"Circumscribe" Example Sentences
1. The builder circumscribed the foundation area with string and stakes.
2. The detective tried to circumscribe the suspect's movements on the night in question.
3. The lawyer tried to circumscribe the scope of the deposition to relevant topics.
4. They circumscribed the crime scene with police tape.
5. The scientist tried to circumscribe the possible causes of the anomaly.
6. The regulations seek to circumscribe certain behaviors.
7. The constraints circumscribe possible choices.
8. The professor tried to circumscribe his examples to fit within the allotted time frame.
9. The rules circumscribed what the students could and could not write about.
10. The limits of human knowledge circumscribe our horizons.
11. The circle circumscribes the square.
12. Nothing we say can fully circumscribe God.
13. The square is circumscribed by the circle.
14. Language cannot fully circumscribe reality.
15. The town is circumscribed by hills on three sides.
16. His vision is circumscribed by his upbringing and experiences.
17. The parameters circumscribe the range of potential outcomes.
18. The brand's guidelines circumscribe how the logo can be used.
19. His narrow purview circumscribes his analysis of the problem.
20. The laws circumscribe what people can and cannot do.
21. The requirements circumscribe the necessary qualifications.
22. The constitution circumscribes the powers of government.
23. The circular wall circumscribes the fortress.
24. His narrow view circumscribes his understanding of the situation.
25. The rules circumscribe what material is suitable for discussion.
26. The theory seeks to circumscribe all possible entities.
27. The doctrine circumscribes acceptable moral behavior.
28. Their powers are circumscribed by statute.
29. He tried to circumscribe his answer to fit the time allowed.
30. The area was circumscribed by tall fences.
31. The circle circumscribes both the triangle and the square.
32. His experience circumscribes his ability to relate to others.
33. The square is circumscribed within the circle.
34. Her imagination was circumscribed by rigid social norms.
35. His lexicon circumscribes a small part of reality.
36. Philosophers tried to circumscribe all that could be known.
37. The ideology circumscribes acceptable modes of thought.
38. The fortress is circumscribed by a deep moat.
39. The thinker sought to circumscribe absolute truth.
40. The formula circumscribes the contour of a circle.
41. His manner of thinking circumscribes a narrow worldview.
42. The guidelines circumscribe how corporate funds can be spent.
43. Their knowledge circumscribes a narrow sphere of expertise.
44. The map circumscribes the area explored by the early expedition.
45.The circle circumscribes both the square and the triangle.
46. Their experience circumscribes a narrow slice of human experience.
47. His research circumscribes a small area of interest.
48. The fortress is circumscribed by a stone wall.
49. The square is circumscribed within the compass of the circle.
50. The instructions circumscribe proper operating procedure.
51. Her research sought to circumscribe the facts of the matter.
52. His upbringing circumscribes his social awareness.
53. The class syllabus seeks to circumscribe relevant subjects.
54. The necessary qualifications circumscribe a narrow talent pool.
55. The fortress is circumscribed on all sides by high ramparts.
56. The circle circumscribes the regular polygon.
57. The definition circumscribes the key attributes of the term.
58. The town is circumscribed on three sides by mountains.
59. The square fits within and is circumscribed by the circle.
60. The regulations strictly circumscribe what can be shown on television.
Common Phases
1. Within the bounds/limits
Circumscribe within limits/boundaries
Circumscribe (something) within/by (something)
Circumscribe an area
Circumscribe (someone's) vision/thinking/imagination
Circumscribe (someone's) scope/purview/experience
Circumscribe (someone's) understanding
Circumscribe (someone's) knowledge/expertise
Circumscribe (someone's) ability
10. Circumscribing forces/constraints/parameters/guidelines
Example sentences:
He had to work within the bounds
circumscribed by the project guidelines.
The scientist tried to
circumscribe the possible causes within the known variables.
The rules sought to
circumscribe acceptable behavior within the culture's moral code.
The police
circumscribed the crime scene area with tape.
His narrow upbringing
circumscribed his vision of the wider world.
The role
circumscribes her scope of responsibilities.
His experience
circumscribes his understanding of the situation.
Her knowledge is
circumscribed to a few specialized topics.
His abilities are
circumscribed by his lack of resources.
The branding guidelines
circumscribe how the logo can be used.