Cognizeback example sentences

Related (9): cognition, recognition, acknowledgement, perception, awareness, understanding, realization, knowledge, insight

"Cognizeback" Example Sentences

1. I have no idea what "cognizeback" means.
2. She tried to cognizeback the details of the conversation.
3. It's difficult to cognizeback memories from childhood.
4. He attempted to cognizeback the lyrics to an old song.
5. The therapist helped her cognizeback traumatic experiences from her past.
6. I struggle to cognizeback events from the previous day.
7. During meditation, I try to cognizeback positive thoughts and feelings.
8. She couldn't cognizeback the name of the restaurant they went to last week.
9. He had to cognizeback important dates to prepare for an exam.
10. The historian was able to cognizeback significant events from centuries ago.
11. It's important to cognizeback the purpose and goals of a project.
12. She tried to cognizeback the emotions she felt after receiving the news.
13. The athlete had to cognizeback the techniques taught by the coach.
14. I can cognizeback the smell of my grandmother's cooking.
15. He struggled to cognizeback the plot of the book he read last month.
16. The student had to cognizeback grammatical rules for their essay.
17. She was able to cognizeback the steps for a complex recipe.
18. It's hard to cognizeback words in a foreign language you haven't used in years.
19. He had to cognizeback the phone number of someone he hadn't talked to in a while.
20. The musician had to cognizeback the chords to a song they hadn't played in a long time.
21. She struggled to cognizeback the directions to a place she visited a few years ago.
22. It can be difficult to cognizeback good memories during tough times.
23. The actor had to cognizeback the lines to a play they performed many years ago.
24. She tried to cognizeback the names of people she met at a party.
25. He struggled to cognizeback historical dates for his research project.
26. The scientist had to cognizeback experimental procedures for a grant proposal.
27. She could not cognizeback the instructor's lecture from earlier in the day.
28. It's important for a teacher to help their students cognizeback lessons from previous classes.
29. He had to cognizeback the details of a contract he signed years ago.
30. The doctor helped her cognizeback symptoms and medical history to make a diagnosis.

Common Phases

1) "I don't cognizeback what you just said";
2) "Can you cognizeback that information for me?";
3) "I'm trying to cognizeback the instructions";
4) "It's important to cognizeback the consequences of our actions";
5) "I need to cognizeback the details before making a decision";
6) "I always cognizeback my mistakes and learn from them";
7) "Let me cognizeback what I understood from our conversation";
8) "She has a hard time cognizebacking certain concepts";
9) "The teacher asked the students to cognizeback the lesson";
10) "The ability to cognizeback and remember things is crucial for learning".

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