Chump example sentences
Related (7): sucker, fool, dupe, mark, sap, patsy, victim
noun informal
chump (noun) · chumps (plural noun)
- a foolish or easily deceived person:
idiot, halfwit, nincompoop, blockhead, buffoon, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, imbecile, dullard, moron, simpleton, clod, dope, ninny, dimwit, nitwit, goon, dumbo, dummy, dumbbell, loon, jackass, bonehead, fathead, numbskull, dunderhead, chucklehead, knucklehead, muttonhead, thickhead, airhead, pinhead, lamebrain, peabrain, birdbrain, zombie, jerk, nerd, dipstick, donkey, noodle, nit, numpty, twit, clot, ass, goat, berk, prat, pillock, git, divvy, twerp, charlie, mug, balloon, gowk, schmuck, bozo, boob, lamer, turkey, schlepper, chowderhead, dumbhead, dumbass, goofball, goof, goofus, galoot, dork, lummox, klutz, putz, schlemiel, sap, meatball, gink, cluck, clunk, dingbat, wiener, weeny, dip, simp, spud, coot, palooka, poop, squarehead, dingleberry, dill, alec, galah, bogan, poon, tomfool, noddy, clodpole, loggerhead, spoony, mooncalf"Chump" Example Sentences
1. I feel like such a chump for falling for that scam.
2. Don't be such a chump, think before you act next time.
3. The kid threw his money away on that rotting lemon of a car, what a chump.
4. She played me for a fool, I was just her chump.
5. Don't go making me out to be the chump here, you agreed to this plan too!
6. He thought he was smarter than everyone else, but in the end he was the biggest chump of all.
7. The used car salesman took that chump for every penny he had.
8. You go ahead and pay full price, I'll wait for the sale and not be a chump.
9. I was played for a real chump, but at least now I know better.
10. Don't be a chump, stand up for yourself!
11. The audience laughed at the chump who fell for the magician's trick.
12. The chump actually believed that ridiculous story.
13. I fell for the oldest trick in the book, what a chump I am!
14. I'm not falling for that lame scheme, don't treat me like a chump.
15. That chump loaned the guy money and never saw it again.
16. Quit acting like such a chump and use some common sense.
17. My friends laughed at me for being such a chump and falling for her lies.
18. I'm not spending $100 on that, what do you think I am, a chump?
19. He was made out to be the chump in that business deal.
20. You played me pretty good, I was your chump for sure!
21. Don't be a chump, buy what's on sale, not full price.
22. The court jester was the king's chump, there for his amusement.
23. Quit trying to make a chump out of me, I'm onto your little game.
24. She made a real chump out of him, leaving him high and dry like that.
25. My boss made me look like a chump in front of the whole office.
26. Don't act like such a chump, use your brain not your feelings!
27. I didn't mean to make you look like a chump, I'm sorry.
28. That kid is such a chump, falling for the same trick every year.
29. He fell for their little scam and made a complete chump of himself.
30. I wasn't about to make a chump out of myself for $5.
31. She played him like a chump and he didn't even know it.
32. I'm not falling for that again, don't try and make a chump out of me!
33. Don't be a chump, learn some common sense and street smarts.
34. You sure made a chump out of yourself with that stupid blunder.
35. Don't be the chump who pays full price when you can buy it cheaper online.
36. He believed every word that used car salesman said, what a chump.
37. You got hustled and made a chump out of yourself, it happens to the best of us.
38. The plan backfired and made us look like complete chumps.
39. Don't be a chump, think before you sign anything!
40. They laughed at the poor chump who fell for their trick.
41. I was her chump for months, doing whatever she asked of me.
42. My friends couldn't believe I was such a gullible chump.
43. Don't make a chump out of yourself, just say no!
44. Hey chump, the store is the other way!
45. I made a real chump of myself in front of the boss.
46. She played the sympathy card and turned me into her little chump.
47. Do you think I'm some kinda chump? I'm not falling for that!
48. Don't act like such a desperate chump, have some dignity.
49. That boss took advantage of his employees and made chumps out of all of them.
50. Don't be my chump—think for yourself!
51. I'm no one's chump, I won't stand for being taken advantage of.
52. My so called friends made a laughingstock chump out of me at that party.
53. Quit acting like a lovestruck chump, have some self respect!
54. He's just a regular chump who fell for the oldest trick in the book.
55. Use your brain, don't be a gullible chump!
56. Don't act like such an idiot chump all the time.
57. Yeah right, like I'm going to fall for that and make a chump out of myself.
58. My greedy boss treats all his employees like chumps.
59. Don't be an obedient little chump, think for yourself for once!
60. What a chump, you seriously bought into that ridiculous story?
Common Phases
chump change - a small amount of money, often described as trivial
don't make a chump out of me - meaning don't fool or take advantage of me
don't be a chump - implying someone is acting foolishly or gullibly
played like a chump - used to describe someone who has been deceived or taken advantage of
made a chump of (someone)- used to say that someone has been made to look foolish
don't treat me like a chump - implying not to take me for a fool
sucker/chump for punishment- describing someone who routinely allows themselves to be mistreated
the chump always loses - implying the foolish person or the one who is naive is the one who comes out worse in an unfair situation
Hope these phrases help give some context for using the word chump! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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