Gobble example sentences

Related (8): turkey, feast, devour, consume, gobbledegook, gulp, gobsmacked, munch

"Gobble" Example Sentences

1. The turkeys gobbled noisily on Thanksgiving morning.
2. The greedy boy gobbled up his food with no manners.
3. The hungry fox gobbled down the chicken he had stolen.
4. The vultures gobbled up the remains of the dead animal.
5. The huge python gobbled up the small rodent in one swallow.
6. The little boy gobbled up the Easter candy quickly.
7. The stingy old miser gobbled up all the profits for himself.
8. The dentist tried to gobble up as many patients as possible.
9. The starving children gobbled up the meager food rations.
10. The businessman tried to gobble up his competitors.
11. The investigator tried to gobble up as much information as possible.
12. Little Jack gobbled up his porridge so fast that he burned his tongue.
13. The wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother.
14. The pigs gobbled up all the acorns that fell from the oak trees.
15. The sharks gobbled up the blood in the water after the accident.
16. The crocodile gobbled up the baby monkeys that came down to the riverbank.
17. The hungry toddler gobbled up his mashed peas and carrots.
18. The politicians gobbled up donations from lobbyists and special interests.
19. The salesmen tried to gobble up as many customers as they could.
20. The shoppers gobbled up all the Black Friday deals as soon as the store opened.
21. The monster gobbled up the adventurers who dared to enter his cave.
22. The locust swarm gobbled up all the plants in the farmers' fields.
23. The critic gobbled up every detail of the new movie so he could tear it apart.
24. The cat gobbled up the bird that had crashed into the window.
25. The comedian tried to gobble up as much applause and laughter as possible.
26. The soccer players gobbled up all the snacks and drinks at halftime.
27. The reporters gobbled up all the new information about the crime.
28. The chef gobbled up every new cooking technique he came across.
29. The gossip columnist gobbled up every new rumor and scandal.
30. The children gobbled up their Halloween candy as soon as they got home.
31. The young wolf gobbled up every scrap of meat left behind by the older wolves.
32. The orcs gobbled up their gruel in the dark dungeon.
33. The bears gobbled up all the fish caught in the salmon run.
34. The whale gobbled up the small schools of anchovies in one massive gulp.
35. The dinosaurs gobbled up all the plants and animals in their path.
36. The hyenas gobbled up the zebra carcass left behind by the lions.
37. The beavers gobbled up the bark off all the new saplings along the riverbank.
38. The mall Santa gobbled up all the cookie crumbs left behind by the children.
39. The magpies gobbled up any shiny objects they could find.
40. The fish gobbled up the bait right off the fisherman's hook.
41. The Black Friday shoppers gobbled up all the discounted electronics.
42. Little Pigletgobbled up all the acorns he could find in the forest.
43. The audience gobbled up every joke in the comedian's act.
44. The reviewer gobbled up the whole book in one evening.
45. The alligators gobbled up any small animals that came to the water's edge.
46. The aspiring author gobbled up every book he could get his hands on.
47. The owls gobbled up all the mice in the farmer's fields.
48. The bookworms gobbled up all the pages of the abandoned manuscripts.
49. The big game hunter tried to gobble up as many trophies as he could carry.
50. The babies gobbled up their mashed peas and pureed carrots.
51. The goblin gobbledup all the treasure from the dwarves cave.
52. The cavern shook as the hobgoblin gobbled down his latest meal .
53. The owlet gobbled up the big juicy worm left by its mother.
54. The ravens gobbled up the dead soldiers left behind on the battlefield.
55. The wicked witch tried to gobble up Hansel and Gretel.
56. The fire goblin gobbled up all the kindling left in the hearth.
57. The werewolf quickly gobbled up the fresh kill before his packmates could see.
58. The tiger gobbled up the stray goat that wandered too close to its den.
59. The kracken gobbled up any ships unlucky enough to cross its path.
60. The monster under the bed gobbled up all the crumbs the kids dropped.

Common Phases

1. The turkey gobbled loudly as it gorged itself on seeds and insects.
2. The hungry children gobbled down their meals quickly.
3. The kid gobbled up the entire chocolate cake in mere minutes.
4. The child gobbled up his vegetables so he could have dessert.
5. Thegreedy man gobbled up all the leftovers on the table.
6. The pigs gobbled up all the acorns that had fallen from the oak trees.
7. The little boy gobbled up his mashed potatoes and gravy eagerly.
8. The gobbler gobbled loudly and displayed his feathers for the hens.
9. The boy gobbled his Halloween candy within minutes of arriving home.
10. The hungry toddler gobbled up his cheerios and spilt half of them.
11. The dog gobbled down his food so fast he didn't even taste it.
12. The little boy gobbled his pizza like it was his last meal.
13. The wolf greedily gobbled the leftover turkey carcass.
14. The three little pigs gobbled up the hot porridge that fell into their trough.
15. The ravenous brontosaurus gobbled up leaves and branches nonstop.
16. The witch quickly gobbled up the tasty morsels in her cauldron.
17. The jackals greedily gobbled up the remains of the kudu carcass.
18. The boys gobbled down their ice cream cones before they melted.
19. The ostriches greedily gobbled up all the grains spilled on the ground.
20. The ox gobbled up the entire bale of hay in a matter of minutes.
21. The greedy character in the story gobbled up all the cookies for himself.
22. The hungry goldfish gobbled up all its fish food in an instant.
23. The baby bird greedily gobbled up all the worms brought by its parents.
24. The starving vultures gobbled up the carcass of the dead zebra.
25. The alligator greedily gobbled up the duck that wandered too close.
26. The dinosaurs gobbled up greenery in giant mouthfuls.
27. The horse greedily gobbled up the apples from the farmer's hand.
28. The three brothers greedily gobbled up their mother's bean stew.
29. The piglets squealed with delight as they greedily gobbled up their slop.
30. The delighted children gobbled up the sweet treats left on their plates.
31. The beavers greedily gobbled up the bark and branches of the poplar tree.
32. The goldfish greedily gobbled up the fish flakes sprinkled on the surface.
33. The starved survivors greedily gobbled up the meager rations they received.
34. The gobbling goblin in the story greedily gobbled up everything in sight.
35. Thekids gobbled up all the snacks before the movie even started.
36. The boy greedily gobbled up hishelping of mashed potatoes.
37. The barn owls greedily gobbled up the field mouse hiding in the grass.
38. The ducks greedily gobbled up the grains ofcorn sprinkled on the ground.
39. The bear greedilygobbled up the beehiveand ate each honeycomb inside.
40. The wolf greedily gobbled up the little pig after catching him.
41. The chicks greedily gobbled up the bits offeed scattered in the grass.
42. The eggs hatching from their shells greedilygobbled up the yolk.
43. The deer greedily gobbled up the fresh spring growth of the oak saplings.
44. The crows greedily gobbled up the plump grubs exposed as the soil thawed.
45. The hippos greedily gobbled up the water lilies and other marsh plants.
46. The hens greedilygobbled up the scattered corn on the ground.
47. Thelocustsswarm greedilygobbled up every green plant in sight.
48. The starving girl greedily gobbled up the small bowl of rice given to her.
49. The greedy frogs greedily gobbled up all the flies buzzing around.
50. The beggar greedily gobbled up the loaf of bread given to him.
51. The birds greedily gobbled up the juicy worms crawling on the lawn.
52. The puppies greedily gobbled up the treats that feel from the table.
53. The fledgling bird greedily gobbled up the wormsbrought by its parents.
54. The children greedily gobbled up the treats handed out by Santa.
55. The minnows greedily gobbled up the breadcrumbs thrown in the pond.
56. The pelicans greedily gobbled up the fish swimming in the bay.
57. The squirrels greedilygobbled up the fallen acorns as they hit the ground.
58. The ravenous raptors greedily gobbled up any small animal they could catch.
59. The puppies greedily gobbled up the chunks of beef that fell on the floor.
60. The ladybug larvae greedily gobbled up the aphids on the lettuce leaf.

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