their mouths to ingest soil and decaying organic matter.
25. Many insect larvae ingest plant material by tunneling within leaves and stems.
26. Infants should not ingest any honey before the age of one.
27. The investigator examined the remains to determine what had been ingested prior to death.
28. Fire ants will defend their colony by ingesting enemies and spraying formic acid.
29. Scavengers like vultures ingest rotting carcasses.
30. You must chew your food before ingesting it.
31. The dog accidentally ingested some chocolate that made it very sick.
32. Some animals ingest stones to aid in digesting tough plant material.
33. Many medications warn patients not to ingest alcohol while taking the drug.
34. Antibiotics are sometimes ingested prophylactically before surgery.
35. Most animals ingest oxygen through breathing.
36. The yeast cells ingested the sugar and reproduced rapidly.
37. The report analyzed the possible health risks of ingesting GMO foods.
38. Many birds ingest small stones to help grind food in their stomachs.
39. The tadpoles ingested the algae and particulate matter in the pond water.
40. The plant ingested carbon dioxide during the day and released oxygen.
41. Caterpillars ingest leaves by chewing them up with their mouths.
42. Composting worms ingest decaying organic matter and release nutrients.
43. Cutworms ingest young seedlings, damaging gardens and crops.
44. Moths and butterflies ingest nectar to gain energy for flight.
45. Cats ingest their prey whole after killing it.
46. Many parasites must be ingested by the host in order to complete their life cycle.
47. Mosquitoes ingest blood to gain nutrients needed for egg production.
48. Some frogs ingest prey by extending their long sticky tongues.
49. The juvenile salmon ingested plankton and aquatic insect larvae.
50. People have accidentally ingested lead particles by eating game meat harvested near shooting ranges.
51. Termites ingest cellulose in wood and decompose it with the help of gut bacteria.
52. Box jellyfish use their tentacles to sting and paralyze prey before ingesting it.
53. The mouse accidently ingested poison that had been put out to kill rats.
54. Most animals must ingest oxygen, water and food to survive.
55. Dust mites ingest dead skin cells.
56. Leeches ingest the blood of their hosts.
57. Snails and slugs ingest fungi, dead plant material and carrion.
58. Houseflies ingest bacteria and decaying organic matter.
59. Some fish ingest their eggs to protect them.
60. Workers were advised to wash their hands before ingesting food or drinks.

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